my failing regime...


Senior Member
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ok so i have been using spironolactone cream and revivogen for the last 4-5 months.
I dont think they are working well.
I use nizoral as well.

I am looking to change to a fluridil/prox n regime along with the foam.

is prox n worth it?

my temples are going veryyyy slowly.
just looking for some other stuff besides finasteride.


New Member
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I dont thik fluridil will help you. It's very weak. I've used it (eucapil - 2% fluridil) 7 month without results. spironolactone (5%) also didn't help me with regrows on my temples.
Now whant to try topically dutasteride with other useful components.


Established Member
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Well, Jm

I hope you find something that will help you, i'm in the same boat, the only thing that seems to really halt my hairloss is dutasteride (and before that for 4 years finasteride), but at the same time I get sides from it

I'm using proxN, spectral, supplements (green tea, black currant, fish oil, and acetyl L carnitine) and that definitely didn't stop my hairloss from progressing a LOT after a couple of weeks of stopping dutasteride,

I tried to add fluridil too for like a week, but that didn't work either, it just seems that as soon as i take a few weeks off of dutasteride, the hair starts falling out

I know a lot of people will say that this is too short a time to gage how well a product works, BUT if you already have the vast majority of your hair from dutasteride, and you quit it and immediately start something else that works, shouldn't there not really be much loss after a month?

BTW, I've tried in the past:

Xandrox + spironolactone Cream
RU (the supposed Holy Grail of topical antiandrogens)
Now supps. + spectral + ProxN + fluridil (for a short while)

Next up is Superzix with triple zinc, and whats left of my fluridil supply and maybe rogaine foam

Will anything else work but 5 ar inhibitors?