My miconazole experiment


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Well with the lack of data available regarding the real efficacy of miconazole nitrate growth stimulating effect i have decided its high time i start doing experiments on my own and bring the confusion to an end.


I am 24 suffering diffuse thinning and have absolutely no idea what northwood category i fit into. I started thinning around the age of 18 and by 20 i was on and off various regimen which included minoxidil, finasteride and nizoral. With finasteride came Telogen Effluvium which unfortunately screwed my hairline and density , not to speak of mental fog... huge libido ( o yea :jackit: ).severe depression ..cystic acne.. and a traumatic breakup with my gal..hence after 7-8 months of usage i had to give up finasteride. I used minoxidil for around 4 months and it did stop my hairloss but along came the facial bloating, droopy eyes, dark circles , i couldnt afford to age my face which allready had been devastated by cystic acne caused by finasteride (i had acne earlier but it wasnt that terrible and quite manageable too) hence had to let go off minoxidil too.

In regards to hereditary effect of balding in my family, well my dad and granddad both have thick mane and the matured hairline is in proportion to their age. My dad's brother although is pretty bald and i guess he started thinning around his late 20's .. From my mother's side , my grandad started thinning around 30's , yet my aunt, sister and mother have good quality hair hair with an exception too my mother's brother who seems to have started thinning at 40 s and seems to have normal hairloss.

I have to admit , i wasnt really healthy..i used to junk on and off , used to smoke a hell lot.. From the age of 17 to 23 i literally wasted my life , took no real responsibilities , fckd up my cllg and no real job.. With all the junk in my body my weight plummeted to 85 kgs ( my height is around 5-10' , 5-11" and hence pretty much was in overweight range). well around june 2010 my gal left me owing to my eccentric behaviour ( thnx finasteride! and bad lifestyle !) and i fell into severe depression. By end of june i was off finasteride and smoking (havent smoked from june yet !), decided to sort my life and get back to biz. Started swimming , gymming and well i weigh 74-75 kg now :D. Alas i am still loosing hair !


Since i belong to land of generics ( yea India).. medications are pretty cheap and hence would like to unburden our fellow balding pals from other countries for whom mico might turn out to be unecessary expense . The cheapest 15 gm miconazole cream i have across is for 22 Rs = 0.49 $ but i couldnt find it hence i just bought two tubes of slightely expensive variants namely

Clobate gm (10gm) - containing : colbetasol propionate 0.05 % ( commonly used for alopecia areata - auto immune hairloss) Zinc sulphate 2.0 % ( good for hairloss too i guess), neomycin sulphate and miconazole nitrate 2.0 %

Zole F (15gm) - Miconazole nitrate 2.0 % and flucinolone Acetonide
Zole -f is manufactured by ranbaxy which is quite a well known company

cost of zole f is 1.05 $ and Clobate - GM is 0.82 $ but i'll soon switch over to more cheaper variants as these tubes hardlylast two days. Incase if i dont find a proper brand or quality stuff ill switch over back to zole - f whose contents are pretty similar to Monistat

I have been shortlisted recently for a firm and have to attend scheduled training programme starting from jan 10 till feb 15 . Since ill be traveling to a new city i cannot guarantee regular updates of my pic, although ill post some definitely after the training gets over and if time permits or if its practically possible ill post in between too (no commits tho !)

Things which i am going to follow/ method of application

1) I'll be applying mico twice a day
2) Jogging minimum once a day / some workout (dips , pushups, crunches) till the time i am back at my home town and resume by daily workout ritual
3) No shagging atleast 3 months ( i am a chronic masturbator .. i shag nearly everyday sometimes twice a day) - m gonna commit this no matter what happens.

My diet

1) I used to consume hell amount of curd and butter milk which i have completely stopped from last two months. Although i still sip tea and coffee twice thrice a day.
2) The same applies for wheat too, heavily reduced wheat intake. I am now predominantly a rice eater ( thnx to switching over to rice ..bloating and constipation issues have reduced to nil or negligible percentage)
3) popping multivitamin and zinc sulphate (60mg) once a day and sometimes twice a day from last two months

Note- i forget to mention this, that I am not that very hairy and infact i had started thinning on pubic, underarm , chest and leg area around two years back but the problem seems to have substantially lessened down maybe cuz of heavily modified life style. My beard density has slightly decreased too , not enough to cause panic tho.

I dont have ready pics to showcase my diffuse and hairloss pattern , hence i am just posting a normal pic i clicked yesterday while shopping and would post detailed ones by tomorrow or so. Also i am attaching pics of mico cream and multivitamin tablets which iam using now.

Wish me luck guys, i hope mico really turns out to be our saviour ! :punk:
Awaiting everyones feedback eagerly !


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Awesome bros! Keep the pictures coming! Do you have a source for us so we can get Miconazole Nitrate for cheap? Do you have access to the 4%??? Thanks!


