**MY PICS** and Regimen


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Hey Guys
I thought it was about time i posted some pics, so people know my situation and u guys can hopefully help me with my questions better.

About six months ago I noticed I was losing over 200 hairs a day just in the shower, i was in shock, I was on no treatmensts at all. I think that i was probably losing hair b4 that but never noticed. It took me a while to accept that i had male pattern baldness, so i didnt start treatment. I have been on Propecia for 2 months now and using nizoral 2% for about 3. The nizoral has really helped my SB, i used to had so much dandruff and scalp itchness 5 months ago, it was unbearable. About 3 weeks ago it had improved dramatically. Otherwise not much has changed, but I dont expect anything to be different yet, the shedding is still horrible. Plus, i dont know if propecia is causing me to shed because ive always been shedding.

Here are 3 pics. The first is of my hairline right now. See how it slants from the left side of my head to the right. U can see the recession on the right side of my hairline, its quite bad. Remember im only 19 and in the early stages of male pattern baldness. I used to have the thickest hair anyone had ever seen. 2 years ago, i used to have #1 clipper on sides and #2 clipper on top and had bangs in the front that i put straight up. My hair still looked so thick even though it was so short. People used to be amazed. My remaining hairs are mostly still thick, but i have diffuse hairloss with thinning and recession in the front and thinning on top. Anywayz, there is also a little bit of recession on the right side but not much. I hate my hairline because i have a hairstyle where i put my hair in the front straight up. So my hairline is cleary visible. The slant of the hairline and the little square piece that sticks out lower than the rest of the hairline really piss me off, especially cause that little square piece isnt centered on my head. Ive tried many other hairstyles but, everyone says that this is the only one that looks good on me.


Here is the second pic. It is of the right side of my head, in the right temple area. My right temple is quite bad as well, while my left is basically perfect. I could see so many miniturized little hairs in the red triangle and i wanted to see if i would respond to minoxidil 5%. So I put minoxidil 5 % in that area (lower part of right temple) to test it.


Here is a pic of this area now. After 2 months of minoxidil 1x a day. Im very surprised and pleased with the results i seemed to have responded quite well even though i only used 1x a day. The results are not amazing or anything, but good.


Im glad that im a responder to minoxidil. I am now applying it 2x a day to that area to see if it really thickens up. I would use minoxidil on my hairline, but i dont want to make all those hairs minoxidil dependant just yet. Im waiting on propecia, hoping that it will thicken up the hair, and fill in the hairline so that I dont have to go through the annoying process of applying minoxidil there for the rest of my life. Do u think that waiting it out on propecia for the hairline is a not a good idea? Should I just start applying minoxidil there too since i know i have a good chance of responding to it, and that I dont take the chance of waiting for a year for propecia to work. Which has a chance of not working, and causing me to lose hairs on the hairline that minoxidil could have saved? Did question is really bothering me. wut do u think. Any question and comments would be appreciated. I will keep u posted on my progess. I am also taking these daily:

Multi vitamin 1x

Balanced B vitamin 1x

Biotin 500mcg

MSM 2000mg

ZINC 30mg


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wow. that hairloss looks real bad. i think you'll be bald maybe as soon as 6 months


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Hopewas is taking the piss. What he means is that your hairloss is EXTREAMLY minor. I would flush my balls down the toilet for that hair.


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I know my hairloss is only minor. I just want to stop it b4 it gets any worse. Losing over 200 hairs a day in the shower seems like alot. I also have a really really high forehead (u cant tell from the pic) so that bit of reccession looks alot worse than it is. The right side of my hairline is basically on top of my head. I aslo have quite a bit of thinning on top and on the back of my head but didnt have a good pics.


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I wouldn't worry too much my friend. You are doing the right thing. You are doing something about it. And that doesn't happen as often as it should. Most people wait til it gets worse before they finally go ahead with a treatment.

So, just stick w/ the minoxidil and see how it fares out. By the looks of your pics, you appear to be a good responder. And remember, thats only 2 months. Who knows what wonders it may do for you after say.....12 monhs or so. Keep it goin.


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Thanks Jude. Ive only been using minoxidil on that little area on the right side of my head to see if i would respond to it. Now that i know i did, do u think i should put it on my hairline as well, or should I wait and see if propecia itself restores my hairline. Thanks


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you got to be kidding me..you have a perfect hairline its just a mature hairline..If you have hairloss then im f***** ..


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I went and saw a famous hair specialist named Jerry Shapiro and her told me i had male pattern baldness. I was hoping it was just Telogen Effluvium and mature hairline. My hairline used to be basically as low as that little square piece is, all the way across. And my right temple has thinned and receeded quite a bit to, cant really tell from that pic. My Left is alright.


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hers a pic of my right temple. The blu area is where i have been putting minoxidil and the red area is where the thinning and reccession has taken place.



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ooooh man... sometimes it's not even worth taking pictures and posting messages on hairloss websites amongst Norwood 3s and up buddy... I'm only a Norwood 2, but I'm gonna be the first to say suck it up. :( Your hair isn't bad at all. You wanna see how big MY red circle would be on MY pictures? (if I had any) Honestly? I can't feel bad about your hairline in any way shape or form. More power to you, but you're doing what you can to fight it and it's not looking bad at ALL, I'd kill for a hairline like that, so just get on with your life!


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I know my hairloss is minor. Im only 19 and I was losing over 200 hairs a day just in the shower for 4 months b4 i got on any treatments, which seems like a lot. I know i am doing all i can. Just wondering if I should add minoxidil to the hairline now, or should i wait on propecia and see if it fills in my hairline first. Worried that if i dont add minoxidil now and propecia is ineffective i will lose some hairs that minoxidil would have saved. I have gotten a lot thinner in the front in the last couple of months as well. I have thinning all over the top, dont have a good pic tho, when i find one i will post it.


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Who here doesn't wish they caught their sh*t early?

You are mildly receeding, minoxidil should help, hold out on the finasteride until you see if the minoxidil works.


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Im actually already starting my third month on finasteride. Im wondering if i should add minoxidil now or after a year. Do some people see thickening or regrowth of there hair in the third month? I heard some people see results just on finasteride in there 3rd month, is this true or just bs?


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Im actually already starting my third month on finasteride. Im wondering if i should add minoxidil now or after a year. Do some people see thickening or regrowth of there hair in the third month? I heard some people see results just on finasteride in there 3rd month, is this true or just bs?


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You're REALLY persistent. Stick to just finasteride and see how that works out alone. minoxidil may be unnecessary, and if finasteride proves uneffective, you can always start it later. Plus, if finasteride years down the road ceases being helpful, then you can throw minoxidil into the mix for further maintenance and regrowth.


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under20 said:
I was losing over 200 hairs a day just in the shower

Did you actually count? :D

My hair's a lot worse than you, and I've NEVER noticed any shedding, just a slow and steady thinning up top.

Also, for future reference, could you maybe make those pics smaller? It's really annoying to have to scroll right and left and right and left and right and left and right and left (etc.) to hear what you have to say. If you made your pics smaller, that wouldn't happen.



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I actually did count. Wut i did was, clean my sink, and then close the drain. Then i shampooed and washed my hair in the sink. I wasnt able to get all the hairs, but i still had over 200.

The reason my hair doesnt look that bad is because I had so much hair originally and the hair was so thick that even though i have been shedding tremendously, it doesnt show like how it would on a person that has average hair thickness. When i went to get my hair microscopically tested, the hair from healthy regions of my head was 2 1/2 times thicker than an average persons healthy hair. Heres a pic.
