My dream hairline - do you think its possible for me?


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This is a hair transplant result I hope to accomplish. Its by the same doctor who is doing my transplant (Dr. Arvind). The person seems to have a similar level of hairloss as me.
The only difference is that this result is with strip (4200 grafts), while I plan to use fue from scalp and beard.
What do you think of the hairline and do you think I am being realistic in my plan?


After 5 months




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That is one of the best hair transplant I seen ever. but to answer your question in one session I doubt it. maybe in 3 session depending on the doctor. I had only 450 FUE and that lasted around 5 hours. Imagine 4200. I feel FUE need to be alot more advanced. It's too expensive for such little results.


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Love the hairline! :bravo:

The fact that the same Doctor will be performing your hair transplant you should be in good hands. I’m sure you will be able to achieve a similar hairline, however depending on the density you desire and donor availability maybe not as low.

Yours is an interesting case Dev. Most transplants establish a hairline first then work back (most of the time for obvious reasons) whereas you have the luxury of working forward to the desired result, is that the plan?


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Thats amazing and your getting the same doctor to do the same precedure to you. That sound like a safe bet. Shows us the results after you get it done.


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Losingmyhair said:
That is one of the best hair transplant I seen ever. but to answer your question in one session I doubt it. maybe in 3 session depending on the doctor. I had only 450 FUE and that lasted around 5 hours. Imagine 4200. I feel FUE need to be alot more advanced. It's too expensive for such little results.

I know it will take many sessions. I have planned to go in stages over the next 2 years. If I get this hairline or even a cm higher with fue, I'd be ecstatic. Hope fue gets cheaper with time.


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bump! looking for opinions guys. I thought there'll be more replies :(


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My dream hairline would have to be ALOT thicker than that one.


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DoctorHouse said:
My dream hairline would have to be ALOT thicker than that one.
well i think he was more going for a dream he could make come true. Because if you have lost alot of hair then really high dencity is not possible.
I think that result is greate.. and just us "PRO" hairloxs guys would complain about it ... :p


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About this successful operation (shown in pic):
Did he use beard or body hair at all ? do you guys see that hair is a bit too thin and with a body hair-like texture... ?
that is what minoxidil is giving me these days btw


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waynakyo said:
About this successful operation (shown in pic):
Did he use beard or body hair at all ? do you guys see that hair is a bit too thin and with a body hair-like texture... ?
that is what minoxidil is giving me these days btw
Thin hair?
Are you guys kidding?

It's wet, and it's 5 months. That's about 30% density. I'd LOVE to have his 5 months results.


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waynakyo said:
About this successful operation (shown in pic):
Did he use beard or body hair at all ? do you guys see that hair is a bit too thin and with a body hair-like texture... ?
that is what minoxidil is giving me these days btw

This one is only strip. And if you think this is thin hair, I wonder what is thick for you.
If you are getting this much hair with minoxidil, stick with it. You may be one of the best responders to minoxidil.
Here are some 6 month pictures. Its getting even better.











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I'd say its thin hair if we were talking about a child, but this is a grown man. I see plenty of men with hair like that it does'nt look bad at all. It certainly looks better than being bald or being forced to shave it against your choice. No normal member of the public would look twice.


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Again.. i think its so difficult to get the hairline "just right". The improvement is great, especially at 5 months. Fantastic.

But, the hairline looks a bit unnatural to me. It doesn't touch the hairlines we see with H&W and Shapiro. Of course.. its 5 months.. it might soften up.

Overall, great improvement.


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richlocks said:
Again.. i think its so difficult to get the hairline "just right". The improvement is great, especially at 5 months. Fantastic.

But, the hairline looks a bit unnatural to me. It doesn't touch the hairlines we see with H&W and Shapiro. Of course.. its 5 months.. it might soften up.

Overall, great improvement.

Unnatural? I'd kill to have this hairline. I still don't have this hairline at 14 months.


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Feller, but if I go into the details my post might get locked. I'll simply say for now that I'm not satisfied with the result and won't go forward from there.


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Hm, could this guy make some pics with dry hair? And is he on any meds?


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Considering where you come from that is an AWESOME result. However I think you should shave it. It would look great with a crew cut because the hairline is so strong.


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metalheaddude said:
Considering where you come from that is an AWESOME result. However I think you should shave it. It would look great with a crew cut because the hairline is so strong.
Well, you forgot about the scar mhd =/


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If I saw you walking towards me or down the street I would not for one second think you are receeding or recently had hair transplant. The hair looks great and you've given receders like myself A LOT OF HOPE!

How much did this cost you?