my pics and minoxidil ?


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The answer is yes.. finasteride is more preventitive, min is more one-off growth.


Is it that part line in the midscalp region the area you are thinking of adding the minoxidil to? Your hair looks like its in very good shape. I don't see a huge problem and I personally wouldn't add anything extra, but thats just me. If you been on Propecia for several years and you think you need an extra kick in your regimen, than obviously the answer is minoxidil. Go for it.


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I personally would say no, in your situation. Will the minoxidil help, probably. If you are getting good results (regrowth or no more fallout) then I would say wait to use the minoxidil. The reason is because minoxidil is a pain to put on. And you already have a good head of hair from seeing the pictures.


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Im going to have to agree with Badasshairday.Your hairs looking good man.minoxidil is the way to but......what you have to worry about is if youve been on propecia for so long and its working then if you get on minoxidil...and you dont respond well to it ..youll shed like crazy and be in a worse situation.


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Your hairloss is the same as mine...

diffuse thinning in the middle of the scalp....
I think it's a good idea that you decided to add minoxidil into your regimen because I believe you won't be getting any better with propecia....

start with minoxidil and stay with it....


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Thanks for the input. UPNORTH- I've started propecia at 21 and I am now 26. I definitly feel that it has helped my situation. But, lately I have noticed some increased thinning in the frontal/center region. My overall answer is that propecia has definitly helped slow my hairloss down. I plan on placing some more photos. I think I need to take some pictures in a different resolution because it is hard to illustrate my frontal problems in those pics. I am truely happy that alot of you said my hair looks good. But, I have considered testimonials from veteran posters that say they wish that they started minoxidil earlier.

Blue- your statement about being a bad responder to minoxidil and my hair possibly turning out worse is something that I have been wondering. I feel that I could have some improvement in my frontal region, but haven't gotten on minoxidil for the same reason you mentioned.

I quess overall, I feel I have that propecia has helped me, but I am still trying to figure out if I can benifit from minoxidil. I also may have problems applying twice a day.


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you know. this could be just my opinion..but if i were you, i'd stop parting your hair like that. i did..and the thinning occured where i parted it like that. now i have bad thinning in the front middle.. i have to comb it forward to conceal. i'd reccomend you cut it a different way and comb it forward myself.. but that's just me
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To make it short, I say "f*** male pattern baldness before it fucks you". If I were you, I would definitely jump on the minoxidil bandwagon since propecia seems too loose effectiveness. Go for it, it worth the hassle !



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Although they say your hair is in good shape, your centre part is fairly large, and when wet your hair shows quite a bit of scalp. You're not too bad considering you at least have some density left, but I'd add minoxidil since Propecia has stopped regrowing anything.

The shedder

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jeez 5 years sounds good to be on propecia. You could maybe try minoxidil once a day to test it out on your scalp, and twice a day isn't that bad in my opinion


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You guys are completely obbessive if u think his hair looks like its balding..espically on top its just a part geez..
i got the same thing in the front as you man suck i know..but at least your temples dont recede in a norwood 2.5-3 fashion
but hopewas is right I think if u got a shorter haircut and maybe combed it down or spiked it up some it look better being if its shorter for some reason hair always seems and feel thicker and looks thicker too


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jason- I was wondering the style you mean? I used to have that ceaser haircut. hair brushed foreward but I kind of thought my hair looked thinner. I also noticed that it looked thin at the back.


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We're not crazy, it does look fairly thin, that's a pretty big part in the centre compared to what it should be. He's still got enough density that he can hope for good results from minoxidil, in my personal opinion, but it's clear the hair isn't what it once was.


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u talkin about the part down the middle all the way to the front..u got me confused man


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DC, my hairloss pattern is identical to yours, but a little worse.
I try not to give advise on these threads because Im not knowledgeable enough on hair loss or cures, but... this is my plan...

I was on rogaine for a while but not anymore due the fact that Im still young and from what I believe, rogaine wont last long. (I know about 5% to 12% but I'm waiting for my thirtys for that.)

I just bought Folligen and I will be going Propecia for the first year and Proscar thereafter. (Im starting finasteride in 3 months after my wedding)

I would try a topical other than rogaine because of your age, and save it as a last resort.