My Reason For Giving Up The Hair Loss Fight.


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I have decided to quit Propecia.
This is in no way a blog about how Finasteride is a terrible drug - it actually thickened my hair.
I am currently in my 5th month of a shed, but that's not why i'm quitting. I've decided to quit because of the anxiety I have been experiencing during the shed. I understand the shed is a good thing and I totally believe my hair will grow back thinker, in fact I see regrowth on my temples now, but I am totally obsessed. I had to shave my own head last night because I literally couldn't stop looking at my hair in the mirror, or taking pictures with my phone, or reading reading this site over and over over! And what I realized last night was, is that even when my hair grows back, i'll have repeated shed and the same anxiety, the anxiety isn't caused by the hair loss, it's caused by the waiting for Propecia to work. Even if i can keep my hair for 10 years, in 10 years I will experience the same dreaded anxiety - 'has finasteride stopped working?" " will i suddenly go bald?" It's probably just better to accept it now at 31.
It's a shame though - I looked like an nw1 in May but after this shed I look pretty shitty.
Also I have to admit i'm a bit of a sex addict, and even though finasteride hasn't been that bad in terms of sides, I'd Love my 100% erections back - 80 just isn't cutting doing it for me lol

Anyway, I spent so f*****g long on this site, I wanted to leave something.

If anyone has any questions regarding my time on Finasteride, I am more than happy to fill them in. Sheds, dosages, etc

It's lunchtime here so i'm rushing.

Best of luck to everyone.


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I have decided to quit Propecia.
This is in no way a blog about how Finasteride is a terrible drug - it actually thickened my hair.
I am currently in my 5th month of a shed, but that's not why i'm quitting. I've decided to quit because of the anxiety I have been experiencing during the shed. I understand the shed is a good thing and I totally believe my hair will grow back thinker, in fact I see regrowth on my temples now, but I am totally obsessed. I had to shave my own head last night because I literally couldn't stop looking at my hair in the mirror, or taking pictures with my phone, or reading reading this site over and over over! And what I realized last night was, is that even when my hair grows back, i'll have repeated shed and the same anxiety, the anxiety isn't caused by the hair loss, it's caused by the waiting for Propecia to work. Even if i can keep my hair for 10 years, in 10 years I will experience the same dreaded anxiety - 'has finasteride stopped working?" " will i suddenly go bald?" It's probably just better to accept it now at 31.
It's a shame though - I looked like an nw1 in May but after this shed I look pretty shitty.
Also I have to admit i'm a bit of a sex addict, and even though finasteride hasn't been that bad in terms of sides, I'd Love my 100% erections back - 80 just isn't cutting doing it for me lol

Anyway, I spent so f*****g long on this site, I wanted to leave something.

If anyone has any questions regarding my time on Finasteride, I am more than happy to fill them in. Sheds, dosages, etc

It's lunchtime here so i'm rushing.

Best of luck to everyone.

I’m exactly like that now with my hairline, obsess that it’s getting worse some days, other days I think it’s getting better and it puts me in a good mood. Literally controls my happiness and I wanna f*****g die


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Why don't you try reducing the amount you take, slowly, over time and add other things? Don't just throw in the towel.
The goal is to slow it down, reverse it maybe, take time to deal with it, get used to it, on and on... I don't want to wake up bald next week. If I can get 10 more years, I'll take it.

Red October

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I have decided to quit Propecia.
This is in no way a blog about how Finasteride is a terrible drug - it actually thickened my hair.
I am currently in my 5th month of a shed, but that's not why i'm quitting. I've decided to quit because of the anxiety I have been experiencing during the shed. I understand the shed is a good thing and I totally believe my hair will grow back thinker, in fact I see regrowth on my temples now, but I am totally obsessed. I had to shave my own head last night because I literally couldn't stop looking at my hair in the mirror, or taking pictures with my phone, or reading reading this site over and over over! And what I realized last night was, is that even when my hair grows back, i'll have repeated shed and the same anxiety, the anxiety isn't caused by the hair loss, it's caused by the waiting for Propecia to work. Even if i can keep my hair for 10 years, in 10 years I will experience the same dreaded anxiety - 'has finasteride stopped working?" " will i suddenly go bald?" It's probably just better to accept it now at 31.
It's a shame though - I looked like an nw1 in May but after this shed I look pretty shitty.
Also I have to admit i'm a bit of a sex addict, and even though finasteride hasn't been that bad in terms of sides, I'd Love my 100% erections back - 80 just isn't cutting doing it for me lol

Anyway, I spent so f*****g long on this site, I wanted to leave something.

If anyone has any questions regarding my time on Finasteride, I am more than happy to fill them in. Sheds, dosages, etc

It's lunchtime here so i'm rushing.

Best of luck to everyone.

Feel your pain man. Some days my hair looks okay (relative to having lost a lot of hairline and density!) and other days it looks awful and is difficult to style in any kind of decent way. I agree with the post by @Oscar66 . Try reducing the finasteride dosage. Maybe you won't get so many sides. You've already shaved your head so have nothing to lose by continuing treatment. Keep it short (if not completely shaved) and see how it goes. Would be a shame to quit if you could see an improvement in a few months. Maybe you'll turn the corner and think that you're glad you stuck with it. The effect of having success is intoxicating. Look at those users who've had huge success. They've regained their confidence. Maybe you will have anxiety about losing it but maybe not. Keep fighting. My attitude is to give it another year. At the end of the year re-assess and see if it's worth continuing. Have you tried minoxidil and derma-rolling?

