My Hair transplant story.


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Over a year and half ago my wife made an appointment for me to have a consultation with Dr. Dan McGrath in Austin. I live in Waco, Tx so this was not too far for me to travel, since this was such a very important decision and have wanted this for so long. There are no transplant options in Waco so I went to another consultation quite a few years ago at MHR in Dallas. I was not impressed in the slightest sense and so I didn't look to find a different option as far as a clinic. As with most things, I thought this would be pretty much the same kind of ripoff like all of the Hairclubs and alike. So, I put it off. I am glad I did.
Things have changed over the last few years in the way hair transplants are performed. There were a lot of things I needed to consider. I was a Norwood 5a. So, to get results that would make me happy, I would have to have a game plan. Me and the doctor would have to be on the same page. I met with Dr. McGrath and he explained everything to me. What to expect and the usual information on costs, down time, healing etc. He made a very good impression on me. Very honest and understanding. He asked what results I wanted, not what he wanted. He made very clear that to attain the results I wanted he may have to do possibly two sessions. That was not a problem for me. I felt excited about the whole process after my wife and I left the office. I was unable to have a session done at that time due to financial reasons. I could have settled for a smaller session ,but I wanted to get most of it done in the first session. That being said, I thought about it everyday for close to a year and a half. Keeping in touch with Dr. McGrath via email, back and forth to let them know that I was still planning on having it done and that my free consultation was not a waste on their part.
FINALLY!!! On August 5, 2009 My wife and I drove to Austin early in the morning. We arrived just before the office opened. It was an awkward feeling knowing that when we left later that evening my life would be changed. How? I wasn't quite sure. I was calm and not really as anxious as I thought I would be. Probably because I just expected to leave kind of bandaged and bloody with not much to resemble a final result. First off we go in and fill out a couple of forms and was asked some basic questions about meds at such. Shortly after that, I go into the O/R and put on a paper type operation shirt. He then gave me a little pill, just something to relax a little. It is hard not to tense up when you know that there are needles involved. Yes, I get tense at needles. Funny because I have been a tattoo artist for 17 years and I have my share of them. He then started to show me his ideas on what may look good for a natural hairline. We took probably 10 minutes or so deciding on the right placement. I was very impressed that he drew the hairlines quite a few times ,just slightly different each time. He was very meticulous when he is creating the lines on the front and sides. I was perfectly comfortable with his expertise. I at no point whatsoever was concerned with what he was doing. He then had me lay face down on the chair. This is when you find out how irritating it can be when you have localized anesthesia. He started going to town. Starting across the back of my head and back up around the front hairline area. Shortly after, I was numb all over. My wife could have hit me with a frying pan and I would have felt nothing! Once the stinging from the local goes away, piece of cake. At that point, he cut out the donor strip from ear to ear. I felt absolutely nothing. He did a running stitch to pull it back together and we were ready to sit me up and get down to business. He had given the donor strip to one of the four surgery assistants. She started dissecting into smaller pieces. She the gave those to the other three who started dissecting those down into grafts in groups of ones, twos and threes. Meanwhile Dr. McGrath and I are talking and watching the news on the flatscreen in front of me while he starts to make all of the incision sites. I chose to watch the news all day. You can watch movies or whatever you want. Anyway, he worked steadily doing his part while his assistants were doing theirs.
I had over 2800 grafts transplanted from around 9am to almost 5pm. When Dr. McGrath was done, he gave me a mirror to look into. WOW!!! I had hair on top of my head! My real hair. I had a totally different look from the morning when I came in. Yes there was a little blood but, I was focused on how many hairs were actually on my head. Amazing. I could see the attention to detail that both the doctor and his staff have given me. It was really impressive that as a team they were very efficient and just as courteous. I was very comfortable and just thinking to myself that this is the way this process should have been done. He then showed me where on the back of my head I could expect hair growth from Propecia so I may not need as many grafts to get the results I want. He didn't try to sell me more grafts than I needed. He is all about considering all options, not just the ones he profits from. He then gave me instructions on care and what to expect over the next week.
I went home slightly sore with a little discomfort. I did all of the things I was advised to do and the grafts healed great. Redness was gone very quickly and the crusts were off in just a few days. The incision on the back of my head is healing very nicely as well.
We went back to his office at the 10 day mark to have my sutures removed. At that point, most of the transplanted hair was still in tact. And looked good. I asked him how much of the transplanted hair would fall out from "shock" loss. He said likely all would fall out then weeks later, expect the new hairs to start growing. Well, I thanked him again for doing such a great job and couldn't wait to get back in to add a little more to the area that the meds would take care of.
Over the next few days the hairs were falling out with ease. At that point I looked as if I hadn't had anything done. No redness or incision marks or anything. Now it is just wait to watch it grow. The fun part is, instead of looking in the mirror and hoping for a prayer and snake oil to work. My own hair will start growing whether I hope for it or not. It's like growing old in reverse. lol
Well I hope that whoever reads this got some good information and insight.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. My goal is to get as many people to see Dr. McGrath as soon as possible. I wished I could have done this back when I first met him because I would have a full head of hair by now, but it was worth the wait.
Anyone in central Texas considering transplants please contact me. I can email pics and updates to anyone interested. I would love to help anyone, especially with something that was so important to me.

Thanks for reading,

Brandon Jackson
Waco, Tx


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I have a few on my photos and blog portion of my profile. The last one at 5 months is the most current. Check them out and let me know what you think!


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looks like a nice thin scar.

But why only 2800 grafts? Did you ever consider a megasession of 5K grafts from a clinic like H&W? I think to get a nice result you will need at the very least 6-7K grafts..


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richlocks said:
looks like a nice thin scar.

But why only 2800 grafts? Did you ever consider a megasession of 5K grafts from a clinic like H&W? I think to get a nice result you will need at the very least 6-7K grafts..

I agree, NEVER EVER make a descision on a hair transplant dr based on locality, I hope you get a good result here but 2800 grafts on a NW5? My guess guess is that in 6months you'll definatley be wanting more again.
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your looking good,l was a norwood 6 l hate to say i agree with these guys yet l had near 4000 grafts for coverage, you might be happy at the end result maybe a year from now its purely down to you ,one thing youll never get dentisy with norwood 6 unless you transplant body hairs, anyway best of luck


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Baby steps fellas. I already know that I will get more grafts. It was all about cost at that point. Gotta have the money to do more. Had I had the money, I definitely would have had more. I am going back in a few months to ad to my collection!lol I appreciate the honesty and advise. Thanks!


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Looks so good, bro. Thanks for posting your success, gives me hope for the future! :punk:

PS, if I'm ever in TX, I'll def look you up for some tattoo work!


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Thanks very much ShednShred! I wish you the best of luck on your journey to retain you follicles! I am sure you will have the hair you have always wanted.