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Happy New Year fellas , i am still in supa state of trance :woot: and hangover :puke: but i am going to be disciplined and update ya guys as promised with new pics of my diffused hairloss state :sobbing:

Squeegee i really doubt mico 4% availability here, but ill check with the local pharmacy.. as for the source..well incase mico work i'll courier the needy @ Indian price + courier charges with no strings attached for limited time as a gesture of my success :)

Although i am posting more pics, but it seems the response from forum members is pretty lukewarm.. Irishpride if you are reading this..i strongly believe you and me have the same kinda issue with hairfall pattern and its control.. I definitely need some guidance / comments from you and from others as well.

pics ... 9TpxJ6kHg#
The pics were clicked the next day after app of mico at bed time.

p.s. I forgot to mention a pretty imp detail. well I have stopped shampooing my hair a month back, instead i wash my hair everyday with lukewarm/hot/cold water + a lill scrub with nails ..the result= i probably have the finest male pattern baldness suffering hair shaft..with natural conditioner (body's natural oil or sebum coat idk) coating..and remains smooth through out the day unlike shampooing which resulted in tangled hair in few hours or so. Mico cream on the on the other hand due to its propylene glycol has boosted my hair conditioning quality


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Hey I am very excited to see how your Mico experiment goes. I am glad you are basically only using Mico because most guys use it in coonjunctin with another treatments which results in false data. By the way, are you sure you have male pattern baldness? I know you know your hair better than anybody but I think your hair is spectacular...maybe you are just beginning to thin but like I said you know better then anyone. Keep us posted, even if you shed, let us know please. Have a great one and hope it works out for you.


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Tim if you check my picasa web album link in the above post, u can see the real diffused state which is hidden under my long hair..the long hair just hides up the thinning level.. as for male pattern baldness well m not very sure bout that too, i always suspected thyroid can be a issue hence would shortly get a test done, although every Doctor i met is pretty much against it as they strongly believe i showcase no major thyroid symptom.

Update - today i bought daktarin 2 % gel (20gm) for around Rs 46 =1 $ ..the stuff seems to be better when it comes to application. Lets see what specific mico variants ill settle to..still playing with all generics.


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A few things.....

1. Make sure your using pure mico because some of the drugs your listing are actually steroids. Write the name of the drug your using and the percent

2. How often are you applying mico (how many time per week)? how long are you applying it for (few hours or overnight)? where are you applying it (scalp or just the temples?)

3. Are you mixing the mico with water or anything to make the application process easier?

4. Make sure all the variables above remain constant (for example like make sure you keep the number of hours the same)

5. Keep your lifestyle no different than it usually is.....because how do I know that your hair is growing back because you stopped masturbating vs its growing back because of the drug treatment?


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(1) Yea I know that apparently some steroid class (colbate propionate) helps with immune suppression (cases of alopecia areata), which in turn might be helpful..but as such i have switched to pure mico - daktarin gel 2 % (1.5) Read carefully mate, have listed all the brand names with specific constituents with precise percentage and all of them contain 2 % mico.

(2) Application - Twice a day (morning and evening)everyday on the whole scalp (not much on sides tho), massaged for few secs if not mins. Hair washed next day in the morning hence practically my hair is covered with mico 24x7.

(3)Pure application / undiluted

(4)Regarding masturbation, well trust me..its gonna remain constant. 10 -12 days no shag, and still going strong. I am a man of my words and nothing changes that fact. And am pretty sure no shag control in this world will grow back my hair but it might aid mico in diminishing male pattern baldness effects.


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Yeah im baffeled by the pics also... just looks like skull expansion has moved the hairs out otherwise it just looks like your a young man with no hair loss, if anything enjoy it for a few years and get find a wife before its too late :gay:


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I have heard of the potential of Micon but dismissed it as unproven. I met a dermatologist at a conference in the Balkans recently, who asked me if I'd ever tried it which a) was quite insulting that he thought it was okay to comment on my hair loss, and b) was surprising because I ddin't think there was evidence re. efficacy.
Looking at this thread today has inspired me to follw this up and go out and buy some tomorrow. I am not taking anything else at the moment (other than vit e compound) as I've given up to be honest (sides etc in the past). I'm also hoping that Micon helps with my chronic scalp itch.
I'll let you know how I get on.


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bolshy, I'm also going to try out miconazole without anything else (I stopped finasteride & Rogaine about 3 months ago because I couldn't afford it). I'll try and keep track of things too.


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update :

well i havent come across any change in hairfall increase/decrease pattern so far or any other related change whatsoever..since i promised you guys m gonna stick to this experiment till 3 months mark..i am still continuing it with hopes of some miracle.

for guys who think i dont have any hairfall issue, well i loose around min of 200-300 hair per wash , imagine how much i'll be loosing the whole day.. but since i have long hair it covers up some of the thinning area, although my hair hardly has any volume to speak of ., If i cut my hair short my scalp would definitely gleam not to forget the fact that my hair so dramatically damaged that i can't even spike em even when they are short (unlike few yrs back !) ..applying gel only make em look slimy and droopy. I have clicked some more pics with mico applied in my hair..will be posting em shortly


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You have good amount of hair there and as you said you may have slight hairloss problem but your long thick hair covers it. Anyhow treatment of miconazole nitrate won't harm you in the short term. One thing in India (as much as I like that country) is that when you're walking on the pavement there are dirty water drippling from air conditioners stuck on the outside of apartments and they possibly contain harmful microbes (most likely). I sometimes used to forget walking on the road instead of the pavement and would get these drippling water on my hair and my scalp would itch & irritate and would lead to hairloss. Do you use any hair oils at all?