My experience as a 'long timer'


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Well...long time I've been battling this...I don't post frequently, but still check in once in a while.

Just wanted to say something about minoxidil. Of course, this is my experience, your mileage may vary :)

Started to lose at about 29, 30...minoxidil was all I knew about, so I started with it. I got incredible results. I responded immediately. But the thing of it is, I wasn't really that bad. I still had a very full head, just didn't have my teenage hair, I could notice something was different. I did about 4 years, kept me at the same level for the most part (now, that's just to my eyes, in 'hair counts', who knows, maybe I'd begun to lose again-but it wasn't noticeable.) So, i figured I'd stop :)....

Shedded like crazy, went back on, and all was well again. Then I stopped for a long time (5, 6 months) just to see what would happen, because I knew (or thought) it would bring me back again...I lost what I'd gained, and now the battle moved to the temples. Put it there-and I had regrowth there also. Then I started to research and realize that I'd probably started all wrong, with a growth stimulator when it was early on. So I stopped about 8 months ago. Started topical dht inhibitor, etc...and prepared for the big shed. It came, and I'm probably close to 'baseline'. Baseline being right on the verge of noticeable to others when dry, in light you can see the spot on the back a little, and there's temple recession. But I still have 'coverage'. But it's just hanging in there....

SO, just wanted to pass along some thoughts, contribute here to younger guys. I hope they help, they're just what I've noticed-may not apply to you but hopefully it's helpful:

*I was able to maintain on 1/2 the dosage of minoxidil

*I went off for months at a time and was able to start up again and get (what seemed to me) similar results. Or at least satisfactory results.

*I cut the dosage because of irritation

*when I dropped the dosage down, I went into sort of a 'maintain' stage, I did see a difference for the better using the labeled dose

*my thought on minoxidil, knowing about the other posts about it's not being a permanent fix, etc, and only offsetting growth-I believe and understand that, but I feel it does have a place-because it put hair on my head!!

Now these are some random thoughts:

*It bothers me just as much at this age (late 30's) as it did then-however, I can't imagine how it must be even younger. I feel bad when I hear about someone with this starting in the early 20's. Just to say because I had a steady g/f and dating was over, didn't mean it bothered me less.

*I give myself permission to have a break from thinking about it for a few months at a clip. I go out and have fun and get involved in work and hobbies, and I tried to not let it consume me.

*Then I give myself some time to let it consume me :) (and it usually does, if I let it)

Good site, hopefully this helps someone.


Senior Member
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Cheers, i found your post useful...thanks.


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I guess the moral of the story is that I don't think it adversely affected non-male pattern baldness hair (the very top hair that remained unaffected throughout the whole time) and also the time I stopped for about half a year and got similar results once I resumed.


Established Member
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That was a great post man. Thanks. It's a really calming experience to have anyone that's been on any regimen for a long time pipe in to say, hey it's going to be chill.


Senior Member
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Rust - thanks for posting. It was very informative. I hope you'll continue to contribute. Lots of newbies have signed up lately that can use all of our help. Thanks again!