My recommendation to all those losing your hair


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Shave your head with a razor.

Just do it, (whats left) will grow back anyway. Do it just to see what it will look like if and when you do go bald eventually.

I did it a few nights ago just to imagine what ill be in store for if the day comes when i lose the battle, and guess what- its not even that bad. I can live with it. Its not like having cancer or being blown up on the streets of baghdad.

It doesnt even look that bad, a part of me even likes it a bit and ive had at least 4 people tell me that it actually suits me!

Ill continue with my regimen of avodart and minoxidil, if it works then great, if it doesnt so be it ill accept my fate knowing that i attempted some treatments.

Just shave your head with a razor and see if you can live with it, it will give you a chance to see what might be in store and you'll realize thats its not really that bad after all!

Best wishes to all hairloss battlers.


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That is a slight contradiction. To fight the battle, you don't just give up your weapons, even if they aren't totally effective yet.


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im not suggesting giving up your weapons

im suggesting shaveing your head to get a glimpse of what you will look like come the day you lose the battle (if the treatments are ineffective)

shaving your head while you still have hair that can grow back will make you realize that being bald isnt really that bad after all. :)


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plus ive always found that the hair grows back a lot healthier after you give it a razor shave. no idea why.


powersam said:
plus ive always found that the hair grows back a lot healthier after you give it a razor shave. no idea why.

myth. urban legend. whatever you want to call it- just dead wrong.


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The only reason it would appear to grow back thicker and healthy is because:

----1. Since your actually cutting it right near the scalp, where you cut is thicker then the ends of the hair you have when it's longer.

----2. The hair that starts to grow, or the small amount still there that mixes with the new hair looks a lot healthier because they haven't been exposed to wind, sun, hats, crap shampoo, everyday life etc. Longer hair always looks less healthy because it's been on you for 6 months > 2 years. New hair is always fresh.

So yes. It does LOOK and FEEL healthier and thicker, but genetically it's still the same. However, society demands the appearance of beauty, not the genetics of it per se. So if it looks and feels better when you shave, then all for you if you like the look!

Okay. I don't think shaving is a one stop wonder to everybodies problems. Bad looking people generally look worse with a buzzcut and short hair. However, you don't know until you try. More people have weird head shapes then average joe realises, because even one inch of hair is an awesome cover up. However again, you don't know until you try.

I plan on trying. Sometime. But i'm nervous. And it won't be a solution. It'll be something that, if looks alright, will let me get my mind off my hair and allow it to transcend to places where it'll make more use.

Hope for something new and better to come is really all that we can hold on too for a permanent solution to hairloss.


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aussieavodart said:
im not suggesting giving up your weapons

im suggesting shaveing your head to get a glimpse of what you will look like come the day you lose the battle (if the treatments are ineffective)

shaving your head while you still have hair that can grow back will make you realize that being bald isnt really that bad after all. :)

Even if it is bad, it still helps you to realize that life without hair is nowhere near as bad as you were worried it would be.


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Shaved or not shaved the only truth is that the damage is done and you cant do anything to repair it.


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I did it for 3 years long.

Now I let it grow and wear a decent haircut with temples. I don't have a full head of hair, but I look younger with hair.

But that is a good advice. Most guys have NO BALLS to shave their heads.

And a big mistake I have seen most people in think forum makes, is confusing shaving your head with buzzing it down. I am not a native english speaker and my english is pretty basic, but I can't believe most of the us native anglo-saxon boys in this forum think that Shaving your head with a razor equals to buzzing it down. Is not the same.

I know I will look not so bad in 15 years when I will have no chance but to shave my head.

That's why I think most people with transplants fucked their life forever. Because they will have no chance to shave their head in future. And It's impossible to avoid going bald. They will finish losing their hair one day and they will look like PHREAKS in 20 years, because they will have no chance to shave their heads and they will have hair in some parts of their head and in other parts, big bald craters.

They are happy today, but I want to see them in 20 years. The donor area don't last forever. The donor area is like a Non-renewable natural resource. Use common sense and you won't fall in a hairtransplant. Specially if you are under 40.

Yeah I know they have hope of HM. But you can't f*** your life because of HOPE.



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shaving mine head, it is the only work in which i m consistant.for past four years i had saved my head 11 times in the lure that they will grow more thick and healthy,but all went in vain when i saw thin and dull hairs.
but i have a positive side also that is now i m comfortable with myself and me and my frs. became used to this look.
shaving doesnot means putting down weapons it is just a preparation for the war ground.
never forget "A certain degree of preparation for war...affords also the best security for the continuance of peace."