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Hi all,
I wanted to share my story of hair loss and how I have tried to face/fight it. I started to lose hair from my early 20s. It started on my crown initially so i wasn't worried back then because when I stood in front of a mirror I didn't see any bald spots. But then, things started to go bad when I started to lose hair all over my head. So, when I was about 25 years old, I went to Hairclub. They laid out 2 options for me since I was still young. One was hair transplant (which would cost $12.5k) and the other was hair system. I opted for hair transplant. I was very excited when the doctor said he could do a good job. It was a tuesday when I had my transplant. It started around 9:00am and it took until 6pm to put 4000 grafts. All the doctor did was strip some portion on my head (in the back). I think he also marked some spots on my head. After that, he went onto other customers or to take a nap I think. He did say he took a nap
So, now the 2 nurses/technicians started to insert grafts. So once everything was done, the doctor came to my room and inspected the grafted area and said "looks good". He told me wait for about 8 months to 1 year to see good results. I was okay with that. Honestly this was not pain full at all.
I go back home; everyone in my family was really happy for me that I did this. I started to put the graft spray/medicine everyday as instructed by the doctor. Months passed, I was starting to feel some hair growth. I could feel the new hair. The hair growth was extremely slow, but it was definitely growing.
Now the sad part is that although my new hair was growing well. It would look great if everything else was constant. Unfortunately, not
After a year, it actually looked very bad because some part of my head had hair, some part didn't. This might be because of the hair transplant.
I started to accept it and live with my bad hair for few months. Then, I went back to hairclub again. They recommended me hair system, I chose their other option which was xstrands. They started to insert long strands of synthetic hair very close to my scalp once a month. They said they would add 1000 hairs a sessions (per month). This whole program costed my $3500. They also suggested my some concealers, which works like magic. I think everyone here in this forum are aware of that. I was some how managing xstrands and concealers for few months. Some of my colleagues in fact said my hair is growing nicely. (No one knows about the magic of concealers). Then during my 6th visit to get xstrands, my stylist washed my head; It took a lot of work for her to remove one inch of concealers on my head. Then, I look my self in the mirror I was disappointed and heart broken. My hair loss was at peak. I went home(with another inch of concealers and xtrands).
This was the time I started to look into hair systems. I researched a lot. I also watched each and every youtube video that was available regarding this hair system. I got pretty excited about it. So, I went back to hairclub. This time I asked for xstrands+, which was the hair system. They measured my head and selected a hair system online. They said it gets built in florida and its real human hair. I was actually excited. This costed me $3000. This gives me about 7 maintenance sessions.
The cut in day: I was nervous and excited at the same time. I was nervous because I didn't know how to face the world after wearing a system. I was excited because I was going to have full head of hair. I got the system on and my hair stylist did a great job. I was so excited that it looked amazingly natural. I could see the hairline. This was really amazing. This system that I have, i don't know if its a super high quality or not. But, it is extremely light. I don't feel anything on my head. It just feels like I have a head full of hair.
So far Pros of hair system:
1. Results are amazing. Night and day differences
2. non-invasive
3. less expensive
1. when the hair gets dry, it feels weird. So I need to learn more ways to keep my hair from drying
2. maintenance (They quoted $109 per month or 3 weeks once after my 7 sessions are over)
3. Dealing with people who knew you when you had less hair.
4. change in lifestyle (a little bit, it may be a good thing as well)
After hair system:
Everyone in my family loved it; I loved it. At my work, most of them liked it. But, some of them had this weird smile, which I really don't give a crap about. But so far, I am really happy about my hair system.
I am not sure if I will stick with hairclub after this 7 sessions. I don't want to do this myself; I think its always best to let a professional handle this. I am okay spending $109 per month to get it maintained.
If you guys think HC is not good or too expensive, can you please suggest me some stylists/companies in the bay area, California? I open to try others as well. Do you guys know where HC gets their hair systems from? Is it the best of the best quality? Where can I get the best hair system? Can I ask Hair club rep to order that particular hair system?
