My Proven Treatment: Mach #3


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After using rogaine faithfully for 9 months, and seeing some growth, but still having a thinning horseshoe on the crown, and not being willing to take propecia, I returned to what I had been doing for the two years prior to treatment-- Shaving my head bald !

I have advanced from Gillette, to the Mach 3 blade. Gives you the best shave. I am fortunate my brothers-in-baldness, that I have the "look" for going totally hairless like this.

I am used to it, as I have been doing it for the past three years off and on. I had let it grow out a few times this last year, to "test" the Rogaine usage. But I was disappointed. I am sure that with propecia, my results could have been better...well, perhaps...perhaps not.

I work out, stay fit, keep a strong, hard penis, and shave my head every day! If you can do the same, I suggest you do, there is basically NO stigma associated with it anymore, and I commonly see black AND white guys sporting the look, and it kinda (at least if you are athletic) makes you look like a badass.


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congrads, believe it or not some people look better without the hair then the hair thy're trying to cling on to. my brother just shaved his head and believe it or not, it works for him. it gives me hope that when i shave mine i'll look ok also. he has a big bald spot and thinning areas on his head that you notice with a shaved head. i don't thanks for taking proscar and minoxidil. he's 2 years older than me,..but at my age he had a bald spot on the crown .. i don't. so here's hoping i can maintain for a while before i have to shave it.


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after looking at some of the pictures, I think a large # of the people on this forum should probably be shaving. Well, if not shaving at least buzzing it down very short.

A lot of what is considered attractive is simply society. Everyone says black guys look so good shaved, and yea it's true, but why is that? Probably due to so many black athletes shaving their heads. If a white guy shaves his head what does he say. He looks too much like a criminal or skinhead. See it's the stigma. If more everyday people shaved there head then it'd change.


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It has a lot to do with something we call symmetry.

That is all beauty is really. A balanced, well proportioned face :)

If you have a symmetrical face pretty much any hairstyle will look good on you. If you do not you have to rely on your hair to help "shape" the face.

Ugly is ugly no matter how many people "wear" it :)

It seems that many black men have masculine athletic faces that wear the bald look good. Many white guys have funky shaped faces and look silly with a shaved head.

The shedder

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I agree with socks. If you have an oblong or large head with exaggerated facial features (big nose, lips, eyes) the shaved head look may not be for you. If you have a smaller head, smaller facial features any look you can pass off. I unfortunaltely fall in the middle of both, sh*t. :hairy:


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there are a lot of black guys that look like sh*t with a shaved head. but some people look bad anyway that a shaved head isn't much of a difference. people don't take that into account. it depends on the shape of the head and also how dark your head is. a darker head shaved can make it look better. i agree with one thing one of you said. as soon as my hairloss is noticible i'm shaving it.


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Yes, a shaved head will look different on different folks...I am lucky in that it works pretty well for me.

I am disappointed, to a degree in minoxidil, but also realistic, that if I had been willing to use propecia and spend more time/money, I *might* have had better results. But who really knows. I just gave it a shot since last fall just to see one more time before I settled in, to having to shave my head every day.

I guess it is fitting that this is my 100th post. I wish everyone the best, and I know that for many of you, a one, or all three of the "big three" will work, and provide cosmetically acceptable results. For the rest of you, I say if it hasn't worked in a year, start considering other options.

Most of all, be happy that you are alive and have your health !

The Gardener

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hopewas said:
there are a lot of black guys that look like sh*t with a shaved head. but some people look bad anyway that a shaved head isn't much of a difference. people don't take that into account. it depends on the shape of the head and also how dark your head is. a darker head shaved can make it look better. i agree with one thing one of you said. as soon as my hairloss is noticible i'm shaving it.

I agree with you on both points, hopewas.

Guys, just imagine Chris Rock with a shaved head. Enough said.

And I do think that shaved heads look better on men who have darker skin pigmentation. On us white boys, we tend to look more like cancer patients. Not good.


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Celtictigyr said:
After using rogaine faithfully for 9 months, and seeing some growth, but still having a thinning horseshoe on the crown, and not being willing to take propecia, I returned to what I had been doing for the two years prior to treatment-- Shaving my head bald !

I have advanced from Gillette, to the Mach 3 blade. Gives you the best shave. I am fortunate my brothers-in-baldness, that I have the "look" for going totally hairless like this.

I am used to it, as I have been doing it for the past three years off and on. I had let it grow out a few times this last year, to "test" the Rogaine usage. But I was disappointed. I am sure that with propecia, my results could have been better...well, perhaps...perhaps not.

I work out, stay fit, keep a strong, hard penis, and shave my head every day! If you can do the same, I suggest you do, there is basically NO stigma associated with it anymore, and I commonly see black AND white guys sporting the look, and it kinda (at least if you are athletic) makes you look like a badass.

does this mean you have stoped the minoxidil


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Actually a shaved head only looks good on a square faced individual,but will admit a tan will make it look better.


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you are correct about the no-stigma comment. this is the best time in the history of the western world to have a shaved head imo. it is in "style" to do. movie and sports stars do it all the time regarless of having male pattern baldness. if you shaved your head 50 years would get so many looks from everybody. nowadays, you still get couple looks...but nothing like in the past. if your white you will get asked if you are a skinhead though. that does get annoying after awhile.

i agree with getting a tan on the shaved head. but this can lead to skin cancer in the future so one must be careful. a good bronzer* or sunless tanning lotion can help. i have yet to find one i'm not allergic to though.

having "the look" is important too. its so interesting how working out makes the shaved look fit. being too skinny with a shaved head makes one look like an AIDS or cancer patient imo.

i prefer buzzing my head with the #1 attachment, but i may mach 3 it in the future.