My Fucked Up Balding Dream I Had Last Night

g.i joey

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I had a dream that i was checking my hair in the mirror and realized i lost a sh*t load of density. As i was looking through my scalp i realized i had big round pimples/blisters that were painful as hell and distributed throughout my WHOLE scalp. That sh*t was scary... but the amount of relief i felt when i woke up and ran my hand through my scalp and didnt feel any big *** pimples felt amazing!!

i dont even know why i posted it here, but i guess at this point everyone else should share their most fucked up balding dream.

g.i joey

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The worst is having a dream you have all your hair then wake up to it being false.

At least you can enjoy the dream while it lasts lol, my dream was a fkn horror story, it was literally game over. If that was the outcome of my balding in real life, the chances of me offing myself would have gone up significantly.


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At least you can enjoy the dream while it lasts lol, my dream was a fkn horror story, it was literally game over. If that was the outcome of my balding in real life, the chances of me offing myself would have gone up significantly.
Yea the blisters make me cringe but good thing that isn's reality. Damn imagine some fungal infection on a bald head. Rip


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When i wore a system I used to have on average one wig nightmare a week. Would wake up drenched in sweat.

Every dream had a similar outcome of someone discovering and exposing me as.a wearer. Which often involves tugging it off.

Why did I have them? Because that stupid wig is on your mind 24/7

g.i joey

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Yea the blisters make me cringe but good thing that isn's reality. Damn imagine some fungal infection on a bald head. Rip

I think this is one of the few times where wearing a piece may be beneficial. @shookwun would you advise someone who has big beauty mark like pimples/blisters distributed throughout their whole scalp to wear a piece? i feel like this is one of the few circumstances where it can be warranted.


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I think this is one of the few times where wearing a piece may be beneficial. @shookwun would you advise someone who has big beauty mark like pimples/blisters distributed throughout their whole scalp to wear a piece? i feel like this is one of the few circumstances where it can be warranted.

Get the moles removed by a plastic surgeon and do some laser/fraxel resurfacing.

There are many options out there