My Initial Thoughts On Pumpkin Seed Oil


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I've been using Pumpkin Seed oil 2x daily in an oral form for about 3 weeks now. I know, this is way too short for "Hair" results, but I just wanted to get some peoples ideas on the other effects of this supplement...

When first starting, I was cautious as I had taken Saw Palmetto 10 years ago when I was 19. Back then, it had caused depression which is rare for me so I got off of it right away. When I researched pumpkin seed oil, I found that it actually is used to treat depression, so I decided to start.

Here is what I've seen:
- Crazy high Libido. Mine is alway high, but this has been down right distracting. Perhaps its my good looking wife.
- Ejaculation Volume is high and really thick. Like, silly string, that can stretch to 2-3 feet thick. Yes TMI, but my point is that it is not watery.

To me, this sounds like the opposite of dutasteride or finasteride. If this actually helps with hair loss, I would wonder if there is possibly a different (and less destructive) mechanism by which it is working. Too bad no one will ever research it as there is no money to be made in natural compounds that can not be patented. Anyway, I'd be interested to hear if anyone else's experience is the similar. I never have used any hormone altering drug, so if i start to see any improvement, I may up the dose to slightly above the recommended and see what happens. I'll give it at least the study's given 6 months unless I see negative side effects before changing dosage.


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From what I read it helps with prostate health, I'm going to try it. I don't have much libido at all so I know if it works and if your claims are a result of taking pumpkin see oil.


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Sounds good! I think its a fairly low risk supplement. I don't recall reading any side effects when I looked. If your low libido is due to finasteride, I'm not sure if it would help as it might be altering your hormones in a completely different way, but its still worth a try. I personally don't take any drugs except topical minoxidil, and am also careful to avoid all endocrine disruptors from plastics and other industrial chemicals which can also wreck your libido. I believe I read at one time that around a third of infertile men were actually due to BPA consumption. All that being said, I know my libido had been even higher since then, but without double blind trials, it could just be a nice Placebo affect.


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PSO should be of no use. Use the PS extract instead - this is what is marketed for BPH. You need the concentrated sterols. The oil would be low in those.


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Did some research about it and it appears that although the study that checked it (pubmed: 24864154) claims to have checked the effect of PSO, actually the product which they used contains many other ingredients according to the manufacturer (octacosanol, mixed vegetable powder, evening prim rose powder, corn silk extracted powder, red clover powder, tomato powder).

For me - it greatly reduces from the reliability of the study.


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If PSO combats DHT in a similar way to Saw Palmetto wouldn't there be a lowered libido as with the more extreme sides of finasteride?

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Also you should buy cold pressed PSO capsules, so production has avoided cheap chemical solvents or extreme heat to extract the PSO oil.
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