My hair looks fried


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The top of my head looks absolutely haphazard and just baked, hair going every which way lookin' like straw, some of it curly and frizzy, some of it straight. What a frickin' mess. I really hope this shite picks back up again, cuz it just looks like it's in poor poor poor shape right now. The back of my head, while taking a beating from Nizoral, doesn't look anywhere near as bad as the top, where the hair's all different lengths and all over the place. male pattern baldness is such a joke.


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Cut your hair short on top and a low guard on the sides and back and nobody will be able to tell


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Thing is, I'm not brutally diffuse, I don't need to hide my diffuse or anything, cuz y'can't tell, it just looks like it's in rough rough shape.


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Either way, if it is completely fried or diffused, buzzing it will help cosmetically and it should help your scalp as well. My hair was long and I got it cut shorter and it felt great, looked good too.