my hairloss story


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l am a hairdresser and had always spent time on my hair..went gray at 19 so coloured it etc ..suddenly about 10 years ago l started to notice a general thinning on the top and temple area ..started with rogain but it got worse very quickly doctor put it down to too much male hormone as l had also had serious acne in my teens and twenties ..some comfort,the spots stopped and my hair started to fall out!!! l realise my loss was not as great as some ..but ,boy did it upset me .Workin in the haidressing industry does not help as everyone is very concious of how they look and not too sensitive about commenting on my appeaance .l decided to get a hairpiece and spent a lot of time privatly looking in to it .Bought a couple through the trade which were bad ..even l laughed!!! but with a load of work l now have a piece whic looks better than my own hair ever did ..l cut it myself and use a small amont of my own hair at the front to create a natural hairline ..l know its not my own hair and thats gone but l feel 1000000 times better about myself ..want to go out and get very positive feedback .l went to a funeral a few weeks ago and saw people l had not seen for years ...a number said ..god time has been kind to you did wonders for my obviously feeble self esteem and am happy with how l look .lam fortunate to be a hairdresser and would be happy to try and help anyone on this forum with their problem.


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