my proposed treatment..


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As an update I got my results back from the quack and she said that nothing was wrong with my blood tests.. However, is there anything that generally they wouldnt check? I noticed on the forms that she didnt do any blood count or anything like that? Im going back on Tuesday so I was going to ask any questions then..

After doing some reasearch, I found out that if you can scratch stuff off the then of the hair.. it could be something like seb derm and this can have an affect on the hair not being very strong and falling out. Im going to get some Nizoral and T Gel for this, I think this is correct?

Hair falling out seems to just get worse, im really starting to get down about this. Its just all falling out :(

Things to take for it..

Rogain (extra strength?? - whats the diff between that and "normal"? anyone know)
Propecia (1mg)

Vit E
Flax seed oil

three meals a day, proper meals not this takeaway shite I seem to eat constantly. Going to try and get things right..

Going to go on the rowing machine every morning for 30 mins, do some light weight traning, press ups, sit ups, etc, for 15mins and have a walk in the evenings.

Cut down;
shitty foods, takeaways, things like that..

Im also going to take some pics and try and document this.. any ideas on what to add to the treatment? Or just any feedback would be welcome.

Im sat on the order button for things now, very scared :(

I cant help thinking why is this happening to me? heh I guess we all think that huh?

Take it easy,



Rogaine is just Minoxidil so you can save yourself a lot of money and just get the generic brands that are available at most stores. The "Extra Strength" is just 5% Minoxidil compaired to the original 2%, the 5% is stronger and will produce better results.

I believe that you should just stick with a multivitamin instead, because if you look at what is in them your zinc and vitamin E will be covered and too much of any vitamin is not good for you. Just do a little research on any vitamins you want to add to your regimen that your multivitamin does not contain. Your better off doing your own research on anything you want to add to what your taking concerning vitamins because a lot of poor information is being passed around on these sites.

I have been losing my hair for just over a year and I am only 20, so I know how you feel. The truth is though, for me at least, you get to the point where it does not bother you as much and you find better things to be concerned with. It may take some time for you to get to that point but the worst thing you can do is let if overwhelm every thought you have.


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Al, is your hairloss following the male pattern baldness pattern? Receeding temples? Diffuse thinnig on top? Balding crown?

You probably have male pattern baldness, if so, take my advice, i know its depressing (i was very depressed 6 months ago).

Best treatments:

1)Finasteride (propeciam, proscar, fincarm finast etc.).
2)Minoxidil 5% (kirkland, rogaine etc).

1)Topical Spironolactone.
2)Nizoral Shampoo.
3)Folligen Spray.

IF, you have male pattern baldness, the sooner you get on some of these products the better, see my regimen below (multi-vit, flax & zinc are really just for general health benefits, not specifically for hairloss).