My Hairloss Unique Story.stille Unknown


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I lived 10 years on changing my diet at age 18. From junk food to helthy food and organic food .
While going as obssed to healthy food as it seems.and much years of research of foods and supplies the body.
I thought if ny body works balanced and get what it needs , my hair will be okay.
Researched aswell food rich in thigs good for the hair.
I was so obssesd of my hair that ieat and research and eat and research ad eat so much variety and healthy food.
What hepend?
I didnt had genetic hairloss (atleast it didnt start)
Just receded at tamples as normal(alltough,this receded effected by dht,/hormonal change aswell) but the hair doctor did a test that said j have genetic hairloss.(he took some my hair and examine them),
I took finasteride 1 year.he said its effect my crown only after a test
.but my crown was full of haiir!!
And also my head!! Only i had receded tamples whice i didnt know its natural.thay were small.
I stoped finasteride!
Took saw palmeto instead and other supplements
Well i had 6 years with no balding at all.i kept eating healthy food and doing sport, and than after being so into it. And just had so much supplement(saw palmetto,nettle,zinc,horsetail and many more) i took and so much variety of food.i even gain weight since i eat a lot of variety of foods.
Than my time to loss hair again hepend .
After traumatic event that lead to 28 hours each time on computer with sleep of 6 hours after being ao tired.heart raising, body beacome like drug addict.
After few weeks my hair start shedding falling without touching it!!it was scary.
And after 3 months ,so sadly i lost portion of my hair in one side of my tample that goes up to my scalp.
Than hairloss stoped when i stoped the self destrcution behavior /addiction to the computer, and hair shedding stoped after a week.
The area was never filled back again!
After 2 years ,my hair not receding,nothing..
I changed my diet to agressive diet :a lot of salomon fish(toxic with quicksilver and other sea toxiction)also filled with high amount of colasterol. I eat 140 gram protein(from food) a day while training in gym .
Than again something hepppend
After 6 months j started thinning all over my hairline and in one side of my tample getting balder a bit.
Now i kept receding in my hairline and forhead beacome higher as a second mature hairline process begins.
My diet is different , right after i saw thinning throw all my hairline i stoped eat salomon and kept vegan diet for a while plus taking vit b12 supplement
And bought finasteride and a roller to try to fight the thinning that hepend!
I was going to a new hair doctor that said that ive no male pattern baldness
He said its mature hairline rhat hepend.he didnt want to listen to what caused this symptoms to didnt just start suddently,every time i beacome balder than i was(hair follicale destroyed) there was a dramatic change in my body/life that cause hair to die.small amount compare to others. But stille hepend
i dont know if its genetics
Overall i lost hair after traumatic event and hurting my body physically as described. And the second time was changing of diet and eating a lot of salomon fish.
Sometimes 400 -500 gram a day.
Sometimes less with lentis and other stuff.eating a lot of food and protein while training 4 hours a day for almost each day
Both cases in my opinion make the body in severe stress
And change the hormonal process
So my hairloss intrest me.
To think i could avoid it.
And what trigger it.
Even dht /aging process is effected by life style.
Im sure if i take 1000 man sensetive to dht and make there body undergo severe change/stress for period of few months it would result in balding/hairlosss accelartion
My father at age 32 had only receded tamples , he had more hair than me..and his tamples were never lifted about the head.
so he didnt had male pattern baldness
My mother has receded tamples from severe stress she was going throw and told me about.

I dont even know if my hairloss is genetic to dht
Or hormonal changes and body severe mentally and phyiscally that accelrated male pattern baldness .
As i get into conclusion that i would not go under this hairloss
Without the changes i made that in that time was so.traumatic to my body if i view my whole life
There were no.severe changes as this two.times that i felt my body cant take it.
Also the immune system is hurt make your body so tired without sleep , all the systems are hurt without sleeping when your very very tired.and than only sleep 6 hours..also radation from acreen and poor nutrition at the time
All for 5 months will lead to intese damage to the body.hairs.effected first since thay are.sensetive

Thank you for listining
For now, i think no one understand how the hormonal levels and the body works with accleration of all type of hairloss
Even hairloss via aging can be accelrates in years by hormonal imbalance and body severe stress
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