my friend turns into such a prick

Hans Gruber

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when he is drunk............he is the only person to ever mention in any way my hairloss since i have been dealing(i say dealing,i dont mean like dealing with a death or anything that bad) with it,the last time was in about 2003,and before that 2000,well last night he was drunk and making an arse of himself and started saying how he was getting made fun of cos he is going grey,so i f*****g saw his next comment coming,'blah blah im going grey but libertine blah blah is going bald blah blah......' now this doesnt really bother me cos quite frankly he is an overweight bastard and yes he is going grey and yes he is even getting thin on the crown,but do i mention it? like f*** i do,i just dont go in for mentioning sh*t like that,its just not the done thing (IMO)

but anyway,it did piss me off and yes he is a f*****g twat when he is drunk but bollocks to him quite frankly,im on meds and im making progress and once ive got to where im heading he can stick his drunken 'shave it' comments up his certainly makes me want to keep to my regimen

i put his blatant lack of feeling down to the corporate world eating his soul in recent months,he has turned from being a laid back hippy stoner sort to being a suited c unt with no regard for anyone ,more so when he is drunk

anyway im sure im rambling,but better i do it here than to his face,all that being said he has been a friend for a long time and as he made clear last night 'bllurh blah if yu was getin beats by some coont i feckin beat de livin shi oot e them'

i just wish he wouldnt drink,some people turn into such dickheads

:D :D :D


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Getting drunk has its consequences and for some people is a way of life. I've seen people's lives destroyed by drinking too much daily.


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As for your friend, it depends how he said it and if it was in front of other people. I only tell people in private, and tell them that propecia works, and they still hate me.

This is interesting to me because I recently figured out that 99% of people lye every day (white lies), and want to be lied to. They want to be told happy lies, and they don't want to tell you your flaws either. It is a code of silence, to keep everyone happy and peaceful. So when I come along with the truth, trying to figure everything out, and telling bald guys they need propecia, and telling the woman I dated (after she asked me for honesty) that the ton of makeup she wore did not help her appearance, I got a lot of people upset at me. And they did not tell me either. Well, she did, a week later, after fuming silently the whole time, and then telling me she does not want to talk to me again.


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my TA told the class he could not take this anymore and had to go home and drink. He walked out the door and was gone for two minutes. Then came back. Funny guy, pulling our leg like that.

Hans Gruber

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he said it like a drunken fool in front of our other friends,its not that he said anything about hairloss ,its the fact he said anything at all.i knew full well that once he said how he was getting sh*t for going grey he would turn the attention from himself onto me,just annoys me when he is so far from physical perfection yet he feels he can just blurt out that i have hairloss and that i should shave it all off-he hasnt a clue there are treatments available.

the thing is with him when he is drunk he is just such a tit,he'll go on about 'getting a wh*** in' and last night he turned up with car aerials he snapped off on his way over,it just annoys me that when not drunk hes almost normal,then the demon drink takes hold and he turns into an idiot.


That sucks, man. I know what it is like to have that kinda "drunken fool" friends since I have many... just yesterday when I was out drinking with my friends I just waited and waited that one of them would bring up the good ole hair topic... fortunately no one did.

Hans Gruber

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GrowHairGrow! said:
That sucks, man. I know what it is like to have that kinda "drunken fool" friends since I have many... just yesterday when I was out drinking with my friends I just waited and waited that one of them would bring up the good ole hair topic... fortunately no one did.

yea it does kinda annoy me,but i got pretty used to it since i was about 20 or so doesnt really matter ,its his fear of going grey that prompted the comment ,hes got insecurities just like us all


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Sorry to hear that your friend is such a prick. It's something you'd think friends would be there for you for, but when push comes to shove...

The prick who's given me the most sh*t is my recent ex (we stayed friends), who would say to me "wow you really are going thin. Thankfully, I've still got a perfect hairline, unlike yourself." and I sometimes when we'd go out, I'd ask him to style my hair. It first started out that he'd do it with no comments but soon enough it came to "I just can't do it anymore, I don't have that skill to make a masterpiece of something so little. You think I'm probably just being a b**ch, but seriously - your hair is too thin to do anything with. Just leave it as it is."

When I told him that I had begun Proscar and Regaine, he said "Why bother? Why don't you just go bald gracefully? It's never ever going to work. Just forget about it and stop worrying about it. Just get it cut short and at least try to be be happy."

When we would take pics of us with friends, he'd say "I deleted the pics of you. I didn't think you or anyone would want to see them. Your hair looked thin, so much so you looked mid 30's." or once a friend was saying something like "who was that bald guy I spoke to?" and he said "His name's Andy!" (my name btw) but she said "Andy's not bald, and I know who he is."

It just came that I had enough so I told him to f*** off. Because maybe so he has a perfect hairline, but where my hair is thick (sides, back, middle of my head) his hair is thin there. Yes, he doesn't have any problems with his crown or the front, but I hope that soon enough the same thing will happen to his hair.


