my h/t in the uk

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hi, lm Graham like all you guys and gals loss my hair i probaly loss more l was a 6 bald as they say had no hair down the centre,l will post my photos ,after many years of wearing a cap to hide my baldness ,the thought of having a h/t seemed the only way to get back into life ,l was 55 and l had worn that cap or one of several for 12 years that was when i gave up the comb over and shaved my head god i hated every minute of in ,so l browse through the net for 18 months or more reading all the crap on all the clinics all over the world and i mean all over such was my quest , l went to a few consultations saw through the bullshit for god sake il give anyone my money if i can get hair back on the top of my head but dont insult my integrety, l search and researched take it from me nearly all the clinics have bad results some post more than others wether by real patients or other surgeons or clinics the later i think personaly!well my way of thinking il have it done here so i can get hold of them, and by more luck than judgement l had 2 very sucssfull h/t strip total 3800 grafts 4s 3s 2 s so you can get a good h/t in the uk and this mainly down to the staff the surgons have,anyone can look at my full photo history lm not shy lm very happy and content,just a few words its about how good a condition you and your hair are in, and your expectations after all your messing with nature, lm happy to share my experience please just ask ,regards Graham


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I think you have a good head of hair now, however i think it's more due to your good hair/skin contrast and the long, wavy hair. When I look at the 2nd pic it seems that pretty low density was grafted (dunno, maybe 10 grafts per cm²).
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best-uk-h/t said:
hi, lm Graham like all you guys and gals loss my hair i probaly loss more l was a 6 bald as they say had no hair down the centre,l will post my photos ,after many years of wearing a cap to hide my baldness ,the thought of having a h/t seemed the only way to get back into life ,l was 55 and l had worn that cap or one of several for 12 years that was when i gave up the comb over and shaved my head god i hated every minute of in ,so l browse through the net for 18 months or more reading all the crap on all the clinics all over the world and i mean all over such was my quest , l went to a few consultations saw through the bullshit for god sake il give anyone my money if i can get hair back on the top of my head but dont insult my integrety, l search and researched take it from me nearly all the clinics have bad results some post more than others wether by real patients or other surgeons or clinics the later i think personaly!well my way of thinking il have it done here so i can get hold of them, and by more luck than judgement l had 2 very sucssfull h/t strip total 3800 grafts 4s 3s 2 s so you can get a good h/t in the uk and this mainly down to the staff the surgons have,anyone can look at my full photo history lm not shy lm very happy and content,just a few words its about how good a condition you and your hair are in, and your expectations after all your messing with nature, lm happy to share my experience please just ask ,regards Graham
amsch said:
I think you have a good head of hair now, however i think it's more due to your good hair/skin contrast and the long, wavy hair. When I look at the 2nd pic it seems that pretty low density was grafted (dunno, maybe 10 grafts per cm²).
amsch said:
I think you have a good head of hair now, however i think it's more due to your good hair/skin contrast and the long, wavy hair. When I look at the 2nd pic it seems that pretty low density was grafted (dunno, maybe 10 grafts per cm²).


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Senior Member
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well he never came back did he? :whistle:

I know a shill when I see one. :thumbdown2: