my disguise


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i donno how many of you disguise your hair loss, but i have been doing it for years, i hate myself for it, whenever i go out i always wear a beanie hat, and at times i get so paranoid that someone will pull it off so i also wear a huddie just so i can pull it up if someone pulls the hat off, when i sleep round my friends houses i sleep with my beanie on, this in public is making me look like a thug but inside i know I'm not, i just don't want my ex school mates to see me let alone my own friends, because of my low confidence I've missed out on potential relationships with girls i like. sometimes i think to myself if i had all the cards in life i might not be a good person anymore, maybe hairloss at times makes a man feel my emotional and opens you up to things you would not of not cared about if you were confident, I'm just so depressed recently. I've been in love with this girl i know for about 5 years and we don't even speak much and now she has a boyfriend and I've missed my chance, the sad thing is that i dream about this girl alot to be honest, but I'll never have her. i just wanna think positive again. sorry if i went to far but its how i feel inside.


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I studied in England for a year and I skateboard. The people I skated with over there were all younger than I was so I was extra paranoid for them seeing my hair loss. From the very first time of meeting them til the day I left England I only let 1 of them see me without a baseball hat when we went to a pub one night. Now over in England it's not so common for people to wear baseball hats it's usually reserved for chavs (google to see what they are if you're american). It came back to get me though because eventually I had a fallout with one of these guys and apparently the other guy who saw me without a hat who's best mates with the guy who hates me now told him about it because the other guy has replied to every post I've made on this skateboard forum we both post on for months saying "f*** you you balding c***" and similar things.

After that I moved to Poland and made sure from the first day I met people to skate with they saw me without a hat. That way I could feel comfortable from the beginning. Actually I noticed more young balding guys in Poland than anywhere I've ever been so I felt extremely comfortable and women there don't seem to care about it at all.

Now that I'm back home I don't hide it because hiding it just adds more stress because you're always paranoid someone will knock your hat off and it's no way to live. Cut it short, start working out and most people won't say anything about it.

uncomfortable man

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I can relate to looking like a thug with wearing the beanie. There are just certain looks you can't achieve with a bald head or wearing a hat all the time.


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Wish I could be back where this would work. Where I could "cut it short". There is no "it" anymore so it's just head now. I've also been working out for years. But it doesn't make it any better at all.