My new look


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Hey Guys,

I haven't posted here in a while, but here's my update in case anyone's interested. I've been using Revivogen and Nizoral for about 6 months now. I honestly can't say I've seen any results. I discontinued propecia after experiencing side effects.

I'm a diffuse thinner and my hair continues to thin and shed. I used to have relatively long hair, then I cut it to a medium length once my hair started thinning. It was getting pretty hard to cover up the thinning however, so a couple weeks ago I decided to just cut it very short.

I buzzed my entire head with a #1 setting on my clippers. It actually made my hairloss much less apparent, but I can still see the thinning if I look very closely. I've had mixed reactions so far. Some of my guy friends say they like it. My mom said it looks terrible, but she doesn't seem to understand that long hair on a balding person would look worse.

My girlfriend was very shocked to say the least. She said 'why do you want to keep it so short? You should let it grow a little.' Obviously the real reason is my hairloss, but I don't want to tell her that. When we initially started dating about two months ago, she told me that she's not attracted to balding guys. What a great superficial world we live in, huh?

In fact, now that it's so short, if I let it grow even a little the thinning becomes very apparent again. So I guess this is my new look now, for better or worse. I'm starting to get used to it and some days I actually like it. I'm trying to work out and gain some muscle to improve my overall appearance. Hairloss is tough, but you have to roll with the punches.


Established Member
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One word for you....PROTHIK! I know i plug this stuff all the time but if you are someone who has existing hair and are experiencing diffuse shedding like myself then you need this product.

Shave my poodle

Established Member
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Don't make the mistake of letting it grow back, buzzed is your new look now, doesn't matter what others think. If you can get used to the look in the long run you'll be the winner.


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Yeah, I have no plans of letting my hair grow out again. I saw some friends last night and they said it actually looks good. Maybe they're just being nice, I don't know. But I think I have the right kind of face/head shape to pull it off.

I don't know about the prothik stuff. As long as I keep my hair buzzed very short, it's hard to tell I'm thinning. I'm sure that will change with time.

There are a lot of advantages to buzzing your head though. It requires very little maintenance. I'm not constantly looking in the mirror anymore to check my hair. And I don't find dozens of hairs on my pillow every morning.


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Well done.. You have just put hairloss and all the angst and crap associated with it behind you.. No more pills, potions, ointments ect ect just a weekly buzz cut, now thats low maintenance! In a couple of months when you have completely adjusted to your new look ( & those around you have all accepted it) male pattern baldness will probably never be an issue for the rest of your life :!: Best of luck.... :)

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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Your style is good man. But dont be in a misconception that other people dont know that you are losing your hair. The good thing is that you have accepted your pate...and obviously it wud show that you are confident person. Make some muscles...and with the low crop look...chicks will find you very sexy.
I also want to hv a low crop look but i have this huge damn freckly just above my left temple. Its almost the size of a rubber. I hate it. :evil:
Right now i got hair on it..but its thinning so badly...i wonder when its more clearly visible..i might look uglier. :roll:


Senior Member
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I dont want to pee on this 'shave your head and be free' parade but there are still lots of options out there to tackle your hair loss problems. You quit propecia because of side effects - well most people have side effects initially when starting, they then go away. As was stated earlier minoxidil is easier to apply to a shaved head... it seems to me you still have options and probabilities open to you.



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The biggest advantage of buzzing my head is that I don't think about hairloss nearly as much anymore. It's still in the back of my mind, but not like before.

Fortunately I don't have big ears, so I can pull off this look decently. I used to look like a clean cut, somewhat pretty boy when I had hair. I definitely look more intimidating now.

Nexus, I also have a birth mark above my left temple. It's a small black spot that used to be covered by my hair. It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would so I can live with it. You should give it a try man, you might be happy with the way it looks. Trust me, it's better than trying to cover up all the thinning on a daily basis.

As far as the propecia and minoxidil, I've given up on both of those. I don't want to pop pills for the rest of my life that could possibly screw me up internally. I tried minoxidil for a while and it did terrible things to my scalp. I had dandruff which looked like bird sh*t on my head and nonstop itching on top of that. I was using Nizoral at the time and still do, with only marginal benefits.

I guess I've just accepted my fate and it's time to move on to bigger and better things in life. Maybe some better treatment will come out in the future, but until then I don't want to worry about this sh*t anymore. My last hope is in the Revivogen I'm using, which is a small hope if any at all.


Senior Member
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Don't give up on the Revivogen so early! If you've only been on it for 6 months you need to give it a little more time. If your buzzing your hair short stick with Revivogen for 1 year and then decide to try something else out. If propecia does not work for you you can always try Fluridil. Revivogen is the best thing available besides propecia and most likely Fluridil for inhibition of DHT!