Mehmoo said:
Sorry to hear that your friend is such a prick. It's something you'd think friends would be there for you for, but when push comes to shove...

The prick who's given me the most $#iT is my recent ex (we stayed friends), who would say to me "wow you really are going thin. Thankfully, I've still got a perfect hairline, unlike yourself." and I sometimes when we'd go out, I'd ask him to style my hair. It first started out that he'd do it with no comments but soon enough it came to "I just can't do it anymore, I don't have that skill to make a masterpiece of something so little. You think I'm probably just being a b****, but seriously - your hair is too thin to do anything with. Just leave it as it is."

When I told him that I had begun Proscar and Regaine, he said "Why bother? Why don't you just go bald gracefully? It's never ever going to work. Just forget about it and stop worrying about it. Just get it cut short and at least try to be be happy."

When we would take pics of us with friends, he'd say "I deleted the pics of you. I didn't think you or anyone would want to see them. Your hair looked thin, so much so you looked mid 30's." or once a friend was saying something like "who was that bald guy I spoke to?" and he said "His name's Andy!" (my name btw) but she said "Andy's not bald, and I know who he is."

It just came that I had enough so I told him to f*** off. Because maybe so he has a perfect hairline, but where my hair is thick (sides, back, middle of my head) his hair is thin there. Yes, he doesn't have any problems with his crown or the front, but I hope that soon enough the same thing will happen to his hair.

Your ex sounds like a real b**ch :lol: . Why don't you just end the friendship? I wouldn't take that kinda sh*t from anyone.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
Your ex sounds like a real b**** :lol: . Why don't you just end the friendship? I wouldn't take that kinda $#iT from anyone.

lol he is a b**ch. But when I told him to f*** off, that was pretty much the final goodbye. Not once have I regreted it.

My friends are now 100% supportive. They've read up on Proscar and Regaine and so know what's what. Where as he, he had no idea if the drug works or not, it was just in his Mr. Know-it-all attitude that it wouldn't work.


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It's really embrassing when someone pointed out your baldness in public. It wasn't funny at all.

Hans Gruber

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Mehmoo said:
Sorry to hear that your friend is such a prick. It's something you'd think friends would be there for you for, but when push comes to shove...

The prick who's given me the most $#iT is my recent ex (we stayed friends), who would say to me "wow you really are going thin. Thankfully, I've still got a perfect hairline, unlike yourself." and I sometimes when we'd go out, I'd ask him to style my hair. It first started out that he'd do it with no comments but soon enough it came to "I just can't do it anymore, I don't have that skill to make a masterpiece of something so little. You think I'm probably just being a b****, but seriously - your hair is too thin to do anything with. Just leave it as it is."

When I told him that I had begun Proscar and Regaine, he said "Why bother? Why don't you just go bald gracefully? It's never ever going to work. Just forget about it and stop worrying about it. Just get it cut short and at least try to be be happy."

When we would take pics of us with friends, he'd say "I deleted the pics of you. I didn't think you or anyone would want to see them. Your hair looked thin, so much so you looked mid 30's." or once a friend was saying something like "who was that bald guy I spoke to?" and he said "His name's Andy!" (my name btw) but she said "Andy's not bald, and I know who he is."

It just came that I had enough so I told him to f*** off. Because maybe so he has a perfect hairline, but where my hair is thick (sides, back, middle of my head) his hair is thin there. Yes, he doesn't have any problems with his crown or the front, but I hope that soon enough the same thing will happen to his hair.

crikey! sounds like your ex is quite possibly the lowest form of scum going!

seriously you had one lucky escape,for anyone to be such a b**ch clearly shows he had his own severe insecurities,comments like his always say more about them than you!


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Mehmoo said:
GrowHairGrow! said:
Your ex sounds like a real b**** :lol: . Why don't you just end the friendship? I wouldn't take that kinda $#iT from anyone.

lol he is a b****. But when I told him to f*** off, that was pretty much the final goodbye. Not once have I regreted it.

My friends are now 100% supportive. They've read up on Proscar and Regaine and so know what's what. Where as he, he had no idea if the drug works or not, it was just in his Mr. Know-it-all attitude that it wouldn't work.

Well I can tell you for sure that the drugs do work. Don't expect miracles but they definetely do help in maintenance and some growth if you combien finasteride with minoxidil.


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Nathaniel said:
Mehmoo said:
GrowHairGrow! said:
Your ex sounds like a real b**** :lol: . Why don't you just end the friendship? I wouldn't take that kinda $#iT from anyone.

lol he is a b****. But when I told him to f*** off, that was pretty much the final goodbye. Not once have I regreted it.

My friends are now 100% supportive. They've read up on Proscar and Regaine and so know what's what. Where as he, he had no idea if the drug works or not, it was just in his Mr. Know-it-all attitude that it wouldn't work.

Well I can tell you for sure that the drugs do work. Don't expect miracles but they definetely do help in maintenance and some growth if you combien finasteride with minoxidil.

I totally agree, as long as you are not expecting miracle regrowth, the treatment will very likely help you maintain what you have with minor regrowth.