My Is Sheding, I'm Not Sure If Shock Loss Or Propecia?


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Hey guys, I recently got a hair transplant about 20 days ago. I've noticed a significant amount of shedding all over my head last week. Its especially noticeable when i take a shower. I'm loosing so much hair. I'm loosing my transplanted hair which is expected; but i'm also shedding native hair on top ,especially around the donor area where the scar is located. The doctor also prescribed me .25 propicia everyday because i had bad side affects with half a pill in the past. i'm concerned and I want to know if anyone had any experience similar to mine. Is it shock loss or is it a side effect from propecia? will it grow back?


My Regimen
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Hey guys, I recently got a hair transplant about 20 days ago. I've noticed a significant amount of shedding all over my head last week. Its especially noticeable when i take a shower. I'm loosing so much hair. I'm loosing my transplanted hair which is expected; but i'm also shedding native hair on top ,especially around the donor area where the scar is located. The doctor also prescribed me .25 propicia everyday because i had bad side affects with half a pill in the past. i'm concerned and I want to know if anyone had any experience similar to mine. Is it shock loss or is it a side effect from propecia? will it grow back?

so, your doctor performed a hair transplant without even knowing if you positively respond to propecia??? That is just horrible imo. Who was your doctor? If you want constructive advice, we need to know the following.

We need pics of your hair.
Did you have a lot of hair to begin with?
How old are you?
Who was your doctor?
How many grafts?

If you had a good amount of hair, and the Doctor performed an hair transplant without you ALREADY being on propecia for at least a year to gauge results, then that is completely unethical imo.


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so, your doctor performed a hair transplant without even knowing if you positively respond to propecia??? That is just horrible imo. Who was your doctor? If you want constructive advice, we need to know the following.

We need pics of your hair.
Did you have a lot of hair to begin with?
How old are you?
Who was your doctor?
How many grafts?

If you had a good amount of hair, and the Doctor performed an hair transplant without you ALREADY being on propecia for at least a year to gauge results, then that is completely unethical imo.
Thanks for the reply Im 22 years old and had about 2000 grafts to lower the hairline a bit. Here are some pics


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so, your doctor performed a hair transplant without even knowing if you positively respond to propecia??? That is just horrible imo. Who was your doctor? If you want constructive advice, we need to know the following.

We need pics of your hair.
Did you have a lot of hair to begin with?
How old are you?
Who was your doctor?
How many grafts?

If you had a good amount of hair, and the Doctor performed an hair transplant without you ALREADY being on propecia for at least a year to gauge results, then that is completely unethical imo.


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New Member
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so, your doctor performed a hair transplant without even knowing if you positively respond to propecia??? That is just horrible imo. Who was your doctor? If you want constructive advice, we need to know the following.

We need pics of your hair.
Did you have a lot of hair to begin with?
How old are you?
Who was your doctor?
How many grafts?

If you had a good amount of hair, and the Doctor performed an hair transplant without you ALREADY being on propecia for at least a year to gauge results, then that is completely unethical imo.


New Member
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so, your doctor performed a hair transplant without even knowing if you positively respond to propecia??? That is just horrible imo. Who was your doctor? If you want constructive advice, we need to know the following.

We need pics of your hair.
Did you have a lot of hair to begin with?
How old are you?
Who was your doctor?
How many grafts?

If you had a good amount of hair, and the Doctor performed an hair transplant without you ALREADY being on propecia for at least a year to gauge results, then that is completely unethical imo.
im worried now am I screwed ?


My Regimen
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im worried now am I screwed ?

you're asking for information while we don't even know your story. Like I said, no one is going to reply with useful help unless you give us more information.


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you're asking for information while we don't even know your story. Like I said, no one is going to reply with useful help unless you give us more information.
okay i see, well im 22. My hairline has been receding since highschool. I tried half generic finasteride about 2 years ago for 3 days but got bad side effects. Im taking .25 now for about 20 days and have none. On July 27th 2016 I got about 2000 grafts( forgot the exact number) around the hairline and some half way on top of the head. the Doctor didn't recommend i lower the temples too much because she predicts i will have further hairloss in the future. so she recommend i save some grafts. Her name is Dr. Alba Reyes. I appreciate any advice or input you can give. Thank you, i linked .some pics up top


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i spoke with her assistant she said its called "Transatory hairloss" not sure if im saying it right she said its normal and it should recover in time. still worried


My Regimen
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well, to be completely honest, you should be worried. Listen man - you don't know if propecia works for you (I seriously hope to God it does) and you have relatively aggressive male pattern baldness (you've receded quite a bit at only 22). She went ahead and performed an hair transplant on you, and here's the most important part - WITHOUT either of you being assured you won't lose the hair right behind the recipient area. I am not trying to be a dick, just being realistic. I was in a KINDA similar scenario. I got an hair transplant when my hair started thinning. I was not on finasteride. I didn't have some bullshit "shockloss", that crap doesn't exist. It's called telogen effluvium. You lose a lot of hair rapidly, due to the trauma from the hair transplant operation. Two years later and I am pretty much f*cked.

You NEED to stick with finasteride, and add minoxidil if you haven't already. The ONLY way you will make it through this looking decent is if that works for you. if not, prepare for a life of transplants, or a shaved head, and diffused thin hair. That't just how it is. WHO was your surgeon???


My Regimen
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i spoke with her assistant she said its called "Transatory hairloss" not sure if im saying it right she said its normal and it should recover in time. still worried

and... you can tell her assistant to get F*CKED and that she's full of Sh*t. Who was this? Bosley?


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It sounds like you had an FUT procedure and have had shock loss around the incision where they removed the piece of scalp. This is not necessarily normal but it happens and it should grow back eventually. The loss around the new grafts is more normal as it disturbs the area enough that hair follicles go into shock. This will also hopefully recover as well.

All you can do is wait and keep taking the finasteride the doctor prescribed. The odds of a good outcome are better because you did have an FUT I assume, but shock loss sucks and it takes time for things to look better.


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It sounds like you had an FUT procedure and have had shock loss around the incision where they removed the piece of scalp. This is not necessarily normal but it happens and it should grow back eventually. The loss around the new grafts is more normal as it disturbs the area enough that hair follicles go into shock. This will also hopefully recover as well.

All you can do is wait and keep taking the finasteride the doctor prescribed. The odds of a good outcome are better because you did have an FUT I assume, but shock loss sucks and it takes time for things to look better.


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It sounds like you had an FUT procedure and have had shock loss around the incision where they removed the piece of scalp. This is not necessarily normal but it happens and it should grow back eventually. The loss around the new grafts is more normal as it disturbs the area enough that hair follicles go into shock. This will also hopefully recover as well.

All you can do is wait and keep taking the finasteride the doctor prescribed. The odds of a good outcome are better because you did have an FUT I assume, but shock loss sucks and it takes time for things to look better.
thanks for reassurance, Guess ill have to wait and hope for the best. Im also going to start using rogain foam and have a hairmax laser comb