Bottom line: Forget xstrands, it is the worst solution to hair loss from hair club. I am okay with xstrands+, at least so far. And, I dont have to mention about hair transplant; it was miserable. May be someone has to take a poll to see how many people actually benefited from hair transplant; I think/expect that number to be very low. So far I am happy with the hair system. It looks amazingly natural/real. No one until now (I kept asking my family to check my hair all the time to see if you can detect the hair system) were able to detect the hair system. I will experience it for another month and share my experiences here
I wanted to share my story of hair loss and how I have tried to face/fight it. I started to lose hair from my early 20s. It started on my crown initially so i wasn't worried back then because when I stood in front of a mirror I didn't see any bald spots. But then, things started to go bad when I started to lose hair all over my head. So, when I was about 25 years old, I went to Hairclub. They laid out 2 options for me since I was still young. One was hair transplant (which would cost $12.5k) and the other was hair system. I opted for hair transplant. I was very excited when the doctor said he could do a good job. It was a tuesday when I had my transplant. It started around 9:00am and it took until 6pm to put 4000 grafts. All the doctor did was strip some portion on my head (in the back). I think he also marked some spots on my head. After that, he went onto other customers or to take a nap I think. He did say he took a nap
I go back home; everyone in my family was really happy for me that I did this. I started to put the graft spray/medicine everyday as instructed by the doctor. Months passed, I was starting to feel some hair growth. I could feel the new hair. The hair growth was extremely slow, but it was definitely growing.
Now the sad part is that although my new hair was growing well. It would look great if everything else was constant. Unfortunately, not
I started to accept it and live with my bad hair for few months. Then, I went back to hairclub again. They recommended me hair system, I chose their other option which was xstrands. They started to insert long strands of synthetic hair very close to my scalp once a month. They said they would add 1000 hairs a sessions (per month). This whole program costed my $3500. They also suggested my some concealers, which works like magic. I think everyone here in this forum are aware of that. I was some how managing xstrands and concealers for few months. Some of my colleagues in fact said my hair is growing nicely. (No one knows about the magic of concealers). Then during my 6th visit to get xstrands, my stylist washed my head; It took a lot of work for her to remove one inch of concealers on my head. Then, I look my self in the mirror I was disappointed and heart broken. My hair loss was at peak. I went home(with another inch of concealers and xtrands).
This was the time I started to look into hair systems. I researched a lot. I also watched each and every youtube video that was available regarding this hair system. I got pretty excited about it. So, I went back to hairclub. This time I asked for xstrands+, which was the hair system. They measured my head and selected a hair system online. They said it gets built in florida and its real human hair. I was actually excited. This costed me $3000. This gives me about 7 maintenance sessions.
The cut in day: I was nervous and excited at the same time. I was nervous because I didn't know how to face the world after wearing a system. I was excited because I was going to have full head of hair. I got the system on and my hair stylist did a great job. I was so excited that it looked amazingly natural. I could see the hairline. This was really amazing. This system that I have, i don't know if its a super high quality or not. But, it is extremely light. I don't feel anything on my head. It just feels like I have a head full of hair.
So far Pros of hair system:
1. Results are amazing. Night and day differences
2. non-invasive
3. less expensive
1. when the hair gets dry, it feels weird. So I need to learn more ways to keep my hair from drying
2. maintenance (They quoted $109 per month or 3 weeks once after my 7 sessions are over)
3. Dealing with people who knew you when you had less hair.
4. change in lifestyle (a little bit, it may be a good thing as well)
After hair system:
Everyone in my family loved it; I loved it. At my work, most of them liked it. But, some of them had this weird smile, which I really don't give a crap about. But so far, I am really happy about my hair system.
I am not sure if I will stick with hairclub after this 7 sessions. I don't want to do this myself; I think its always best to let a professional handle this. I am okay spending $109 per month to get it maintained.
If you guys think HC is not good or too expensive, can you please suggest me some stylists/companies in the bay area, California? I open to try others as well. Do you guys know where HC gets their hair systems from? Is it the best of the best quality? Where can I get the best hair system? Can I ask Hair club rep to order that particular hair system?
Bottom line: Forget xstrands, it is the worst solution to hair loss from hair club. I am okay with xstrands+, at least so far. And, I dont have to mention about hair transplant; it was miserable. May be someone has to take a poll to see how many people actually benefited from hair transplant; I think/expect that number to be very low. So far I am happy with the hair system. It looks amazingly natural/real. No one until now (I kept asking my family to check my hair all the time to see if you can detect the hair system) were able to detect the hair system. I will experience it for another month and share my experiences here