My Regimen dilemma.


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I've been on Proscar for 2 months now, just started nizoral, and my Tricomin is in the mail. Right now I haven't had any signs really the Proscar has had any effect, i shaked 30 + hairs into the sink last night, and my overall hair quality is decreasing. I know it's early, so i'm not freaking out just yet.

However, my dilemma is now whether to add spironolactone. There's plus and minus's to using or not using. If I do use I might start maintaining and possibly regrowing earlier than if I waited until say month 8 to see how well the Proscar kicks in. However, a lot of people seem to find the finasteride works for them only till around the 3 year mark. I must say, that kinda sucks. You go 1 year just to see your best results, then 2 years later your back where you started. So anyways, it might make more sense to hold off on the spironolactone as a fall back plan.

What do you think?


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Your hair is meant to get worse before it gets better. Sad but true. Just stick to your regimen as it is and don't freak out.

I don't know where you get the idea that finasteride only works up to the three-year mark for most people. Don't get facts like that from forums like this. People who post here are people who have problems stabilizing their hairloss and not the people who respond well and get on with their lives. Instead look at the "correct" propecia study that showed propecia to be effective beyond the 5 year mark.

I am, like you often freaking out and thinking: "sh*t maybe I should just ad this topical and eat this plant and my results will be more secured and I'll have a better chance" - but I started to see all of the other options out there as fall back plans in case finasteride doesn't work out for me.

Just chill dude - everything will be cool!
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I too am curious whether spironolactone would be a good combination with finasteride. I see most people using it with minoxidil. I know both are DHT inhibitors but would there be benefits to using both?


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I had the same problem with shedding on Propecia. Propecia did reduce my shed by 1/2 but it didnt stop it.

After adding Nizoral 2% and zix w/ azelaic acid my shed did 100% stop.

For a month now my hair is as strong as it was when I was 19 with no abnormal fall out. I no longer get any hair in my comb after washing and even when I tug on my hair fairly hard with my index finger and thumb I get no hair.

I would suggest you try a DHT topical and give the Nizoral some time to work. Make sure you use it at least twice a week and leave it on for 5-10mins before washing it off.

I get best results when I first wash my hair with some regular shampoo then apply the Nizoral for 10 or so minutes.



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Dr. Lee believes that minoxidil is ESSENTIAL in any hair-keeping regimen, whether using it in conjuction with spironolactone, az. acid, finasteride, Nizoral, etc. Check out my new post where I emailed Dr. Lee questions regarding minoxidil.


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Leirro30 said:
Dr. Lee believes that minoxidil is ESSENTIAL in any hair-keeping regimen, whether using it in conjuction with spironolactone, az. acid, finasteride, Nizoral, etc. Check out my new post where I emailed Dr. Lee questions regarding minoxidil.

Dr. Lee also sells minoxidil so of course he'd say minoxidil is the greatest thing since sliced bread.



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True, drinkrum (cool name by the way). However, minoxidil can be purchased at several outlets for much cheaper than what Dr. Lee sells it for. He never said that HIS minoxidil was essential, just that minoxidil was essential. He never specified a certain brand. Minoxidil's been around a long time and more physicians than just Dr. Lee highly recommend it.

I see no point in your post that his recommending minoxidil as a component of any hair loss regimen is for his personal gain.


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the reason i'm not trying minoxidil is simple. I'm 23, this is a long distance race not a sprint. minoxidil seems to have a very short life span. Yeah, every once in a while some guy on here will say his helped for 7 years, but most are much shorter. I still have a good head of hair. A lot of users have posted on here how their hair shed and never recovered from minoxidil. I can't risk that. Also minoxidil has the highest upkeep of all the topicals it seems. spironolactone you can use once a day and it dries fast. minoxidil is twice a day and takes a while to dry, and you have to wear it during the day(if ur doin it twice)

btw, I was amazed at the # of people on another forum were saying 3 years is how long propecia lasted. More people should look at's frightening.


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Whammy said:
btw, I was amazed at the # of people on another forum were saying 3 years is how long propecia lasted. More people should look at's frightening.

propecia works longer than 3 years: I think these guys had some regrowth with propecia which is lost by time. fact is that most users has more hairs after 5 years than before treatment.


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Whammy said:
btw, I was amazed at the # of people on another forum were saying 3 years is how long propecia lasted. More people should look at's frightening.

And not a single one of them have obviously read a study on it....

Besides, how many of them have been on it for three years?


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Whammy said:
the reason i'm not trying minoxidil is simple. I'm 23, this is a long distance race not a sprint. minoxidil seems to have a very short life span. Yeah, every once in a while some guy on here will say his helped for 7 years, but most are much shorter. I still have a good head of hair. A lot of users have posted on here how their hair shed and never recovered from minoxidil. I can't risk that. Also minoxidil has the highest upkeep of all the topicals it seems. spironolactone you can use once a day and it dries fast. minoxidil is twice a day and takes a while to dry, and you have to wear it during the day(if ur doin it twice)

btw, I was amazed at the # of people on another forum were saying 3 years is how long propecia lasted. More people should look at's frightening.

i using minoxidil as 12 years and finasterida as 5/6 years and still works for me.
i am in better moment of my treatment

The shedder

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You should use finasteride first and wait for it to lose its effectiveness and use spironolactone next, or vice versa.