My first hair transplant with Dr. Cole


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Had my first hair transplant with Dr Cole on sept 28, I flew into Atlanta was a lot nicer than I thought it would be. They gave me 200 off for travel. I got to dr cole office at 730 am I was greeted by brandy who went over everything with me they took pictures and had to sign a few things and they also gave me a menu to put a order in for lunch. They said it would take around 8 hours. They started prepping me around 800 am they shaved my head around the the sides and back I said they can shave the whole thing if it would make things easier they said they didnt have to shave the top. So that was good. Dr. Cole came in and talked me about what I wanted to achieve and also went over everything with me.He was very personable and friendly they really made you feel at home. They had plenty of movies there you can pick to watch or cable tv. They started on me sometime before 900 am and finished up around 430 pm. I had a couple breaks to stretch and about 20 min for lunch. I wanted some work done on the temples and some in the front for more density and also done work on the crown. With a total of 1442 fue grafts. Dr cole had four woman there helping and one guy.My overall experience was very good was happy with the whole experience, the guy who works with cole been there since 93 we talked a bit at the end of the day we talked about some of the things I should take to maintain my existing hair, I said your lucky you dont have the hairloss gene he said he does have it, he said he had three hair transplants all done by dr cole you would never know he had work done he said his first was on his hairline by strip in 93 he said at the time dr cole was only a few docs that did single hairs on the hairline he pulled his hair back so I could see it looked great.Anyway only time will tell for me on how it will turn out. I had dr cole write me a script for proscar also.I also got the biotin spray and gel for the donor area.I also had acell done on the receipt area and the donor area.I will keep you guys updating over the following months. Here are some pics these were taken the day after surgery.


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Hope it works out better for you then it did for me. Also, I barely saw Cole over a day and a half. I wasted more than money, I wasted precious scalp donor.

Hope it works out for you, did he offer to sell you his patented shampoo for $180.00?

I stupidly bought that too. It doesnt contain "detergents" in it, guess thats why its so expensive....



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yea he did I bought the biotin spray for 60, For 180 you get shampoo, conditioner biotin spray and gel for donor area. Everything has healed up nicely in donor area. I was happy with the staff but only time will tell for end results. Why wasnt you happy? And do you have any before any after pics


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You been a member here for two years and I went over your posts and you never mentioned having work done by dr cole, untill now. There were plenty of people here asking about dr cole and I only heard two people say something bad about him and they never had work done by him they said they read something somewhere. The only concerns I've read were donor scars from fue and after having work done and being only two weeks later my girlfriend said she cant even notice my hair length right now is prob a 1 guard.


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KP211 said:
You been a member here for two years and I went over your posts and you never mentioned having work done by dr cole, untill now.



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so!!! your a dick , people use these sites like this to make decisions on something thats going to effect the rest of their life. You never had work done by him and you said that you had. you said you paid 180 for shampoo, which it is four different items you get for that price. You dont have to buy anyway they offer it to you at a cost, any top shampoo or follicle spray is expensive. they were a little cheaper than any other Doctor doing fue and he specializes in it, were most other docs specialize in strip. You should not bash a Doctor unless you had work done by him witch you didnt you dick. My whole experience with dr cole was good. My donor area is not an issue you cant tell I had anything done, but only time will tell on the grafts. 6 months to a year from now im gonna be his biggest supporter or critic. If im not happy or happy with the end results everybody will know it and im legit because I had work done by him not you dick.


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KP211 said:
so!!! your a dick , people use these sites like this to make decisions on something thats going to effect the rest of their life. You never had work done by him and you said that you had. you said you paid 180 for shampoo, which it is four different items you get for that price. You dont have to buy anyway they offer it to you at a cost, any top shampoo or follicle spray is expensive. they were a little cheaper than any other Doctor doing fue and he specializes in it, were most other docs specialize in strip. You should not bash a Doctor unless you had work done by him witch you didnt you dick. My whole experience with dr cole was good. My donor area is not an issue you cant tell I had anything done, but only time will tell on the grafts. 6 months to a year from now im gonna be his biggest supporter or critic. If im not happy or happy with the end results everybody will know it and im legit because I had work done by him not you dick.

You stupid f***, I wasted 10 grand with Cole.

Bite me.


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sc64 said:
Mini&Micro said:
KP211 said:
You been a member here for two years and I went over your posts and you never mentioned having work done by dr cole, untill now.

So? Tell us about your hair transplant with Dr Cole.

