My hairloss horror stories


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1) mom and ex wife convinced me I'd be an idiot to see a doctor about my hair receding 7 years ago at age 21. A couple years later, after my mom got divorced, she said the most important thing for her when she went on a date was no bald guys. My wife at the time agreed.... They didn't know I could hear them and thought I was away....

2) At a bar, two hot babes sitting at a table, and me and my ex are playing pool. One of the girls says to the other (they are hot but late 30s in age) I would date this one guy, he is really great but I won't cause he is bald... LOL poor chap. That one genetic disorder costed him hot pussy.

3) My hair (other than my Norwood 2.5 bald temples) is super thick. If I pull it back its obvious my hairline receded to an average female. I was with my ex fiance and she thought I was sleeping and kept pulling my hair back examining my hair loss. I just pretended to be asleep cause I was a pussy at the time and was all freaked out about my hair receeding. (No, she didnt leave me after discovering this, I broke up with her for unrelated reasons, a long time later).

4) Since it looks like I have tons of hair when I grow it out long (I prefer the buzzed look that shows off my receeding hairline now cause if others dont like it they can suck my dick) people don't think I have a hair issue and will make comments on how hideous bald people are, lol.


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I have a couple of horror stories involving my mother. We had a terrible relationship and she used my hair loss problems to humiliate me - this was before Proscar.


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seaback said:
I feel so bad after reading your stories.
And then some people here say hair loss doesn't matter...

Why are some b****s so "hair freaks" ?

she thought I was sleeping and kept pulling my hair back examining my hair loss.

Make me think about a female monkey trying to find some bugs in the male's hair...

So depressing...

Dont believe everything you read :woot:


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As someone who suffers from male pattern baldness, why would I lie? Does the truth hurt so bad the only way your mind can process it is by thinking im making stuff up?

I am 28 years old and have been in several multi-year long term relationships with women. You honestly think I went my whole life without one single horror story? You honestly think I made it 28 years and never heard someone say bad things about baldness?

uncomfortable man

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So imagine how much more horrifying it would be for you if you were actually bald like me? People will say hairloss doesn't matter if they are talking to someone who has obvious hair loss, then turn around and clown on them to their friends. So you can see who the shallow hippocrates are. What gets me the most about this is that people think it is my fault that I am bald because they are under the misconception that baldness or hairloss is easily avoidable or even reversable, but something important to consider is that there are TONS of stupid people out there (just ask Jay Leno) and it is unfortunate that we face this hidden unfair descrimination and general misunderstanding regarding our plight.


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uncomfortable man said:
So imagine how much more horrifying it would be for you if you were actually bald like me? People will say hairloss doesn't matter if they are talking to someone who has obvious hair loss, then turn around and clown on them to their friends. So you can see who the shallow hippocrates are. What gets me the most about this is that people think it is my fault that I am bald because they are under the misconception that baldness or hairloss is easily avoidable or even reversable, but something important to consider is that there are TONS of stupid people out there (just ask Jay Leno) and it is unfortunate that we face this hidden unfair descrimination and general misunderstanding regarding our plight.

Why don't you do what every bald man in my gym does, take a bunch of steroids, get jacked, and score with girls that most norwood ones would never dream of sleeping with?

Is your current life so awsome that you don't want to risk your health?


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i think when i go totally bald i will start on roids, that's not a half bad idea.


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WorldofWarcraft said:
Why don't you do what every bald man in my gym does, take a bunch of steroids, get jacked, and score with girls that most norwood ones would never dream of sleeping with?

Of course they do :whistle:


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s.a.f said:
WorldofWarcraft said:
Why don't you do what every bald man in my gym does, take a bunch of steroids, get jacked, and score with girls that most norwood ones would never dream of sleeping with?

Of course they do :whistle:

That's kinda strange you don't beleive me? Do I need to show you some links? ... =108359701

Scroll down until you see the bald b.spencer guy. He is doing just fine with the ladies now. Even though he is a Norwood 6, he had the most props about how good he looks physically from that whole thread.

I'm not gay but I garantee you his looks are more highly rated than lots of 33 year old guys with less hairloss.

Above is a natural training with a shaved head.

Why did my ex list Jason Strathom as one of her favorite looking actors (same one who said she didn't like bald guys).

