
My Story Of Balding, Hairloss And Shedding


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I've been balding since I was 19 years old and I'm 21 now. Since 19 I also got an increase in dandruff specially on the forehead hairlane which has made it receed and thinned my hair, specially on my left side of the head. My dad and his dad are VERY bald, but however mom's family is full of head till old, so I am not sure if my condition is caused by skin problems or purely by genetics. I tried some plasma injecting but doesn't look really effective.
I've been really struggling with it since doctors say I'm too young for a hair transplant and my father tells me to avoid taking propecia at any cost because he became sterile and impotent because of its use (that's why I'm unique son).
Just wanted to share my story and tell you I've begun using coconut oil for my head and although I just started a week ago it has helped my dandruff problems dramatically and my hair fall has been very reduced. As it kinda gives you a very grease head I tend to do it by the weekend and whenever I have a less busy day on college. This has given me some hope and I encourage you to try it! Every individual is different and some may react in various ways, but I as a person that finds EVERY SINGLE shampoo useless (even expensive medical french dermathological ones) I have found this useful and I would be very pleased if this helped you at any point.


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My Regimen
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Post pics if you want us to assess your hair loss. Personally wouldn't take finasteride either if my dad suffered the side effects you claim. Did he take it for BPH and get these sides? Did his sides go away after he quit?


My Regimen
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Post pics if you want us to assess your hair loss. Personally wouldn't take finasteride either if my dad suffered the side effects you claim. Did he take it for BPH and get these sides? Did his sides go away after he quit?

He stopped taking it but it was too late (didn't recover at all). He stopped at mid 30's or 40 I'm not sure.