Red October

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Why don't you try reducing the amount you take, slowly, over time and add other things? Don't just throw in the towel.
The goal is to slow it down, reverse it maybe, take time to deal with it, get used to it, on and on... I don't want to wake up bald next week. If I can get 10 more years, I'll take it.
Exactly. Not many men have full heads after 35-40. Any time you can buy is worth it. Stave it off as long as you can. My goal was to keep some hair until 40. Now I'm over forty and it's getting pretty bad but I'm hoping to keep some till I'm 45 and see from there.


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I’m exactly like that now with my hairline, obsess that it’s getting worse some days, other days I think it’s getting better and it puts me in a good mood. Literally controls my happiness and I wanna f*****g die

I know the feeling. Hair is always on mind at all times of the day. It doesn't always bring me down, but the thoughts are literally always there. It's maddening.


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So quitting turned into taking a week off. I've decided to continue at 0.25 every three days. My reason for this is because I had thickening in the first 5 months. During this time I was on 0.25 EOD for the first month and 0.25 ED for 4 months - I experienced lower libido and ball ache in the first month but it went away. no biggie.
On May 28th I upped my dose to 0.50 - a week later my shed started. My libido also skyrocketed. The shed was bad, but I had to reduce the meds because of my intense sex drive. I dropped back to 0.25 ED and my libido calmed down within the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately my libido dropped the following month - I could have sex but my erections were not solid. annoying. This continued for 3 months(at least) picked up a bit in month 5 of my shed. I never noticed the watery semen much.
The shed didn't stop and continued for 5+ months, until my break.
The shed had a definite pattern. temples and top of my head for the first 2 months, moving towards the side burns. months 3 and 4 started on the crown, and now the back of my head. I was a diffuse nw1. Possibly moved back to 1.5. in the temples. The main hit was the overall density. 40% coverage I'd say.

@Red October @Oscar66 Solid advice guys.
I don't want to use minoxidil, but thanks anyways. Dermarolling is something I would like to try in the future.

@scaredaf Don't stop like I did. I wasn't thinking straight last week. Cut your hair and keep taking your pill.

I know these sheds are horrible, but lets try and hang in there. Keeping my hair long worked best in fact, but buzzed is doing the trick too. I'm not staring in mirrors for hours like last week lol

Are you all on 1mg? How long have you been shedding? - if you are, are you a diffuse thinner?

At this point i'll see where 0.25 every three days gets me. I read about success on these forums with this dosage. I'm prepared to go back up to taking 0.25 EOD and even ED again as I know this once worked. I don't really want to go higher because 0.50 just felt too strong for my body.
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1 MG. I always go on a 4 month cycle it seems of shed, then solid (as can be expected) thickening again. Then every 6 months or so I go on half a pill for a few months to help with "shrinkage" and weak orgasm.
I usually recover on both fronts (the effect of being on finasteride and the effect of being off).
Diffused thinner.
Have you added anything to your routine?


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I've been using Nizoral for years now. I was too scared to start finasteride when I first noticed my hair loss, but nizoral alone count't hurt, even if it didn't help. I'm using T-gel instead now, but only for the last month or so. Not that coal tar sh*t, the one for greasy hair. However when I had success with finasteride I was using Nizoral. I was also necking Braggs apple cider vinegar and my diet was CLEAN. I even diluted the ACV and sprayed it on my then buzzed head lol gave up after month or so though. I'm sure that didn't contribute much to my success but defiantly didn't hurt.
I bought some MSM this week and my multivitamin contains biotin 50% RDA. I'm sure they don't do f*** all male pattern baldness but at least they'll grow hair quicker - great for post sheds(I guess).
Zinc is something else I've taken every night with my finasteride. Helps me sleep too.
By the way, I switched from nizoral to T-gel because I'm sure it began to dry out my scalp.

Repeated sheds would be pretty sh*t, but that seems to be the diffuse way.
Did the individual hair strands grow back thicker, thinner or the same?

When you say "shrinkage" do you mean less pump, or.....?

How long have you been on Finasteride?
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1 MG. I always go on a 4 month cycle it seems of shed, then solid (as can be expected) thickening again. Then every 6 months or so I go on half a pill for a few months to help with "shrinkage" and weak orgasm.
I usually recover on both fronts (the effect of being on finasteride and the effect of being off).
Diffused thinner.
Have you added anything to your routine?

what sort of shrinkage are you talking about?


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I started on 0.25 EOD for a month. I experienced the usual ball ache and lower sex drive for about 3 weeks. After a month increased to 0.25 ED. I experienced zero sides and my hair thickened in the next 4 months a this dose. I pretty much forgot I was on finasteride.
On the 5th month I Increased to 0.50 and my libido went way too high. I actually damaged my banjo string on this dose. I also began to shed a week in. After a month I reduced back to 0.25 ED and my libido was up and down for 5 months, but mainly down.
After a week off and 2 doses of 0.25 every three days, my c*** is hard enough.

I's say for me, a dose as low as 0.25 EOD made my my erections weaker at first, but I see that as a good thing. I eventually adjusted and had rock hard erections and hair thickening. It was a great 4 months lol. I'm now testing to see if I get the same results with every three days. I think 0.50 fucked me up. I'm trying to restart. I personally wont go higher than 0.25 ED. I believe it will work.
Your body is different mate. Take notes and don't be afraid to make adjustments.