My Situation...


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So I have browsed this board for the past 9 months, beginning when I first noticed some recession on one of my temples. After reading some of the material, I decided to try 5% minoxidil and used it twice a day for the first 3 months (temples only). After 3 months, the minoxidil reacted strongly with my scalp and caused all kinds of itchiness and flaking DESPITE using Tgel. I cut the regiment down to once a day, and the situation has become more managable.

Recently, I have begun to notice (and this is where I am uncertain) more scalp showing when I look in the mirror. This off the surface would indicate diffuse thinning. However, I feel like my shedding has been constant (10 hairs on the pillow, 10 in the shower, 10 when I comb) and the hairs that I shed are generally of the same thickness over the past months.

I have taken pictures regularly, but you really can't tell when it comes to thinning because my hair is longer now than it was then. I am considering going to a dermatologist next week, but just wanted some preliminary opinions. Thanks.


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I would say a dermatologist appointement is the correct choice.