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You guys are so depressing! I just get more depressed when I read posts on this forum.

The same group of guys constantly posting on here thinking that everyone's thoughts revolve around their hairloss.

Hairloss sucks, yes... but you have got to realize that people are not as obsessed as you are!

Live your life... you only have one. Don't waste the majority of it sitting on a hairloss forum and trying to analyze what others are thinking

There are tons of girls who go for bald guys.. because SURPRISE that is not all that girls care about.

You think every guy in the world that is losing his hair is single? NO


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Thinneritgoes! said:
You guys are so depressing! I just get more depressed when I read posts on this forum.

The same group of guys constantly posting on here thinking that everyone's thoughts revolve around their hairloss.

What I bolded is extremely important to take note.


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I really don't have a problem with them posting negatively about hair loss, and I can't see why there are post after post calling them babies, etc.

I say, either offer supportive replies, or just ignore them completely.

Why do you get so fired up you have to call them out like this?

It is a very difficult thing to deal with - if you've gotten over it, congrats to you, but for some people, for whatever reasons, maybe family life growing up, maybe social situations, it's tougher.

I don't see why you care so much, honestly.


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This is called "the impact of hairloss" so what do you expect.
For some guys like HP, UCman and myself who have been 'suffering' this for 10+ yrs its good to vent your frustrations about it and confide with other people in the same situation.
Its good to know that other people out there can relate to your own experiences. That is what this section is for. Obviously people who are'nt too bothered about baldness wont be posting on here.
If you dont like it dont read it.


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Another "preacher". I always wonder why these people even come here then?

You don't see me posting on divorce forums saying "get over it" already. Or illness forums, saying the same thing.

If someone's hairloss (which is subjective to the amount of loss and age) doesn't bother them, that's great. But then why come to a hairloss website? You don't just stuble upon a site like this without searching for it. There is no typo that makes you end up here. People came here because they were worried abot hairloss or suffering from it. Then to preach to others is just moronic.

What many fail to understand is people take things differently. If your family dies, would you like me to sit there and tell you to "man up and just deal with it" because I have had some loss as well as was able to deal with it? Of course not. Only the person going through it knows how HE/SHE is dealing with it.

It's like that other guy in UMan's thread. It's funny how he is here preaching. Let him lay out HIS story for us to dissect with photos and complete backstory. I bet he doesn't do it though.


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i like hat prisoner now and feel bad for being one of the many people who beartes him.

So to sum up

LEAVE UC MAN ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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i like hat prisoner now and feel bad for being one of the many people who beartes him.

So to sum up

LEAVE UC MAN ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol, hat prisoner fan club :woot:


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I knew I was going to get all of the negative responses.

I think my post was taken the wrong way. Let me clear some things up:

Number 1: I've been posting on this forum since 2004 if you look at my date joined under my name. I've been losing hair since about 2002.

My hair is in awful condition. I've been on and off meds.. tried all different things.

I'm actually really depressed about my hair and have been for a long time.

Number 2: I am not trying to bring anyone down. I feel bad that hairloss is affecting us like this.

I'm not just some "NW2" that came in and is telling you guys to get over it.

I'm just saying that we should be stronger than letting it affect us to the point where our lives are at a stand still. Hence my "one life to live" comment.

hairloss compared to loss in a family? come on now.

I hope this clears things up. I'm in the same boat as you guys. I'm just saying that I get depressed reading some posts on here because I can relate and wish it didn't matter to guys as much.

Any specific questions about "my story" are welcomed.

Sorry guys


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You know, I actually like the negativity in this forum because it makes me feel as if I'm not alone with this problem. I know we all have to get over this, but at least for me, letting frustration out makes me feel better.

Even reading stories from other guys comforts me because some have faced some really crap situations that I haven't, so sometimes I even feel rather fortunate and so I end up feeling better.


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Im not comparing hairloss to a loss in the family though some people take hairloss harder.

I'm saying when one person who has lost someone and it didn't bother them too much tells someone who lost someone and is devasted, well it's the same logic, or lack thereof.

People feel things differently. When I was starting to lose my hair I was devasted. But it wasn't even the same as it is now in terms of there is nothing I can do. There is nothing to take, cover up. It's just gone. And if I hate how I look, I am sh*t out of luck.


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Thinneritgoes! said:
I'm just saying that we should be stronger than letting it affect us to the point where our lives are at a stand still. Hence my "one life to live" comment.

I agree with that. I don't think we should just let our life come to a halt while we wait for some mircale cure to come around. I got back into education last year despite the depression i was going through because of hairloss and other things, and even though my social life is still suffering, i do take some comfort in knowing that i'm doing something positive - something that i have control over.

There's no doubt about it though - some guys are just better equipped mentally to deal with this, and i wish i had similar strength to just shave it all off and 'get on with my life'.


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I agree I don't come to this forum that often for that reason, if your feeling depressed, DO NOT read this forum EVERYDAY, because you will feel worse. I just come here for updates on possible new discoveries or better ways to improve our hair. And live my life as best as I can until then.


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I come here everyday and it actually makes me feel better. I see people having success, gain valuable information and get to vent about something were all experiencing. People like dietcola and mj9 have inspired me to keep going with my regime through sheds and I'm just waiting patiently for the day I can make a thread showing some progress of my own.

uncomfortable man

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It is very rare when I can make it through the day without thinking about my hairloss. It is like this weight that is always pressing down on my consciousness and is just very hard for me not to think about.