my life is over



i will fail in two test this summer semester . only one i got the chance. only the chance. and i promised my parents that i would pass them all three. for that they pay me 10 000 € for my hair transplant.

im not even sure anymore if i should do it. because you know , plastic surgery and so. should you do something like that? damn but somehow i need it .

oh f***.


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I take it back - you're not doing better after all.

Why will you fail two tests? Seems you have already made the choice to fail them. Get off the f'ing computer and start studying!


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you just saved them 20,000 USD on an extremely overpriced procedure. If you have 10,000 USD, you can get a few sessions of hair transplats.

I failed multiple classes in the spring while looking for hair treatments. Life is a gamble. Maybe you will find what you need to know by looking online that day, and maybe 5 hours will be wasted, and maybe $5000 will be wasted with a procedure, and maybe you'll miss your youth if you don't try. Getting a college degree can be a gamble too.

i think you should be more sad about your GPA than the money, unless you doubt your major. Even with the transplants, it would take 1.5 years to get where you want, and it would still only be half density. Hair transplants are over hyped and always photographed from far away in good light. They are thin, but they make you look good from 6 feet away. When your girlfriend sees you up close, and actually looks at your grafts, she will see that you have thin hair.


what density do you have college? you said once 30 grafts. is that right?

i wanna get 75 grafts at the hairline so maybe that will look thick.


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That will take at least 3 separate procedures, at least 6 months apart. The grafts research can wait until summer finals are over. The only reason I'm making this site such a priority is because starting hair loss treatments early matters a lot in terms of how many hairs can be saved. I have to figure out my regimen and my sources. Grafts will have the same results whether you get them now or later. In fact, they will probably be a lot better later with new technology. Even if better topical technology comes out, it will work best if I've been keeping my hairs from dying by using the right topicals now.

I have 30 grafts per cm2, and will have 60 in 5 months when they grow out, though the very front half centimeter where I lowered the hair line last time will only have 30, and behinde the first inch i will only have 45. That is good because back there i have a better chance of regrowing hair. 75 is decent, but you can't get that much unless you keep the hair you have. NW3 is the absolute limit for getting that much density. Everyone 4 can shoot for 50 per cm2, 5's must take a slightly mature hair line (after transplanting all their donor hair) and 6 and 7 must leave some area (back or front) bald and take a high hair line and take 40 per cm2.

just look on my web site for my regimen, use it for the year, spend more time with your guy friends and not a girlfriend, though flirt if you want, pull your grades up, and rethink stuff later.


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helpme007 has not logged in in a while. maybe he is doing his homework, like I should be.


lol, you chasing me? see im still there. didnt actually write something.


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slave trader's insults are so juvenile they are funny. maybe he will start calling you poo poo head soon.

you said you have 5000 pounds, right? can you save it? that is $8000 USD. Get some interest and you can pay for HM or some other technique that comes out in 2 years. 2 years as not as bad as ten years, which many people like me went through. the interest you could earn on that could pay for your regimen.

just get on a strong regimen than won't control your life. finasteride once a day or dutasteride 3x per week, 5% minoxidil at every night night and tricomin or folligen every other morning, and prox-n in the thinnest areas in the morning, nizoral 1% monday wednesday friday with your dutasteride. Simple, cheap, and strong.

Then get your hat and go have some fun with your friends. Take it off to let your head cool when you are in the car with them or no women are around. Let your friends make a few bald jokes. It's OK.


lol, you re advising me that? you just did another transplant yourself. i want to do transplants.


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yeah, it is my 3rd one. I'm not yet happy with the thickness of my 2nd one, though it has not been a year yet. I am optimistic about my 3rd one growing in eventually. the density won't be good, but at least I won't look scary.

if you want transplants...
I just don't think you should spend 15000 pounds on transplants. that doctor better be 50 times better than bosley. I'm sure the doctor has hype, like bosley does, and bosley is very expensive too. But bosley gave me a wide scar on the back of my head. a doctor that charged less than half the price per graft did a procedure more than twice the size, which felt better, and she cut out the scar with the donor strip and left a very thin scar. that is why I think you should really question this expensive place.

If you are doiing FUE, have the Doctor remove 3 hairs from your arm and toss them, just so you can see what the scars will look like. it won't tell you they will look good on your head, but if the Doctor messes your arm up, then you know the Doctor will mess your head up. there is no point in getting 4000 obvious scars if you can get a thin line for 1/5 the price. I every doctor I emailed said it is not possible to leave a small scar, except one famous one in new york who said he can after a small procedure, and Dr Keene who did not say she could, but did. Her sale rep showed me pictures and said they were typical. I just got lucky by picking her.


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helpme007 said:
lol, you re advising me that? you just did another transplant yourself. i want to do transplants.

nah brain transplants are not real yet, just science fiction.