My progress, what can i expect or do next, if anything.


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I have been on fincar for about a month and a week now, and minoxidil on and off for about two years until a couple months ago when i now use 5% once a day.

My whole head was thinning and losing hair, i believe this is called defusser thinning or something.

As of now my shedding seems to have completely stopped and the hair i have feels thicker, my family can even visibly tell the difference.

I usually shave my head with a number 4 extension but the last two times i used a #2, last night was the latest. It doesnt seam like i have anymore hair than i did the last time i shaved my head it still seems thicker though.

Can i expect new hair to start growing?

Should I add something else or just stay with the finasteride minoxidil and nizoral.


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Sounds very familiar to my situation the first couple months. Just stick with what you're doing Leave your regimen alone for now. Changing it up is the last thing you want to do...BUT.. I think you'd benefit from applying minoxidil 2x/day. Other than that don't change a thing.


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I put it on two times a day when i can but i dont like how it feels in my hair during the day. I usually wear a hat to work but the the hat starts to stain. I could stop wearing a hat but i like hats and i still wouldnt put the minoxidil anymore.even if i didnt wear them


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try to put it on an hour or more before the hat

try to put it on an hour or more before the hat and it will be obsorbed enough to not stain it. the longer the better. like wait until you get to work to put it on.


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Last night i decided to go shorter and went to a number 1 extension and i really like it, the balding spots are obvious if your looking but If you didnt know me i dont think you would notice. My friends and GF think it looks better to, even when(if) my hair starts growing back i will always go this short. I''ve become content with the fact that i'm going bald. Men go bald, some before others but thats what we do, so i will learn to live with it knowing i am doing all i can.