My RU58841 thread


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Still allot of interest in this product and rightly so...i thought i would post some of my thoughts.

I've tried propecia etc with fairly promising results, but the side effects were enormous. So then i tried immortals top 3/4 or whatever it was a couple of years ago. Again, i had quite good results but the side effects were too great. It's a fact that DHT is an important hormone, responsible for many male characteristics including sex drive and getting an erection. If anything I want MORE DHT in my bloodstream - yes more!!!!

It's my opinion that male pattern baldness is caused by sensitivity to androgens, not excessive androgens, but a sensitivity. It's not anyone’s fault, it's just your genetics. Some people have such a high sensitivity to these androgens, (like the guys who are slick bald by 25) that only a tiny amount of androgens within the scalp is enough, which is why some people just don't get results from anything.

I also think that although DHT is maybe 80% of the problem, testosterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone, Androstenedione etc also play a part. Having a good diet, low stress levels, healthy body won’t help you at all, but a highly stressed un healthy individual might make things worse. Mites do not cause Hairloss.

So I was looking for an antiandrogen that doesn’t get systematically absorbed. That rules out spironolactone! RU was my answer, or at least I hoped it was.

I bought about 6 months worth and noticed an improvement within 4 or 5 months, hair density improved, less fallout and slight regrowth on the temples. And with no side affects what so ever.

I lost my job and so couldn’t afford another batch, within 2 months things started to drop off again, now 6 months later I’m worse than ever. You know the burn, the tingle, the itch; it’s all back now.

Now with money it’s time to get going on the RU again. It can be bought fairly easily from faith eagle, just email owense – transfer via western union is pretty simple.

A new batch is being made on the 15th of Jan so there’s still time to get a fresh batch. I will try and go for a 5% solution although I’m sure it might actually be 3-4% in real life. I’m going to mix 70 % ethanol with 20% glycerin and 10% water.
It’s best to mix small quantities at a time, so I will use 1 gram of RU and mix 14 ml of ethanol, 4ml of glycerin and 2 ml of water. That will last me 20 days or more like 25 as some days I forget. So a 10-gram supply will last approx 200 days. It only cost me 200 pounds so it’s a pound a day – not too bad. I could probably mix a 3% solution to save more money – but all the positive trials used 5%.

I’m using glycerin instead of PPG because my skin can’t stand PPG. Using limpsomal topicals might be something I’ll try, but for now this mixture actually adds volume to my hair if I blow-dry it in the morning.

Anyone wanting to dump it in a lipsomal topical I would use this

It is a hassle to storing the powder in small bags in the freezer, mixing it up etc, but it’s worth it.

For Uk people I have found a good source of glycerin and ethanol.

Ethanol : ... goryid=304

Glycerin: ... dZViewItem

For anybody wondering why it isn’t being marketed if it’s that good, a Scottish company have completed phase II trials

over and out


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ahah :whistle:


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kite_boy said:
So I was looking for an antiandrogen that doesn’t get systematically absorbed. That rules out spironolactone!

WRONG. Topical spironolactone doesn't get systemically absorbed. The only disappointing thing about it is that it's not as effective an antiandrogen as RU58841.


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Bryan said:
WRONG. Topical spironolactone doesn't get systemically absorbed. The only disappointing thing about it is that it's not as effective an antiandrogen as RU58841.

ok, i didn't know that


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I really like to give a try to RU but i'm not sure if liposomal RU will not get systemically absorbed.

BTW how save is to have RU and spironolactone in your regime?


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Sahar said:
Thanks for the lovely infomercial, Owense.

he is not Owense. Just look on my website and double check that the email addresses for Owense match.

This thread is not spam. There is a company called Faith Eagle which does make the RU used in those monkey trials. I have not seen human trials, and preservation info is limited. This is experimental, but could be very good for stopping hairloss.


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So the chinese got to you too, CCS...

Ok ok, maybe i made an unfounded accusation - You have to admit his story sounds fabricated.


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Sahar said:
So the chinese got to you too, CCS...

Ok ok, maybe i made an unfounded accusation - You have to admit his story sounds fabricated.

yeah sorry i sounded like a scammer, no pleasing some people!


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I don't think so, sounds reasonable to me.

I wish someone would just make up some RU and sell it. I don't care if it's illegal. I’d pay for the convenience.


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kite_boy said:
Still allot of interest in this product and rightly so...i thought i would post some of my thoughts.

I've tried propecia etc with fairly promising results, but the side effects were enormous. So then i tried immortals top 3/4 or whatever it was a couple of years ago. Again, i had quite good results but the side effects were too great. It's a fact that DHT is an important hormone, responsible for many male characteristics including sex drive and getting an erection. If anything I want MORE DHT in my bloodstream - yes more!!!!

It's my opinion that male pattern baldness is caused by sensitivity to androgens, not excessive androgens, but a sensitivity. It's not anyone’s fault, it's just your genetics. Some people have such a high sensitivity to these androgens, (like the guys who are slick bald by 25) that only a tiny amount of androgens within the scalp is enough, which is why some people just don't get results from anything.

I also think that although DHT is maybe 80% of the problem, testosterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone, Androstenedione etc also play a part. Having a good diet, low stress levels, healthy body won’t help you at all, but a highly stressed un healthy individual might make things worse. Mites do not cause Hairloss.


I have to agree with you on the affects of finasteride. I've had less energy, a slight fog in my head, and slightly less zest for life since taking finasteride. So I'm looking to eventually get off of finasteride. If I can make RU work that would do it for me.

My main concern about RU is I've read on this forum and other forums that RU is extremely sensitive and can go bad if not in the perfect conditions.

In your experience does the time that goes by before finishing a batch lessen the strength of RU or is it just a matter of storing it properly? Also, how does Faith Eagle stop RU from going bad in the shipment process? Especially in the summer when its going to be in hot trucks during shipment.


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Just received my RU. The payment was easy, it came quickly without hassle. Have mixed up one gram and put the other 9 grams in 9 tiny bags all sealed up in the freezer.

Will post 1 month updates


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maybe just apply it to one side of your head till you see a difference