My SMP Results with Vinci Hair Clinic


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Hi folks, this is my results from the Micro Scalp Pigmentation treatment i had done,
Ill Attach some photos below, It was done at Vinci Hair Clinic in Glasgow, Scotland.

the treatment took around the 4 hour mark and was done by Jade Merrick,
The staff there were extremely friendly and made me feel really welcome.

If anyone has been thinking of getting msp done, i would definitely recommend vinci hair clinic

pics are below,
they were after my 1st session of 3 sessions



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Senior Member
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Your pics are remarkable. What is the 'life expectancy' of your SMP and can everyone expect the same caliber outcome as your results? Thanx for that.


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It's not permanent blue ink they are using?


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I hope it doesn't turn to **** like other SMP patients I've seen.
Looks alright perhaps abit too straight.....kinda unnatural.

Though....not forgetting the fact you have maintain the whole shaven look or you'd look like a freak lmao.
I don't know SMP is good and all, bahhh...
I had this whole idea or getting SMP and a thin hair transplant, so it could actually appear and actually feel like you have hair which I'd say is a massive confidence booster

If anyone ever touched your hair....


Senior Member
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Yes it's a nauseating non-stop hang over for guys like us. Every promising solution/alternative pans out to be yet another after midnight double shot at the tavern of 'Last Call For Reality'. The house brand bull**** goes down smooth at first and for round after round and so on we carelessly feed the buzz, but still again, it's the mourning after when we are forced to contend with our desperation and the horrendously raw and oppressive memory that no pill or trick is ever going to fix our predicament. This mentality has figuratively caused me to become the sloppy drunk at the local dive the "academia" used to laugh at and never wanted to be seen sitting close beside. Even a small ingested amount of alcohol would usually set him off. After that he's unapologetically disruptive and eventually earns the reputation as another washed out thread derailer. Warmest apologies gentlemen for my successful derailing. Now back to SMP..,:)


Established Member
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how much did it cost?

Depends on who does it... but generally SMP's go from $1,500 to $3,500.

I hope it doesn't turn to **** like other SMP patients I've seen.
Looks alright perhaps abit too straight.....kinda unnatural.

Though....not forgetting the fact you have maintain the whole shaven look or you'd look like a freak lmao.
I don't know SMP is good and all, bahhh...
I had this whole idea or getting SMP and a thin hair transplant, so it could actually appear and actually feel like you have hair which I'd say is a massive confidence booster

If anyone ever touched your hair....

This is a much better solution than rubbing minoxidil in your thin scalp and taking pills that screw with your testosterone and give you gyno.

When you get an SMP, you shave every other day and get on with your life.

I doubt you've seen other botched SMP's from reputable SMP clinics, otherwise we'd see it all over the internet.

Anyway, this guy's results are pretty awesome. He went from someone looking like in their mid-40's to someone in their 30's.


Established Member
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Good result. I would like to see more results of people further down the line though. That would make me consider SMP

Captain Hook

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He developed Gynecomastia from anti depressants IIRC.

Thanks for clearing that up, to be fair the post said something like "I cannot take finasteride due to issues with gynaecomastia in the past" so I wasn't 100% sure as it was a bit ambiguous.


Established Member
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Really? There is loads of people on complaining about gyno. I know one guy from Brazil who complained over the Skype about it.

I've never taken a serious look at propeciahelp, so that may be why I've never seen people who have developed Gynecomastia from Finasteride.

Like that's my biggest fear from finasteride.

I wouldn't worry about it. Gynecomastia is a very rare side effect on Finasteride, and you can always discontinue use if you start to develop it.


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I recently got SMP done at the Vinci Hair Clinic as well
3 sessions
although my hairloss isn't as bad as some peoples on this forum, my large forehead + large head in general with receding hairline and pretty damn severe diffuse thinning all over the top made me do it. I had been shaving my head every few days for the last year and a half and was interested in ways of bringing my hairline down which were affordable.
I'm still thinking about getting a hair transplant down the track, but currently it looks amazing. Ive been wearing a hat everywehre for the last 2 years and still feel uncomfortable not wearing one, but after my last session last Wednesday, just the frame makes it look so much better, and no one bats an eyelid! incredible haha

things to note
- depending on norwood level youll realistically need 3-4 sessions
- my first two sessions were 5 hours long while the last was only 2 hours, and I'm going back in a month to see if I need any checkups
- Obviously you have to shave your head down, I thought I could leave a bit of stubble and you can but you should still shave it daily
- In terms of pain, doesn't hurt that much especially if you've had a tattoo/piercings done before like I have its not too bad, although some parts (around the temple points) do ****ing hurt
- Just gotta apply suncreen and moisturize daily
- Apparently lasts 3-5 years before touch ups? The guy who runs the Vinci Clinic where I'm from has had it for 3 years and it looks really good still
- It does not look noticeably different from a proper shaven head. I am currently living with my younger cousin and her parents (due to some issues), and they didn't notice anything! ridiculous
- actually does give you alot more confidence.. if you already shaving your head down trust me it'll make you feel so much better. If you still grow your hair out, this is not for you

i was worried but its s0 damn g00d.
moneyworth spending . I know people are like but I WANT REAL HAIR!! yeah well go spend 5-15k on a hair transplant then.
this is for people who are nw3.5+ imo and already shaving them head down already. I just did it because I didn't wnat to have to worry about hair anymore.

my 2 cents


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i would agree that SMP is for people past a certain norwood ...4? im a norwood 6 so this is really the only long term option for me. Ive heard good things about Vinci. Im meeting with Matt Iulo in NYC and most likley Vinci although there schedule in NY is random.