My nanosomal encapsulated SOD experiement


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I've always wanted to try a decent SOD(superoxide dismutase) product..Elsom Research made it available..and even though I knew I'd have to work overtime to pay for it :crazy: , I decided to order it and have royal jelly and encapsulated biotin added to it as well. There's also l-arginine in it and vit c. The last time I tried such a product was from Lipoxidil, but it turned grainy etc there was no way to gauge what it could do, even though I thought it was doing something in the beginning.

The stuff needs to be refrigerated. I realize there are other products out there with "SOD", but I'm leery about the amount and stability of the stuff.

I'll be using this on select areas in the mornings(it's a nice watery milky color..absorbs well), every morning. The other products I use will be rotated in the evenings..I may have to update my signature thing :whistle:


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Cool! I'm also thinking about the SOD (and the KGF, why isn't anybody excited about this?!). It isn't that expensive for me because of the crappy dollar :punk: , but still it only stays stable for 2-3 months. I wish this were more..


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Hi there, 1st of all THANKS for all the guidance from you guys..and shared experience

Jacob, thanks for the answer in regrowth forums, my experience with Juveline and Nanoscalp (Juveline as the primary treatment) is giving me good results, it almost stoped my hair loss to a minimum expression, and i can feel some "3 days beared" hairs trying to come out...mind you, it's still to early for me to confirm, but as i'm only using with certain regularity 4 months to now, i hope the futur confirms it.

Now for some sugestions, don't know if you knew this one, but as your are talking about good source of SOD and KGF, this seems (i already used it for 2 months and felt good about it, no bad reactions and the hair seemed very good...stoped it last year, cause i was short of money at the time, but am still consider it as a add-on) a very good one, and there's also some other good ingredients...also Drª Hannah Sivak, is a person with solid crdentials (even worked with an ancient nobel prize winner) and a very good person to talk to...the only "problem"'s not nanosomal, but Drª Hannah, as a theory on that to explain why she's not using's theire February newsletter.

Can't hurt to try...oh, and another one very interesting, and nowdays much more "natural" and with some of the more recent and interesting ingredients for hair loss added is Alterna Life Serum (the new formula) witch is on theire site and also the complete list of ingredients.

Bye and GOOD Luck :)


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bcapop said:
Cool! I'm also thinking about the SOD (and the KGF, why isn't anybody excited about this?!). It isn't that expensive for me because of the crappy dollar :punk: , but still it only stays stable for 2-3 months. I wish this were more..

Any idea what color the KGF would be?

I'm hoping mine lasts 4 months...Dr Y thought it should be ok.


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toivonen...I think what I'll plan on doing is using just Juveline and maybe one other product(in the evenings) when I run out of all the stuff I have now. It'll most likely be NanoScalp as well.

On the product you mentioned, yeah, I wish it were nanosomal AND didn't contain PG. I looked at the newsletter, are you referring to the "FAQ: If the skin is impermeable, what is the point of applying actives to it?" section? I'd still prefer something that is going to help things like SOD penetrate/absorb better. Then there's the nanosomes helping to keep things stable...time releasing the actives..etc. Do they say to refrigerated that Skin Active stuff?


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Jacob said:
bcapop said:
Cool! I'm also thinking about the SOD (and the KGF, why isn't anybody excited about this?!). It isn't that expensive for me because of the crappy dollar :punk: , but still it only stays stable for 2-3 months. I wish this were more..

Any idea what color the KGF would be?

I'm hoping mine lasts 4 months...Dr Y thought it should be ok.

Not much color I think and very low viscosity. It's stable for more than 4 months.


