My Experience Today.........


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This morning I got up washed my hair with nizoral and applied my 2% spironolactone. I decided to go to the mall to do a little shopping. I looked in the mirror before I left after applying some styling sh*t and thought..." Well damn that looks pretty good!". I got to the mall and went into the Bon-Ton and happened to notice a mirror. Walked over to the mirror and sh*t can see right through my hair. Must have been the lighting. All of a sudden looking in the mirror I noticed it suddenly became very hot in the store and noticed beads of sweat forming on my forehead. My pulsed quickened and I became very angry.
I left the store and passed by a couple of girls and all I could think was damn my hair looks like sh*t. The girls smiled and I smiled, but could not stop thinking that my hair looked horrible. Anyways, I'm just so sick of this sh*t and how something like hair can really ruin your f'ing' day!
This is so stupid and honestly I'm so sick of this sh*t!
Anyone feel the same??????


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Pretty much the day I realized I could see my crown thinning in the mirror while facing it was the day that really turned it around for me.

The mall has horrible spotlight areas right by mirrors. I consider them the ultimate test - if I can legitmately not see any scalp, I've passed.


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Man, you have girls smiling and checking you out in the mall and you are running away sweating because of your thin hair?

You are nutz man, next time start talking to them and dont worry about your balding head.


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Hey viperfish I would recommend buying DERMMATCH asap online I think its like 30 bucks and it lasts for up to 8 months. I have thinning hair and once applied it seriously looks like I've had a hair transplant.

Besides that I would just say hang in there.


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Like HairFreak and Axon said, ALL my days are ruined untill I exept this sh*t!

I stay away from mirrors/wash my hair with my eyes closed/shake off my pillow before I wake/spend and hour before work styling hair/go on every day hoping for progress strand by strand/look at others and whos looking at me/bad dreams/loss of appetite/sleeping pills/ect/ect/ect

But what I have to learn is that its all in my fn head. only I care, nobody else! Its all a psychological loss. I feel like sh*t but have to get over it or else Im making my life worse. (sorry for the babble)


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Thanks for the replies. I always try to hide my thinning hair with a baseball cap. maybe I just need to accept that fact that I'm balding and move on. This is hard to do. I just can't stop thinking about it and it's driving me f'ing nutz! :freaked2: :freaked2:

Green Soap

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Clippers. 9mm setting or shorter. Back and forth over your whole head. it's kind of like breaking the sound barrier. Once you're past it, the flying is as smooth as silk.

The shedder

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yea i have the same problem. Looking straight at me its fine, but when i turn my head you could see my temples have receeded.


viperfish said:
Thanks for the replies. I always try to hide my thinning hair with a baseball cap. maybe I just need to accept that fact that I'm balding and move on. This is hard to do. I just can't stop thinking about it and it's driving me f'ing nutz! :freaked2: :freaked2:

I try to hide my hair loss with a baseball cap too only because i got sick of the looks and the comments i was getting.As for accepting it i dont think i ever will man its too hard especially when people wont let you by pissing you off about it...