my father's cholesterol dropped a lot due to diet change


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when he was poor he did not eat many fruits and vegetables. Once he sold his house in california and moved to idaho, he had a lot more money and started eating right for the first time in his life, and hiking with my brother. He had high cholesterol, and without drugs it fell from where it was halfway down to where he wanted it to go, in under two months.

It just shows that eating healthy is all you have to do. If you abuse your body, you will age much faster. It is a total myth that you get weaker as you get older. Most people just slack off physically as they get older. My 60 year old father can do more chin ups that I can, and is stronger in many other areas except bench press, and I consider myself pretty athletic. I can bench 30 pounds more than i weigh, and that is taking the bar all the way down to my chest and back up.

to many people let themselves go downhill. i sell 64oz fountain drinks of coca cola to them 4 times a day. the dumb asses.



many people have elevated cholesterol because of their genetics. my mom is in great shape, i mean fantastic, but her cholesterol is still high and doctors recommend that she start taking drugs in the future.

i have the same thing. even when i was in fantastic shape(i'm talking 10% body fat) my cholesterol was still borderline. eating healthy helps but if high cholesterol runs in your family then it may take medication as well.