My response to rogaine


New Member
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I am 23 years old, been thinning since late teens, noticeably by 20.

I started using rogaine 2% for about 6 1/2 weeks on the front of my head and on the vertex.

I noticed vellus hairs grew to cover the front of my hairline and the temples VERY quickly, by the end of the first couple of weeks. I assume the same is happening on the vertex, but I cannot tell for sure. It has not changed in the end.

I was very excited about this, but I have not experienced any shedding since starting the treatment, does this mean that the treatment is not going to work past the vellus hairs that already grew?

I know it's way too early to worry about it not working.

How long does it take for the vellus hairs to end their life and be replaced by new hairs?


Experienced Member
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Sorry no time to answer your questions in any depth (maybe tomorrow) but before the temazepam and alcohol combo I have just taken kicks in, I would just ike to point out that any gains made with minoxidil (rogaine) will be temporary (prehaps as little as two years) without addressing the DHT issue, either through a topical inhibitor like Spironolactone or Propecia (finasteride).

some graphs for you.

Graph is around 600k, folk on dial up will have to wait 1-2 minutes for it to start aninimating.

This graph is plotted from actual trial data.


Hair weight increases are represented by an increase in plot line thickness, these percentage changes have been doubled throughout this graph as a change from 100% to 124% (in the case of 2% minoxidil at 96 weeks) was just too subtle as to carry any meaning, so the 24% increased hair weight for 2% minoxidil @ week 96 is represented by a 48% thicker plot line.

The shape given to the evolving plot lines is pure conjecture, I have just smoothed out (using weighted splines) the linear plots generated by the known data points (the small circles), also the start point is ramped in by an arbitrary amount.

Simplified minoxidil/finasteride efficacy graph. based on input from some of the more well infomed posters here on

Ignore the values, this graph is just the relationship between medications, take no actual value readings from it
