My Story: Determination, mitigating circumstances and regret


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Hi everyone. I don't want this to be a long summation so I am going to try and keep it as brief as possible.

I'm a 44 year old man with definite male pattern baldness. I have been dealing with this since my late 20s when I first noticed some shedding and at that time I made a decision to confront the problem head (excuse the pun) on. Though I didn't get a medical diagnosis (primarily because I was embarrassed to admit out loud to someone that I had a problem), I managed to get a private prescription for finasteride and started on a fairly rigid regimen which lasted a couple of years. The initial bout of hair loss, mainly centred around the crown area followed a particularly stressful and traumatic period in my life and though I may have been taking the medication for it then, I don't think I was certain that it was male pattern baldness I was dealing with.

Suffice to say, a few years in, life got in the way and my priorities to maintain the treatment fell by the wayside. Since my hair loss has always been predominantly (though no solely) focussed at the crown it's been very easy to be in denial about it - or rather easier to bury my head in the sand.

8 years ago I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and since then the state of my health in that time has been up and down (I've been hospitalised twice). A few years ago my weight ballooned - mainly as a result of treatment for the condition which included steroids but over the last three years I've made an effort to get back to the great shape I was in before my diagnosis and I've achieved that. What I've seemingly forgotten about until now though is that nagging problem I have at the back of my head - my hair loss!

So I have a lot of regret. Had I stuck to the finasteride all these years, no doubt I would have maintained the hair I had in my 20s. It is so much worse now. I have thinning hair at the front too.

What I need is some advice and assistance from you lovely lot. I've consulted my doctor about it and in these socially distant times he has asked me to send him photographs of my scalp so that he can see about a potential referral to a dermatologist. He has also requested a string of blood tests - possibly to investigate as to whether the hair loss has been exacerbated by my medical condition - I'm making no excuses for it this time though - this is MPD.

I'd love some tips from you all about a potential regimen to follow (including shampoos and supplements). Photographs will be forthcoming.

Thanks in advance!


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As promised I have attached a photograph of my scalp. Recently had a buzz cut so as to attempt to "start from scratch".

I prize a full head of hair. I'm really not sure why I've sat on this problem.


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I'm absolutely ready for the first and open-minded about the later.

So what would you recommend?


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Anything else? Supplements? Shampoo regimen? Topical dutasteride?

Any advice would be much appreciated!


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You really can't go wrong with those 2. Anything else will have minimal benefits. Dermarolling I've heard works well with min but I never used it.


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If anyone else has anything to add, it would be much appreciated. I did have a question with regards to washing the scalp/hair with Nizoral and applying Minoxidil. I'm guessing these things cannot happen on the same days? When can you therefore wash your hair?


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Dermarolling I'm assuming is the same as microneedling? How often does it need to be done to be effective? Also is it only recommended on areas where hair is thinning?


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Also, clearly it's obvious from the picture that I'm greying - I have salt and pepper hair, though it is just about more pepper than salt at the moment. What's the advice with colouring hair and hair loss treatment?


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Any older users have anything to add? Would be interesting to hear your take.

I am considering purchasing the Derminator 2 for microneedling. I'm just wondering whether it might be an idea to cover the entire scalp area. The head of the stamp looks so small that I imagine it will take a significant amount of time.


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Also, clearly it's obvious from the picture that I'm greying - I have salt and pepper hair, though it is just about more pepper than salt at the moment. What's the advice with colouring hair and hair loss treatment?
There are hair dyes for graying but honestly I never thought graying was a big deal anyway.


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From my point of view, you can even try to do a surgery without drugs.
At 44, your male pattern baldness is not gonna be agressive as a male pattern baldness of a 20yo.


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From my point of view, you can even try to do a surgery without drugs.
At 44, your male pattern baldness is not gonna be agressive as a male pattern baldness of a 20yo.
Most likely true but no guarantees. But I think finasteride would work very well at maintaining if the progression is extremely slow.