My hair grew like weeds


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Hey felas,

I Just finished watching 'The curious case of Benjamin Button' (pretty good flick) and there was one quote that stuck with me that brought back strong memories of the 'good ol days'.
He sais when hes roughly 50 years old "My hair had very little gray and grew like weeds." (he lives his life in reverse going from old to young if you havnt seen it)
For me not necessarily the gray part but the weeds part helped me recall how nice that feeling was and was a reminder of why we fight this rechid battle everyday.

Remember when your hair had too much hair at the temples, when you could get a shitty haircut and not care because it would just grow back as thick as ever, when the sea and the salty wind would add style to your hair do, and you would embrace the sun not caring if it damaged your hair because the sun bleached look was 'cool'. When you could take a clump of gel and throw it on your hairline and not worry about if it was clogging hair folicles. When, just like clothes, shoes or cars you could alter you hair to go with trends and add style and character, when you could just crash out and sleep when you wanted and not worry about showering and adding topicals....

I guess im just a tad fed up, this is really just a rant.
Im grateful for so many things in my life but i can still envy all the men who dont have to deal with this curse. We pop pills, and douse our heads with lotions in hopes to hold on to what we have. I know i will never be a 'accept, give up and shave' because none of deserve to have to deal with this. I remember when my hair grew like weeds and i hope like hell i can get that feeling back again someday
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Good post...the last time I felt that way I was only 17. It's amazing just how much mental energy worrying about my hair loss drains from me, and how much stress it creates...the wind, rain and bright sun all bring their own problems. I yearn for the days when I didn't have to care. Just threw some gel in my hair or left it alone...didn't have to spend the best part of an hour out of every day showering, adding concealers then styling it to cover my hairline...Oh, to have that back again...

Mens Rea

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Yeah i can relate to you mate

My brothers AND 51 year old dad have weed like hair. One brother in particular has the thickest head of hair you'll see. He literally just slaps on the gel and it looks fine. If i did that id look like a newborn baby :/ I think it sucks tenfold more when i look different to my brothers and dad from the outset - its strange. Not that i look worse im not a bad looking fella -its just the thinning hair.

The effort i have to go to - wash, toppik, cover temples and style appropriately just to look have decent is sh*t. But i could live with that if it wasn't slowly and surely getting worse. That is the real killer for me - fighting a losing battle.

As you say, something we agnonise over other people have no idea.

I'll see how i am in 3-4 years but im not ruling out a high level hair transplant from my body hairs when i hit the 30 mark. Although i do feel/hope this "vainity" might diminish if i meet/marry etc


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Defiance said:
Remember when your hair had too much hair at the temples, when you could get a shitty haircut and not care because it would just grow back as thick as ever, when the sea and the salty wind would add style to your hair do, and you would embrace the sun not caring if it damaged your hair because the sun bleached look was 'cool'. When you could take a clump of gel and throw it on your hairline and not worry about if it was clogging hair folicles. When, just like clothes, shoes or cars you could alter you hair to go with trends and add style and character, when you could just crash out and sleep when you wanted and not worry about showering and adding topicals....
And thats daily life for the majority of guys out there, which is why this 'condition' is such a shitter. This just made me think if I still had the hair I had all those years ago how much easier life would be, without this weight on my shoulders.
Ps as for the gel clogging up follicles, thats just a fallacy.


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I noticed that quote as well when I first watched BB.

Brad Pitt himself is nearly 50 and still has an astoundingly perfect NW1, so his hair will probably "grow like weeds" until the the day he dies.

Lately I've been growing my hair out longer and longer. Sort of like a Zac Efron style, which I used to have as a teenager. I didn't think I could pull it off, but it actually looks pretty decent. I think part of it is due to 5 months on finasteride, and part of it is just because the hair is a lot longer than usual.

Some days, after using a thickening shampoo and blow drying, I can get my hair to look nearly as good as it did when I was 17. It's really an awesome feeling, but also sort of sickening as it quickly gets messed up and looks bad AND I have to realize that such a hairstyle won't be possible at all in just a few years.


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I know what you mean man - it isn't fair.

I guess it's just part of being a guy really, the odds of having male pattern baldness are high.

On the plus side, there are a lot of treatments these days, and stuff like Histogen apparently will be around before too long (according to a friend of mine who is rather keen on it! lol)


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it sucks because I put so much effort in and my end result is still a chalky, dull mess that I could never let anyone run their hands through.
And then my friends don't need to put a second's worth of effort in and some of them have hair that people around can't stop themselves from touching (the stereotypical movie-star wavy blonde / straight dark hair)
They can go swimming etc without giving a toss. man, I might as well wear a unit.

It all does sound so vain and shallow, but at 24 years old, the only attention I get is from the 35+ 'ers ... Lookswise, I'm not that different from my aforementioned mates... similar height, faces of equal attractiveness... I just happen to have this one particularly massive genetic defect :sobbing:


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As a man of 41, I often look back on my youth.
It's a weird experience because the memories are both fond and painful. They remind you of the good times you once had, but also of the fact that you're getting older.


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I remember that quote. What struck me about it was the idea that men go bald when they are old. You see, he was getting younger, he started at like 90 and was Norwood 6 or 7. Once he hit about 50 his "hair was growing like weeds." In other words, had he aged normally, he would've went bald after 50. This is complete BS, we all know that anyone who goes extremely bald will start losing hair waaaaay before 50, a good 30 years earlier. This just adds to the perception in society that men in their 20s and 30s shouldn't be bald and makes it harder for us.