Im sorry, but if you are straight jacked, you will project confidence and guys and girls will respect you. And you know where respect and confidence leads to with the ladies...


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s.a.f said:
WorldofWarcraft said:
Why don't you do what every bald man in my gym does, take a bunch of steroids, get jacked, and score with girls that most norwood ones would never dream of sleeping with?

Of course they do :whistle:


You don't even need the steroids :punk:


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WorldofWarcraft said:
That's kinda strange you don't beleive me? Do I need to show you some links? ... =108359701

Scroll down until you see the bald b.spencer guy. He is doing just fine with the ladies now. Even though he is a Norwood 6, he had the most props about how good he looks physically from that whole thread.

I'm not gay but I garantee you his looks are more highly rated than lots of 33 year old guys with less hairloss.

I don't have a problem with "ugly" people, but I hate the kind of people that behave like losers and let themselves go.

If this guy let his body get our of control and get so fat and ugly, he's got no one to blame but himself.

He didn't have to spend all those hours in the gym, a balanced lifestyle would have been just fine for him. But it's good that he got off his *** and did something about it.


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ali777 said:
WorldofWarcraft said:
That's kinda strange you don't beleive me? Do I need to show you some links? ... =108359701

Scroll down until you see the bald b.spencer guy. He is doing just fine with the ladies now. Even though he is a Norwood 6, he had the most props about how good he looks physically from that whole thread.

I'm not gay but I garantee you his looks are more highly rated than lots of 33 year old guys with less hairloss.

I don't have a problem with "ugly" people, but I hate the kind of people that behave like losers and let themselves go.

If this guy let his body get our of control and get so fat and ugly, he's got no one to blame but himself.

He didn't have to spend all those hours in the gym, a balanced lifestyle would have been just fine for him. But it's good that he got off his *** and did something about it.

Umm... well he actually didn't blame anybody but himself, LOL. I am not sure I get your point my friend.

My point is, Norwood 6 guys can get hot chicks based on their physical apperance if they simply adopt a dress code that says mature but cool adult, along with a buff confident looking body.

If bald guys never got laid then the balding gene would have been worked out of the gene pool.

I wouldn't be here if what this forum said was true, that only guys with lots of hair could get pretty girls. I would have just simply killed myself and ended it at that. However, everyday I am in society I see balding guys who are NW3 or even full fledged bald guys with pretty girls who are not fat.

People pissed their life away crying in a corner about their hairloss and don't want to accept the fact they had the power to change things. cough SAF


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WorldofWarcraft said:
People pissed their life away crying in a corner about their hairloss and don't want to accept the fact they had the power to change things. cough SAF

Well... I wanted to make 2 points but I ended up editing what I wrote :)

First of all, I agree that sulking doesn't help anyone. One needs to stop sulking and do something about it. That was supposed to be my first point.

The other point I tried to make was, overcompensating is equally bad. You know what they say about body builders and their dicks. I think there is a fine line between being happy in your own skin and trying to prove that you are better than the rest of the people.


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WorldofWarcraft said:
My point is, Norwood 6 guys can get hot chicks based on their physical apperance if they simply adopt a dress code that says mature but cool adult, along with a buff confident looking body.
People pissed their life away crying in a corner about their hairloss and don't want to accept the fact they had the power to change things. cough SAF

Ha ha you just dont get it. :thumbdown2:
I'm not the one crying in the corner, I'm also not the sad insecure type who feels that as a bald man his only option is to spend his life obbsessivly trying to conform to some sad ridiculous stereotype.
Yes I do workout and have done for 19yrs but I would have done it bald or not and knowing whats required to stay in shape for that period of time I would'nt offer it as some kind of hairloss alternative. The fact is in the real world not '90210' alot of everyday women are not attracted to buffed up male bimbo's anymore than they are repulsed by the average horseshoe man.
Many women are not even attracted to that bulked up massive vieney look and its easy for a woman to spot a guy who looks that way through insecurity. And who wants to end up like CCS devoting their entire lifestyle to the pursuit of physical perfection?
What about the 5'6" 120lb or a guy with naturally soft unmasculine features guy he has about as much chance of fulfilling the bulked up badass look as he has of growing back his NW6.
What really bothers me is guys like you who spread this kind of 'advice' to everyone as if its somekind of fullproof solution or the best option, when the the real solution is to just try and get on with your life wether thats just by shaving it or having a wig/hair transplant/concealers if it works for them.

