My Personal Fight With Mother Nature (23)


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This is pretty much a rant, just to let some steam off.

When I was a teenager, I had very thick hair. Literally every time I went to the barber, he or she would mention so. I could (and can) grow a thick beard and I had (and have) enough body hair on me. Never thought I'd go bald. My hairline decided to erase itself when I was about 17, maybe earlier. At first I didn't really notice as I had very thick hair that was covering my hairline anyway. When I was 18 I decided to do a buzz cut for the summer to come. It was then that it struck me that the hair on my temples was completely gone. 18 and NW3 was my situation. It was still manageable at the time, and I was also still somewhat in denial, never did anything about it, I just kept postponing till it was 'time'. Over the years my hairline has somewhat retained but began thinning out. When the thinning at the front became too much I decided to take the 'plunge' and shave everything off, but I couldn't accept it.
Now that my hair is slowly growing back (this was about 3 weeks or so ago) it's becoming apparent that the hair across the whole scalp is thinning, something that wasn't visible to me at all when I grew my hair a little longer, so that's another smack in the face. In low light settings I don't even care that much, but in the sun or artificial light it looks (and makes me feel) real bad. Probably NW3.5 going on NW4, see pictures.

I have no idea what my prognosis would be, would I go totally bald, would it halt somewhere blabla. I don't have much reference material. Mom, dad, and younger brother are all NW1, so it's pretty confronting. According to mom, I got my hair from her (she only has sisters), and she supposedly has her hair from her mom. All I know is that some of my grandmothers brothers had receded hairlines, but I don't have more information. I'm also already starting to gray (yay mother nature!!), but I care less about that (borderline ginger anyway). Up till a week ago, I never used medication. I started using Nizoral shampoo twice a week (always have had bad dandruff anyway) and minoxidil (w/ dermarolling) 5% twice a day. Still in the progress of getting finasteride (my GP was quite reluctant, first wanted to do blood tests), but I won't stop before I get a prescription or am redirected to a dermatologist. At this point I don't give a flying f*** about possible side effects and my only regret is that I didn't start sooner.

Looking back, the year I was 17 years old was probably the best year of my life. I had a girlfriend, my hair was still OK and I was generally happy. It was only when I was 16 that I got a deep male voice, so before that I was often ridiculed, people thought I spoke with a high pitched voice on purpose. I suppose mother nature just really likes to take me in the ***. Even now I can still speak in my 'child' voice, it's a simple manner of 'switching', hard to explain though. So needless to say, I avoided pretty much anything so I didn't have to speak. Since my twenties I avoid everything because of inferior feelings and I developed (and was diagnosed with) some nice disorders along the way (OCD, AVPD).

Hair loss (especially at a young age) f*****g sucks and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Especially now it has become an obsession for me (thank you OCD) I can't think of much else than my hair. Anyway, enough whining. I hope finasteride can at least maintain what I have now, so I can eventually throw away some money on hair transplants. Just have to pray that by the time I destroyed my donor area and the balding becomes apparent again Replicel and Tsuji can save my life.

First off we'll see what a combination of minoxidil, nizoral and finasteride could do for me.


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Senior Member
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Good luck man. Maybe you should grow it out a bit? I think it’ll cover a lot of that thinning

Edit: I could be wrong I’m not sure tbh


Established Member
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Hair loss is a ***** can happen to anyone, anywhere. Goodluck man hope u find a good solution for you