My Hair is Falling Apart.


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Okay, I began balding just before I turned 17. As my senior year progressed my condition steadily became worse, until I found this forum. I then took extreme measures and created a regimen that included the Big 3 and folligen.

Six months later my hair finally started to look thick and full. My friends all began to comment on how good it looked and I finally started to get my self-confidence back. I remember before the treatments took their affect how difficult it was to interact with people freely, without being self conscience. I was so relieved to have my life back, if only for a moment.

Then as summer rolled along and I started to reach months 7-8, things began to change. At first it seemed like just the back of my head was beginning to thin again. Then my friends began to notice that I had a yellow substance all over my scalp. It turns out that I have an entire layer of dandruff (or whatever the f*** it is) encompassing my head. To say the least it's absolutely revolting and disheartening. Now to make matters worse my front is starting to thin again too.

To counteract the balding process I grew my hair out a while ago. Now it seems to becoming quite a burden. I'm heading to University, away from home, away from my friends, in only eight days. I really think it's time for me to make a change in my life. I cannot continue this ruse any longer. Do you guys think that I should be open about my situation once I go to university? Do you think maybe it's time to finally cut my hair short and just get it over with? I'm just so concerned about other people's reactions. I've always been popular and I don't think I'd be able to cope with the feeling of rejection. I know making a first impression is very important.

What do you guys think?


I think that moving to a place where no one knows you is a terrific opportunity to start fresh. Face it, hairloss will follow us until they unleash the power of stemcells - within the nex 10 years.

With that timeframe options should become clear or atleast narrowed a bit.

a) you can try to cover the situation and all the stress that comes with it.
b) you can change your apperance and start fresh. The new people you meet will like you for the person you are not how you look and at university it´s all about results. Smart/ambitious people will always excell over people with nothing but good hair.

Last thought. Going B-route doesn´t mean you have to give up on your regime. Maybe this is a systemic reaction (local systemic :lol: ) that will result in a strong regrowth in a couple of months - given that you keep your regime. So cut your hair really short, style it like you are thinning or just shave it then nobody will think about it. Keep your regime and if you see regrowth - go with it.

In the long run this will help you build confidence, you will be surrounded by peps who like you for you and when Stemcells knock on your door you will be Collin Farrell once more.


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It's surprising that you wouldn't go to a derma given how this situation is hurting your self esteem. You may have a serious case of seborrhea (or other skin condition) which is frustrating your hair loss treatment. The first thing to do before trying any hair loss treatment is to get your scalp in tip top shape. Obviously, OTC products didn't do it for you, so get some professional derma help.



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mate beleive me starting fresh at uni is great if you are losing your hair

I was loosing my hair when i started uni 2 years ago, but because no-one knew me from before I could start from fresh. No-one knew I had a great head of hair before, so I was just myslef and everyone accepted me.

What I dislike is coming home and seeing the people I've known for years, those are the people who notice me balding because those are the people that knew me before I started balding

You've got everything to go for mate, have yourself some fun :)


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Thanks for the advice guys. I'm glad I have this outlet. I don't how else I'd ever be able to express these concerns.

Pharoh: It's nice to hear from someone who has experienced what I'm going through right now. I think your right about it being a perfect time for me start fresh. I guess eventually it's going to catch up to me anyways so I might as well reveal my secret so that it won't be such a shock. I can only imagine what my friends will say when I come back for christmas break and my hair is shorter and noticeable. I know they certaintly won't be able to refrain from looking at my hairline. I just hope cutting my hair short will be liberating and not depressing. It's tough to think of yourself as balding at only 18.

Avri: I absolutely hate seeing dermatologists. I've gone three times and every time I go all they do is poke and prode at my hair. I go home feelings like they ripped out half of my remaining hair. I think once I cut my hair short the problem will slowly begin to diminish.

On a side note, how are things going for you pharoh? I know last time you updated your story you were a little disgruntled. I haven't really been checking this website as frequently so I wasn't sure if you've had any progress yet.


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double post


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Well...I decided to get back on the finasteride bandwagon after my hair deteriorated rapidly over the last few months. I am currently on day 18 of my regimen, my hairs still falling out by the bucketload. Also still using nizoral several days a week. This time I plan to keep on the finasteride regardless (stopped due to sexual sides last time), even though my sex drive has lowered again. Not sure how much this will effect me until I'm bck at uni with my girlfriend, but you know I plan to stay on it even if it means she breaks up with me cos I dont want sex. Sad isn't it :(

Anyway, I'll do a proper update on 'my story' after a mnth is up. Good luck mate :)


Sex is way more important than hair. If your sex drive is being killed that badly by the finasteride, then maybe you should drop it and go with spironolactone.

It's a good idea to start off with a fresh new haircut when you go to the uni. I suggest you stay on treatment though because you're hair is bound to rebound from this shed and will look even better than before. Keep the short haircut and rock on.


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well I will see what happens...I'm only 21 and I really want to try and keep hold of some hair, guess I just ahve to make some sacrifices.

I won't know how badly my sex drive is affected until I'm back at uni with my girl, willd ecide what to do then. I plan to up the dose of L-arginine as well as still take megaman vits, hopefully that will help. If I have to then I will jsut stop, but would rather not