Shut up shill


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KP211 said:
Had my first hair transplant with Dr Cole on sept 28, I flew into Atlanta was a lot nicer than I thought it would be. They gave me 200 off for travel. I got to dr cole office at 730 am I was greeted by brandy who went over everything with me they took pictures and had to sign a few things and they also gave me a menu to put a order in for lunch. They said it would take around 8 hours. They started prepping me around 800 am they shaved my head around the the sides and back I said they can shave the whole thing if it would make things easier they said they didnt have to shave the top. So that was good. Dr. Cole came in and talked me about what I wanted to achieve and also went over everything with me.He was very personable and friendly they really made you feel at home. They had plenty of movies there you can pick to watch or cable tv. They started on me sometime before 900 am and finished up around 430 pm. I had a couple breaks to stretch and about 20 min for lunch. I wanted some work done on the temples and some in the front for more density and also done work on the crown. With a total of 1442 fue grafts. Dr cole had four woman there helping and one guy.My overall experience was very good was happy with the whole experience, the guy who works with cole been there since 93 we talked a bit at the end of the day we talked about some of the things I should take to maintain my existing hair, I said your lucky you dont have the hairloss gene he said he does have it, he said he had three hair transplants all done by dr cole you would never know he had work done he said his first was on his hairline by strip in 93 he said at the time dr cole was only a few docs that did single hairs on the hairline he pulled his hair back so I could see it looked great.Anyway only time will tell for me on how it will turn out. I had dr cole write me a script for proscar also.I also got the biotin spray and gel for the donor area.I also had acell done on the receipt area and the donor area.I will keep you guys updating over the following months. Here are some pics these were taken the day after surgery.
Looks good,Do keep us posted,Looking into fue myself about 700 to 800 with cole next feb or so like to see how this turns out.


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I will keep you guys updated? nice of you to elaborate on your experience with cole micro mino penis!! You been a member here for two years with no mention of having work done with cole if you felt slighted you should of said said something earlier, find it hard to believe that you would only now mention something, You have no credibility. how about some before and after pics and a little more elaboration on your story, if you cant provide either then you should just shut up.


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This Mini&Micro f** needs to be banned.

If you don't have anything to back up your claims, then shut the fukk up.


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yea he definitely wasn't credible, if you view his past posts and hes been a member here for two years he never mentions going to cole for work or ever having work done by him, now all a sudden he claims he wasted 10 grand with him without no elaboration


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JerryMaguire said:
This Mini&Micro f*g needs to be banned.

If you don't have anything to back up your claims, then shut the fukk up.

I need to be BANNED? Because I'm critical of an experience I paid TEN THOUSAND dollars on?

Here's a suggestion: Why don't YOU kiss my big white ***?

I stand by my complete, utter disappointment in my results, but what bothers me most is this:

Firs off, I saw him maybe 20% of the time I was there. He was also working on SOMEONE ELSE as his techs worked on me. Originally, we had planned on doing a smaller session. When it came time for the plan to move forward, we changed it. He then asked me if I'd like to do more, actually twice what we planned. So we changed direction from the original plan and doubled the graft count, thereby doubling the cost.

Personally, I think the entire routine was planned in advance (at least the part about asking whether or not I "wanted more grafts") . Either way, the new direction was the WRONG direction. Since I was a REPAIR patient, I didnt have the scalp grafts to waste. Under Cole's direction, they were used where they did LITTLE good, with LITTLE overall effect on my repair.

It doesnt matter what I say about Cole, he will have a line of people outside his door everyday, and he knows it. He doesnt give two shits if you are happy with his results, he only cares about cashing your paycheck (in advance, non refundable)

So you can now go back to jerking each other off over your results. And his little $180.00 shampoo kit only added insult to injury.


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If thats the case then why you only saying something now, we use these forums to make decisions on docs we might use i was on here asking about cole before i decided on him, I was on other forums also and they said he was a good Doctor, until after i use him then all of a sudden you want to chime in. I was happy with cole and he recommended 1200 grafts and he did do more than that he did 1442 but only charged me for 1200 grafts because he knows im a fireman and he said he had a lot of respect for us . All im saying is if you wasnt happy with cole then number one i would call him and tell him that and maybe he would help you out untill you was happy, if you did do that and he ignored you then you should off been on here bashing him from the get go untill no end I know i would.


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I don't spend everyday on these forums. I barely read half of these posts. And if I posted in all boldface, and warned every potential patient of Cole's on every single hairloss website there would still be a line of patients outside his door every day.

I told you my story, he wasted both my money and, more importantly, my donor.

You'll probably get a good result, as will the others who saw him. Cole won't butcher anyone, but he can, and does, still do shoddy work on patients like myself.

If I didnt say it before, I'm saying it now about Dr. Cole:

Caveat emptor


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Yea, I hear ya, I was happy with dr coles work my donor area like I said looks great and was happy with the placement of grafts, now i just got to wait and see how they grow out now, You said you went to him for repair work fortunately I never been hacked, i dont know if you just didnt have enough donor to achieve the results you was looking for, i personally would of asked him to remove bad implants and re implant them somewhere else, also who did the work original work that screwed you up ,you should mention his name. Also you never mentioned if you contacted dr cole with your concerns and what did he say if you did? if not you should contact him because i think any decent Doctor would try and help you out if you were unhappy, with in reason. I'm sure there are a lot of patients that come in there and think there going to have a full head of hair 6 months later then there pissed because most of us know thats not going to happen. I know dr cole went over everything with me he def didnt recommend putting grafts low on the hairline because of potential future loss also he also told me that i may need to get more work done in the future if i was to lose some existing hair, i wasnt on anything as of prevention at the time so he wrote me out a script for proscar with was cheap thru insurance i just cut them in four i take every other day.