My Experience At Nuhart


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I have had four hair transplant procedures at Nuhart in Pittsburgh over a period of approximately four years. My doctor and medical staff have always been very professional, courteous, and informative in discussions with me about hair transplants. Before each session, my doctor would evaluate the success of my previous surgery and advise me of the number of graphs I would need to gradually get the density I wanted in a few sessions.

The surgeries I had at Nuhart were very relaxing and completed usually in a
couple of hours. The medical staff frequently asked about my comfort level or
if I needed anything like a drink, small snack, or stand up break. Nuhart's
Post-Op list of instructions for hair transplantation covers practically any
question a client could ask. I always felt confident and worry free when I left Nuhart's office. All I had to do was wait patiently for the hair to grow.

Nuhart's follow up call I received a few days later was also appreciated. I am
very pleased with the natural look of the hair grown as a result of my sessions
at Nuhart. Nuhart people know that their work changes people's lives in a
positive way and are very proud to be part of that process.


Senior Member
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dudemon said:

From what I've read online, you must be about the only guy whose ever had any work done by these people that is actually satisfied.

Nuhart = butchers = stay away!

MUCH better choices, just to name a few:
Dr Feller
Hasson and Wong
Ron Shapiro
Dr ********
Dr Cooley

Agreed 4 ops in 4 yrs is not a great strategy either they were small ops because the clinic cant do mega sessions or the outcomes were not that effective.
The fact that there are no pics posted to back up these claims also does'nt look very convincing.


Established Member
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He posted the same crap on hairsite. Really this is ridiculous at least he could take some effort to make his NuHart praises look less shilly.