My Situation - should I bother with treatment?


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I am 27, loss started when I was 19 and a half and the vamajority of loss I have occurred in between age 19 - 20. I would describe the loss, which is at the temples, as diffuse. I pretty much kept what I had, but over the last year it has thinned some more. I can now see where I will receed to, which will take me to a NW1.5.

I am thinking of beginning treatmnet but I am worried that, as my problem is not too bad, that my meddling will mean that I will end up losing more than I otherwise have done, despite an initial improvement.

Should my attitude be that the sooner I start to do something, the more likely I am to keep more hair for longer?

ps my treatment of choice would be prescription proxiphen.

The Rock

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If I was you I would go on propecia, and with all treatments the sooner the better.....since it is a slow process you said propecia can odds are halt it for you....propecia will def not make you lose more it is your best bet.


Senior Member
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Ask any poster when they wished they started treatment and they will state when they started to notice they were balding. Chances are your hair will only continue to bald further. Proxiphen has some good science behind and i would be interested to see how it works for you. If you go ahead keep us informed.


Established Member
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I agree. I could've been NW1.5 with incredibly thick hair by now if I had started my treatment earlier, instead of a heavily diffuse NW2v.