My FUE Hair Transplant


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I have a FUE hair transplant scheduled for Oct. 6th, but I can still cancel within the next two weeks. Due to the concerns I have below, I may just do that. I'd like to get your feedback to consider. Perhaps I need to be talked out of this because there are things I haven't considered, and information I'm unaware of.

My hairloss started when I was about 20 or 21. I only realized what was happening when I was about 23 and decided to take action, staring on the standard proscar/rogaine regimen when I was 23. I'm now nearly 31, and I do not believe my hairloss has gotten worse over these 8 years. I'm fortunate that the medication has worked so well and I've not had any side effects.

I find myself extremely self-conscious of my hairline. I dread windy days and am sick and tired of sporting a mop of a haircut to hide my hairloss. Since my hairloss seems to have stabilized I feel that I can now consider hair transplant surgery.

Age 23:
Misc 2006 003.jpg

Age 30:

Finding a hair transplant Center:
The line drawn above was for the pictures I was sending to two leading hair transplant clinics. I sent pictures to Hasson & Wong in Vancouver and Shaprio Medical in Minneapolis. The rep from H&W told me that the hairline I drew "is that of an adolescent and the surgeon will not perform what I'm requesting"...My thoughts were I was just drawing an approximation of where I want my hairline to be restored to, and I would depend on them to draw a specific natural hairline for me. I was not impressed with this and, since I found Matt Zupan at Shaprio to be very helpful and savvy in answering my questions, to go with them.

This is the hairline that he drew for me:
I would like to see an extremely conservative hair transplant, not doing the center of my head as pictured in yellow above. I want to minimize the number of grafts.

The hair transplant is scheduled for Oct. 6th:
The hair transplant is scheduled with Dr. Josephitis on Oct. 6th. I had researched the Shapiros, and I had never heard of this surgeon. Googling him is yielding few reviews. I'm going to ask for some pictures of his work. It seems strange that they charge the same $/graft with this (inexperienced?) surgeon as they do for those who are more well known. I'm going to ask about that and report back.

Concerns that I have about the hair transplant:
- That I'm going to have to continue having hair transplant's as I age, as my hair receeds further. Otherwise I'd be left with two tufts of hair islands at the front of my scalp.
- That I need to go off proscar once I'm ready to start a family, causing my hair to receed dramatically. My girlfriend/"probable life partner" is a pharmacist and believes I may need to go off the meds for as long as year before we want to conceive...we still need to research this.
- That I seem to be scheduled with a surgeon who I can find very little information on. I would expect to see many reports from patients on forums like this one.

I'll continue updating this thread as time goes on. Thanks for reading. Your feedback is appreciated.

Wolf Pack

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Go for it. You're the right age, stabilised, doing well on finasteride. The perfect candidate to come back with a great hairline, strong Norwood 2 and density. This will mimic full hair in real life. I'm in a similar boat but I don't have diffuse thinning like you do, your anterior 1/3 looks weak as it did when you were 23 but finasteride has kept it.

You don't need to go off finasteride. By all means speak to your Doctor but there is a very low concentration of finasteride in your semen, not enough to affect a male foetus, it has to be a male baby too. Clinical trials showed that pregnant monkeys carrying male foetuses, given 200 times the dose of finasteride found in semen, did still not develop disorders. But the risk is theoretically there which is why some people recommend coming off it for a few weeks.