My Follicle Thoughts: Keep Calm And Lower Your Expectations


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So some new angry kids on the block lost their mind seeing my post on here and started cursing because it does not fit their high standards of scientific contribution here. The General discussion section is full of "am I going bald?" posts, while here it is 50% dermarolling or RU, tough choice.

I would like to delete the post and informed the forum, but in the meantime I leave you with a quote for the New Yorker that interviewed Christiano last year. It is in italics below. That summarizes to some extent my point about the difficulties laying ahead. Many treatments in pipeline can be characterized as either attempts to stimulate embryonic conditions and growth factors (histogen, IPSCs,..) or recreating hair follicles mostly using DSCs (Replicel, Christiano, ..). A lot in the pipeline, but they hinge on a similar mechanism working. We have our eggs in 2-3 baskets.

As for my experimentation with drugs (since this will likely be my last post for a while): RU is the thing that stopped me losing hair once and for all, period. Once I went on a high dose, i never shed again. But I never grew hair either.


From the New Yorker last year:

Cloning has seen many false starts and wrong turns, Christiano told me. Now her team is building “an artificial skin with a dermis and an epidermis, with molds made to mimic the dimensions of hair density,” she explained. “When the artificial skin matures we pull out the pre-formed hairs and insert them into the skin.” Bernstein is convinced that, in the next ten years, cloned hair will happen. “And then the supply and demand problem is solved,” Bernstein said. “Without Bernanke!”

Christiano is more of a skeptic. Lab results are nice, she said, but “you can grow mouse or rat hair sixteen ways till Sunday. They grow beautifully!” She laughed. “Humans, not so much.” She points out that there’s so much we still don’t understand. For one: Why does the hair on the back of men’s heads stick around, even when all the rest drops? She also counsels caution when playing God with hair loss. Some companies are seeking hair-restoration cures by attempting to modify developmental-cell pathways. Those pathways, Christiano says, “are potent, and so it’s tempting, but you have to make sure it’s well enough controlled that you don’t initiate a cancer signal.”
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Get this sh*t out of the research section! There are already several threads here that you can post your thoughts about the pessimistic (maybe realistic) outlooks of hair loss treatments. Also you don’t have to tell everybody about your dating life because nobody cares!


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Intercytex always gets cited as a reason for pessimism but there's so many more companies working right now. Hair cloning is slated for clinical trials in 2020 by three companies (Stemson, Invitrohair, Tsuji).

Outside of cellular stuff there's at least one company in phase 3 (Samumed) and 2 that are slated to begin phase 3 in the next 6 months (Follica and Breezula).

The field has expanded massively in the last 15 years, its not fair to act as if nothing has changed.


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Why is every f***** opening a thread in the 'New Research' section just to tell his personal general opinion about the whole industry and/or talking about his date-life.
I don't blame the post, it's just the wrong section and nobody who's visiting this section cares about the life of a random dude from internet (no attack, just saying)...


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Hey @waynakyo,

glad to see there are still a few of the old, more educated members around. This forum really had an influx of, well, the opposite the last few years.

I share your feelings about newly engineered follicles, but I am mildly optimistic about Follica and RepliCel.

Regardless of the fact that your posts were always well-informed and helpful, the other posters are right: This is not a thread for the research section ;) we already have too much off-topic stuff in here which makes it hard to extract actually useful information.


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So instead of shaving, or wearing a hair system to go out and live a life, you choose to wallow in your self-pity laziness, got it.


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I have been on this forum for over a decade and a half, as well as on other forums. I used to regularly update the latest publications on here. I have been following the latest on two notable blogs on hair loss research FT and HLC2020. I think my optimism has waned to say the least. If you don't want to read some pessimistic thoughts please stop reading here. No need to leave scathing comments. I really hope I am wrong.

From everything I see and read, I am not expecting any cure on the market anytime soon. I will tell you my reasons below. But before I do, my point is that the smart way to go about this is either try to live with it -- which sucks incredibly -- or to continue looking for other treatments and "hacks."

I am not sure whom of you remember intercytex, but ever since scientists floated the idea that a follicle can be re-created or regenerated to create terminal hairs (be it cloning, stem cell, regeneration, bio-printing ... ) we had one hype after the other that all failed.They had a similar premise. The chances that the next big ones will produce effective results and get to the market within 5 years are extremely slim. Five years ago histogen kept us dreaming, and we know how that went. So far it is almost 100% failure since the last treatment (propecia, which I do not recommend). Do not get fooled, 90% of them are addressing the problem from a very similar angel, and therefore our risks are not hedged. To be geeky about it: errors are correlated, and if one fails, the others are more likely to fail too.

Not only do they have yet to regenerate hair in their trials, but we do not know how these cloned/bio-printed follicles will behave. Will hair look as awkward as a body hair transplant? So much more to be figured out before it is available in a clinic. What are they doing in the clinics in the meantime? More FUT, more testing of propecia and minoxidil, and some funky treatments.

My only success story was with RU, I was one of the first to experiment with it. And from what I read on this forum, this is the most robust new viable treatment we had since propecia, except it is experimental, and therefore could be dangerous. Perhaps not as dangerous as Propecia, perhaps more, who knows. I do not encourage.

The curse of hair loss is real. Ever since my last major shed - several years ago, I was no longer considered good looking by girls and I agree with them (I can see myself in the mirror and feel 10 years older), and my dating life has been pathetic. I used to go out with really cute and nice girls, and that has created a hard-to-break standard, which is the reason why I am still single. I think I should accept it, and face the fact that the day where I will look better is not going to come - by the time hair is back, if it will ever, I will be too old to date :) Not all of you look much worse bald, so if you are lucky enough to be able to sport the bald look I strongly encourage you to embrace it and forget about hair loss. For the rest of us it is almost impossible.

There is no moral for this story. I deeply hope that I am completely wrong on this, and that one of you will soon post some validated market-ready outcomes and tell me "take that". I will be happy to "take that" then.

show pics of your hair man to see if its this bad, how old are you ?


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I have been on this forum for over a decade and a half, as well as on other forums. I used to regularly update the latest publications on here. I have been following the latest on two notable blogs on hair loss research FT and HLC2020. I think my optimism has waned to say the least. If you don't want to read some pessimistic thoughts please stop reading here. No need to leave scathing comments. I really hope I am wrong....

Stop wasting my time f*****! This section is already saturated with threads which have nothing to do with "new research, studies and technologies".


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Well... we WILL get CB. Even if Breezula fails, Winlevi is 100% coming out, and you be able to make CB in compounding pharmacies. Also Samumed will likely pass.