My progress


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Hey everyone,

I'm back with a little update. It's been a little over 12 months now since I started my regimen and so far I can only tell you that my experience is that of ride on a rollercoaster. Although I had more ups during the course of a year, I had some downs as well. Before I started my regimen, it was getting to the point where I was afraid to come out of the bathroom without a hat on, not even with Toppik. A couple weeks later, I was going outside with no hat on and with no Toppik at all, thanks to Propecia and Rogaine. Everything was working great for the most part, but there have been weeks where my hair felt like it was thinning out, and I'd shed a little bit, then I'd go back up to where I was with a more thickened hair. I dealt with it by just sticking to my meds plus monoxidil and so far so good until early December of last year, 2009.

Around that time, I really started to notice that I'm thinning out and I didn't like it one bit. Thinning out was never like this, and this was the worst it has ever been. I had to make a decision, just deal with it like I have before and stay with my current regimen, or up the dosage on Propecia and throw something else in. Although for the past year I have been able to maintain my hair pretty good, I will not say I saw the regrowth I wanted. I'd describe my hair as okay, 10 times better then what I had, but not exactly what I was aiming for. This was probably mostly because sometimes I'd forget to take the pill, and there were days where I was without minoxidil, due to low funds. Therefore, my discipline as far as following my regimen was far from perfect, so I decided to make some changes.

My old daily regimen was as follows: 0.5 mg Propecia, 1mg MSM, Rogaine, and Revita. I was pretty good about Propecia, MSM I missed maybe 10 times in a month, and Revita I'd use maybe 3 times a week.

Now, my daily regimen is as follows:

0.5 mg Propecia
1mg MSM

0.5 mg Propecia
1 mg MSM

I'll just add that I space these out every 12 hours and I always use a shampoo, either Nizoral or Revita, before applying Rogaine. I have been really good about not missing any of this because my recent thinning was really scaring the crap out of me already. So what are the results? Well, let's just say that in early December when I started thinning/shedding, I'd count about 50 good sized hairs in the sink when I'd shampoo my head. The entire December I was just losing hair, and I could no longer just come out of the bathroom without a hat on without having my mother notice my hair's thin (she doesn't know). This was really, really upsetting and I wondered why am I losing hair especially when I just made my regimen even better then what it was, right? Thankfully, it's been over a month and the shedding has mostly stopped. I now lose maybe 10 hairs when I take a bath, if that, and I really have to press hard on my head to even get those when shampooing. My hair feels like it's thickening up again and I really hope it will stay that way.

If anyone has any questions I'll be around here for a few days then I'm probably going to fade away again and come back in a few months with another update. I'll post some pictures too. I just want to say that shedding sucks, and it's depressing, and it can make you angry, but don't let it make you quit doing what you're doing to help your hair. Make sure you have a solid regimen and stick with it. Don't quit when your hair suddenly feels thinner, it happens. No one on this board can tell you whether you'll grow it back or not, because everyone is different. But what they can probably tell you is that if you quit, you will most definitely lose it all, and if you stick with it, you will probably regrow again. Don't skip your meds, take monoxidil twice a day, use nizoral'revita, pop some MSM, and you'll be ok (believe it!).