Like Ali says:
ali777 said:
overcompensating is equally bad. You know what they say about body builders and their dicks. I think there is a fine line between being happy in your own skin and trying to prove that you are better than the rest of the people.


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s.a.f said:
Ha ha you just dont get it. :thumbdown2:

The more I read this forum, the more I think there is a cultural difference between Europe and America. I think we are more laid back, and there is less pressure to be a "winner".


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I totally disagree.

I seriously doubt that all these bald actors which women think are hot such as bruce willis and jason strathom would be drooled over if they looked weak and had pot bellies.

The fact they are in great shape plays a huge roll in their sex appeal from women.


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One of the biggest players I ever met in my life was poor 5'7" had a big nose and one wonky eye he was a NW2 but shaved it off. He got more women than anyone the reason was because he had supreme confidence and knew how to talk to women. Sure he got turned down often but he also scored with some major hotties.
when he approached women they were offensive at first but after 5mins he had them in the palm of his hands.


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dudemon said:
WorldofWarcraft said:
I totally disagree.

I seriously doubt that all these bald actors which women think are hot such as bruce willis and jason strathom would be drooled over if they looked weak and had pot bellies.

The fact they are in great shape plays a huge roll in their sex appeal from women.

Well I think that a lot women can't stand either one of them, especially Bruce Willis. Willis is only considered a "hunk" by old ladies in the senior homes nowdays. Statham's, bald head grosses out quite a few women I'm sure, especially younger ones.

But, BOTH of those guys will always get hot chicks whether they sre bald or not for several reasons:

1) They are movie stars
2) They have lots of money
3) They have lots of friends
4) They have lots of power
5) They have major status

The "average" NW6 joe isn't going to get nearly as many hotties. Some will, but most won't.

I've heard from quite a few young women that they think Statham is extremely hot....sure his big bald head may not be the most appealing thing in the world, but clearly its not the major detterent you think it is or else he wouldn't have any sex appeal in the same celebrity world as other good looking, famous actors WITH hair....

And doubtful about Bruce Willis....the other week a young, attractive female friend of mine said "oh..the things I would do to Bruce Willis" when his name came up in conversation....and if young women don't find him attractive it has a lot more to do with the fact that he is 55 years old than he is bald.

Honestly man...I can't stress enough how wrong you are about some of this stuff....not EVERY bald guy is subject to the same ridicule as you even said it yourself, you live in a small town of 50 000 people....attitudes towards things that are "different" are a lot more strong in small towns than they are in larger metropolitan areas. Hence why I see a lot of bald guys accompanied by good looking women quite often when I go out. The fact is, if you live in a small rural town then the attitude towards other "different" types of people (such as minorities or homosexuals) will be a lot more unforgiving than it is in places like where I live for example.

All I'm saying is..the viewpoint that YOU seem to have towards bald men and the objective reality is very different...I wish you could see that. Not all bald men live a life of terrible persecution and unhappiness...for many its a slight annoyance but they move on....and for many women they also don't care nearly as much as you think...I don't care what some of your very ignorant female family members have said in the past.


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SAF, here in America I see NW3 + men with pretty ladies at their sides every day. Whatever your argument is, it can't really beat that.

75% of white males suffer from some degree of male pattern baldness. As I type this I am watching a news channel with lots of balding men on it. It's not like we are a rare bread of freaks.

It just simply means you won't be getting that 10/10 hottie. You might have to settle for a 6/10. It really aint that bad man, just try dating a 6/10.

p.s. my ex wife has jason strathom listed as someone she thinks is hot. She is in her early 30s. I wouldn't call her an old lady.


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WorldofWarcraft said:
SAF, here in America I see NW3 + men with pretty ladies at their sides every day. Whatever your argument is, it can't really beat that.

Why are you directing that at me? Dont you mean Dudemon? :dunno:

I'm talking about ordinary balding guys while you're talking about swapping a obsession with hairloss for an obsession with muscles, tans ect swopping one insecurity for another.