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Hey guys, I just turned 21 and my hair went from perfect to this in about 6 months. I am on no regimen, I just wanted your opinions on my hair loss so far. Don't get upset that i still have a fair amount of hair on my head. I am not trying to rub it in. Keep in mind I just turned 21. I want to do something about it now, but I'm too scared to get on rogaine (because I dont want to apply it 2x a day for the rest of my life) and propecia ( because of the shedding, Im scared it might not work and I will be screwed). What do you guys think of my pictures? Should I shave my head ( I dont think that look will work for me). Should I get on a regimen now? How should I start. Thank for all the support.


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Well it seems your too wary of both of the biggest treatments. I suggest getting a toupee or shaving it all :) . You need them or you will lose your hair. Regardless of what you read hear, people don't shed very much . All treatments are for life or as long as you want hair. Popping a pill and spending 2 minutes slopping crap on your hair twice a day isn't so bad.

I have a friend who has a serious stomach issue and he must take 20 something meds a day. He has a schedule he has to go by thoughout the day just to take them, now that sucks.

Anyway your hair still looks good but you need to start treatments ASAP your right at the cusp of it becoming obvious.

You caught it in time!

Good luck!


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What's funny is that my father and grandfather are both bald, but I have a brother who is 6 years older than me and has absolutely no signs of hairloss. I don't know how he got so lucky. I wouldn't mind losing my hair so much if it wasnt for me just turning 21. If I was able to have my mid 20's with hair, I wouldn't mind. But, unfortunately it seems as if I wont get that. It's hard when you are really young. I have read posters who lost a lot of hair in there teens, and I feel for them because it is really tough at 21 let alone in your teens


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I guess I will try to get a prescription for propecia. I just don't know how I am going to cope with the shedding. I only hope that all the shedding stories I read are just those people that do shed...maybe the people who havent shed much on propecia just dont talk about it? Is there anyone out there on it for more than 6 months and hasn't shed all that much?


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It seems like your main problem is the crown, though it's not that bad. And you're in luck, propecia works best on the crown. You're going to have to get over your fear of a shed. I know it's scary, I"ve been through one with minoxidil...but you just have to wait it out. And it is likely that you won't experince one, like cassin said. I didn't expereince a noticable shed with Propecia. With limitations you give, the only thing that would be left is Nizoral Shampoo, which doesn't do much by itself. My advice is to start with Propecia and Nizoral. I don't think you need Rogaine yet.

Just my two cents.


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username123 said:
I guess I will try to get a prescription for propecia. I just don't know how I am going to cope with the shedding. I only hope that all the shedding stories I read are just those people that do shed...maybe the people who havent shed much on propecia just dont talk about it? Is there anyone out there on it for more than 6 months and hasn't shed all that much?

I'm approaching 2 years on Propecia.

I've yet to have a shed. A lot of the thinning hair I had has returned to cosmetic normalcy.

Does your "crown" (the thin spot on the back of your head) itch?


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Yea, it does. But I have bee trying not to scratch it. If I dont go a day without shampooing my hair, it will start to itch. So, I shampoo everyday and the itching isnt that bad, but I know it will itch if I go for more than a day without shampooing. Is it bad to shampoo every day?


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No, it's fine to shampoo everyday.

My crown used to itch until I started Propecia. Now it never does. Ohhhh yeah.


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Start using Propecia , for your Crown , you'll see on that area the thin hairs will become healthy,grow in number and shape and colour


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yeah, dont worry about your temples or hairline- you look okay there.

your crown is obvious, though.

pretty well what everyone else said- you're in the early stages, so propecia should be able to fill that in good.


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He turned on "You must be 18 or older to view photos".

Since none of us have been "verified" as 18, it just hides the pics.