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Well Jacob, like i said before i can answer in 1st person, since i already used KGF haire serum from looks kind of "yellow/brownish", it's semi-fluid (a bit like nanoscalp but more dense) it has some very little grains, looks like miniaturized graip grains but are almost unoticible...feels quite "natural" and fresh...and talking about fresh, yes they advise (and i did that) to keep it on the fridge.
I agree with you, not that the article doesn't have is strongs points when saying there's no necessity of "special" vehicles for delievering the "goods", but i like to have them, besides there's science to backup..maybe it's a question of not raising the final price of the product vs not thinking that it may have that much a mail i exchange with Drª Hannah, she was very specific/clear when expressing her opinion on the subject, saying..she aknoledges some benefits on the technology, but also saying it was a myth to say that some products NEEDED them, so they could be efective....when i asked her about a specific shampoo, she said any, as long as not having SLS.
All and all, it's not very far from Juveline apearance, but doesn't make the hair so sticky, didn't make me bad reactions, didn't saw any visible results, cause i only used it for 2 months...and the feedback from skinactives was always been the case of Elsom to.
My plans are, to keep up Juveline as primary (4-5 times a week in the evening), puting Nanoscalp in some alternation (2-3 days), not having a rigid "table" on that. Perhaps adding in the futur the skinactives serum to have KGF access, but would like to have it without PPG...and always stay alert to futur promising new ones...
One thing is true, if we have the luck of combinig promissing products and not having bad reactions on them, and if we have fidelity on the using, than i'm sure our hair capital with be at it's best in relation to delaying the almost inevitability of the loss, and even having some regrowth...cause regardless of million chemical vs million naturals, almost everybody is starting to see that with the PRESENT state-of-the art, the most we can expect hair (or scalp as you wish) the most natural healty "enviornment", so that our body don't trigger a number of yet unexplained reactions, that say to them..."no way you aren't gone growth there" :devil: ...and speeding up, what is already a chronic process...and give them some regular "boost" a realistic expectation i would say to be...the maximum delay as possible, with a good anagen ratio, dreaming even on some keeping things " A LIVE" and HEALTHY!

Sorry for the long post....and be happy with the present, expecting more of the futur...and keeping the importance of "things" as they should. :)


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toivonen..thanks. I wonder if those "grains" are the SOD. I'm just thinking back to Lipoxidil's SOD product again- theirs ended up being VERY grainy after only a few weeks, it seems.


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You're welcom Jacob, since long you've been a source of inspirations and guidance to the "alternative"....Yes, i wonder that myself....


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Can't say I can. It does feel good on my scalp though..and it's nice to use a topical once again that doesn't leave anything showing AT ALL. Nor does it really have a detectable smell.

Yeah yeah..let's hear the jokes. Nanoencapsulated Texas water is what I got :punk:


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Yeah..that's what you've got my friend...but if your "water" as been anything like mine, than it's a very pleasant and efective "water" to our problem :jump: ....those Texas guys, only them could have such a "water"...maybe cause it's processed by a Hebrew scientist, come to hink of it...what are the chances of those 2 things come together..? :shock: ...
...good luck and give us the feedback Jacob :)


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I'm now using their NanoFibrin...and I tried the "new" Juveline, even though I still have some of the other left. Much easier to spread around.


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Jacob have you noticed the juveline doing anything for you?


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At first I did. Then I stopped, for the most part, everything for awhile(due to reasons beyond my control). So now especially with the more pleasant to use version, and NanoFibrin..we'll see. I use quite a few other topicals you can see.


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I hate to say it. But, if these other people are using an SOD, they are infringing on our patents.

BTW, we have been using these agents for decades (note that the priority date below is 1985) and pretty much know what works.

Peter H. Proctor, PhD,MD


Topical sod for treating hair loss

Inventors: Proctor; Peter H. (Twelve Oaks Medical Tower 4126 SW. Freeway, Suite 1616, Houston, TX 77027).
Appl. No.: 229,374
Filed: Apr. 18, 1994

Related U.S. Application Data

Continuation-in-part of Ser No. 21,970, Feb. 24, 1993, Pat. No. 5,352,442, and a continuation-in-part of Ser No. 193,228, Feb. 7, 1994, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 149,720, Jan. 29, 1988, abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 8,186, Jan. 28, 1987, abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 858,050, Apr. 30, 1986, abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 757,131, Jul. 18, 1985, abandoned.


SOD for treating hair loss is disclosed. The SOD has utility in a topical pharmaceutical formulation for the cosmetic treatment of hair loss and the cosmetic stimulation of hair growth. The SOD comprises copper salicylate, copper aspirinate, indomethacin-copper, or a complex of an amino acid or peptide and a transition metal.