Yes I know what you guys you mean. I can't imagine having lived my life and not dreading how big my forehead will look after a hair cut, or not having to worry about minoxidil applications, or not having to worry about seeing friends and x girls I haven't seen in years and wondering if they'll notice that my hair loss has worsened. I wonder what my life would've been like had this just not been an issue. Men with no hair loss have no idea what they are taking for granted.


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I'm almost 22 and it is annoying. Mine is not bad enough to be noticeable to anyone yet, but I go through effort to try to cover my temples and make sure it looks thick enough. However the diffuse thinning has been the worst, my hair is very weird, I'd have to post a lot of pictures before anyone knew what I was talking about.

It's annoying because I have friends with really, really good hair. I'm not just talking about Nw1 but really well-styled. On the bright side, I've noticed some things in the past few months. One friend with "perfect" hair seems like he might be losing a little in his temples--he's made mention of receding hairlines on other people and I have noticed his swoopy "bangs" has started to get a bit thinner. He basically has a better looking version of Justin Beiber's hair, but it looks to me like he might not be able to keep that indefinitely.

Another friend of mine is almost a NW2 with a sharp point, sort of like those pictures of Zidane we see, and has really nice hair. When its grown out an inch or two you can't tell he's anything but a NW0. However I noticed the "point" on his forehead\hairline has started to round--in just the past 2-3 months. It's possible he might have a receding hairline before this is all through. I figured he'd have his dad's perfect hair but their hairlines are different.

I have a third close friend who has decently thick hair, and his dad has perfect black NW0 thick hair...but I can tell he's at LEAST a NW1.5. No diffuse thinning though, but he might end up being a receder as well.

Lastly I have a friend who had near perfect hair as a teenager and I think he's moving back to a NW3 status slowly.

I'm the only one of my friends who has diffuse thinning, but I have pretty curly\wavy hair so it's very easily hideable.


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Speaking of friends, I looked up one of my old high school/work buddies last night on Facebook. The last time I saw him - about 3 years ago - his hair was perfectly fine. But now he's a NW3a. No frontal hairline at all. He's buzzed down and from the front appears completely bald. I was shocked. He looks considerably worse now. I can't imagine how rough that must be for him.


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Just wanted to say, another thing that makes me feel better is because I am proud of like, my Italian and hot weather roots, and many, MANY people in hot countries lose their hair. I think it's an evolutionary thing. I mean like in Africa and stuff it seems very common to lose hair and I thought it might be due to the genetic advantage of being cooler in hot climates without it?


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slybald_bot said:
Sly style took 15 years off of me. I am 54 but people typically guess 35-40.
Hang on were'nt you 34 a minute ago in the other thread? :spam:

uncomfortable man

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Yeah, but I can still see your NW1 shadow you tourist.


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uncomfortable man said:
Yeah, but I can still see your NW1 shadow you tourist.

haha Tourist! I like it :agree:

The bit about SlyBaldGuys I like the most is the threads that reveal that half of them are on Propecia.
Secondly, every guy on there under 30 years old only shaves his head sly because he has male pattern baldness - and there are hundreds of threads about "how to come to terms with male pattern baldness" "I am still bummed out about my male pattern baldness". Not ONE guy under 30 is a "Bald By Choice" guy.
You can tell that some of these guys absolutely hate the way they look - and the only support they get is "looks good bro". At least here I can be miserable with company. I always preferred staring the truth head on rather than painting a rustbucket red and calling it a Ferrari.

Oh, and, wtf? Does everyone over at SBG have a shared login they use to post here?
Some of this stuff reads like the nonsense you get at the bottom of spam e-mails...


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I honestly think slybaldguys is all written by one guy, so crushed by hairloss that he's deluded himself into believing there is a community of people living great lives without hair.

It's a bit like Me, Myself, and Irene, except instead of Me and Myself there are hundreds of "me's", and there is no Irene.

There is no other explanation for how they all speak like they're the same person. There is no disagreement on that forum, ever. It's like a borg cube.


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Boondock said:
There is no other explanation for how they all speak like they're the same person. There is no disagreement on that forum, ever. It's like a borg cube.
The last time I was on that forum, they banned some people that accepted they if they had to choose between baldness and hair, they would choose to have hair again


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bigentries said:
Boondock said:
There is no other explanation for how they all speak like they're the same person. There is no disagreement on that forum, ever. It's like a borg cube.
The last time I was on that forum, they banned some people that accepted they if they had to choose between baldness and hair, they would choose to have hair again

I do rather hate that place. I feel sort of screwed by them, because when I first started losing hair I actually believed all their propaganda. It took me too long - and a shaving attempt - to properly realize how much BS was going on there.

If I get bored at work again tomorrow, I might do a cheeky troll over there.


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Boondock said:
I honestly think slybaldguys is all written by one guy, so crushed by hairloss that he's deluded himself into believing there is a community of people living great lives without hair.

It's a bit like Me, Myself, and Irene, except instead of Me and Myself there are hundreds of "me's", and there is no Irene.

There is no other explanation for how they all speak like they're the same person. There is no disagreement on that forum, ever. It's like a borg cube.
LOL yeah i browsed it once and it really does give that effect :p


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cuebald said:
o". At least here I can be miserable with company. I always preferred staring the truth head on rather than painting a rustbucket red and calling it a .

But is being miserable really a better alternative? If you could fool yourself into being happy, wouldn't you.

You can try to be happy and productive, or you can be miserable and unhealthy.

People need to stop saying they don't have a choice because they do.

I'm a hair away from NW4 and i can HONESTLY say that male pattern baldness affected me more when i was losing it @ Nw2 than it does now. I can detach male pattern baldness from the complications i have in my life right now, and that's the most liberating f*****g thing ever.