my life is going bad



my life is going bad. i dont get it together. i will fail two tests this semester at university because i didnt learn enough. just one i have the chance to pass.

then my mother. she always shouts at me and says everything i do wrong. in her view i do everything wrong. and she tells me that so often that i already believe it myself.

today i wanted to check my thyroid because maybe my hairloss comes from that. okay, but like always i stayed awake until 5 or 6 o clock in the morning and didnt wake up when i had to go to the doctor.

i dont go to university because of my hairloss. but not coz of the hairloss itself but coz i use concealors. and my dad, my mom and my psychologist all tell me that it looks like sh*t. so i only go out in the night to disco where you dont see it.

i wanna do transplants, but im not even sure if i should do that. and i somehow feel that im too childish to make such a decicion.

and whats worthst , i smoke again. i didnt smoke for 2 1/2 weaks and now i started again. f***.

and i dont clean my room. i got chaos everywhere and its not just clean. damn.

i have so high goals. i wanna once get 30 million € or $.
but how the f*****g hell shall i get that? if dont even get the basics.

everything i wanna do to get this money i havent really started with yet. actually im in debt.

though, i have to add, under all the problems i have , i am happy somehow. i dont understand it though.


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helpme007 said:

though, i have to add, under all the problems i have , i am happy somehow. i dont understand it though.

You don't have to understand happiness - just enjoy it.

As far as the rest of it - it'll all fall into place but you have to take a little responsibility along the way (or else things can just as easily fall apart).

As far as the concealers - give them up and just work with what you'e got.

Good luck!