my hair has ran away. If found, please return.


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Although I have been loosing my hair since I was 18, I have been able to mask it pretty well until now thanks to the use of propecia. I am 27. As many of you guys know, loosing hair can be absolutely terrible emotionally and psycologically. I had amazing curly, dark and thick hair. Now thinning curly lighter brown hair. Over the past 9 years, the thin on my crown area and hairline has been kept under control until recently. I believe the propecia has lost its effectivity on my hairloss making me frantically look for other options. Extra strength minoxidil has been started into my regime with the hope to help control the hairloss. Its caused me to shed even more. I realize that this is natural and I am coping with it as much as I can but it is killing me inside. Scalp is showing more than ever. I wonder many times if my hair loss is also attributed to the stress from thinking about it? I am a recluse now other than going to my daily job. In addition to the addition of rogaine, I have ordered dutas to phase out the propecia I have been using for the last 8 years. I hope this works and quickly. I cannot bare to tell my girlfriend who lives in spain and is hoping to come out in October that my hair may be no longer for fear that the relationship will end. I don't believe that she would be one to leave me because I am bald, but the thought also worries me a lot. I think I make myself sick just thinking about these things. Crap! I wish there was a more permanent cure to this dreadful hairloss. If ever one day they make a permanent remedy for hairloss, believe me, I will be one of the first to grow thick dreadlocks just for the sake that I have hair again.

My hairloss is currently between a Norwood III vertex and IV. By the way, how do you know if the hair that you lose is due to shedding or just from male pattern baldness? I guess i have to wait to see if those hairs grow back. Hopefully they will and soon.


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dem said:
If ever one day they make a permanent remedy for hairloss, believe me, I will be one of the first to grow thick dreadlocks just for the sake that I have hair again.

You said it. I'm gonna be a hippy...'my head full of long luxurious hippy hair' (Homer Simpson).