My story



September 20,2003
My hairdresser notices a bald patch oblong in size about the size of a quarter. She says I am not losing an unusual amount of hair, and not to worry, besides, it looks as if its growing back. She shows me in the mirror, and I see a spot next to it that looks like short hair, maybe I had a patch before and didn’t even know it, has it grown back? I did notice a lot of hair loss back in April-May, but and she did my hair in June, and the patch wasn’t there.

October 1, 2003
I go to the dermatologist. He says yes, it’s a patch of Alopecia Areata. I knew it was, it has recurred. He injects it with a steroid, and says to come see him in a month, not to worry, I am not going to lose my hair.

October 23, 2003
I go back to the derm, and have been now noticing excessive shedding. I also notice diffuse thinning now. The derm says its probably hereditary hair loss, I’m about that age, and that I don’t have “true†Alopecia Areata. But didn’t he say I did have AA a month ago when he shot it with the steroid? I don’t question him. He tells me that there is nothing I can do but take rogaine and biotin, that he will run some tests to make sure its not my iron or thyroid level.

October 27, 2003
Get the test results back, it shows that my thyroid is slightly underactvie. The derm tells me to make an appointment with the endocrinologist.

November 10, 2003
Go to the endocrinologist. She is positive about the situation and says I have mild Alopecia (hair loss). I ask if its due to my thyroid and she says probably. She gives me some thyroid medicine (4 months worth) and also a RX for an Estrogen. She tells me to crush up the tablets and put them in my shampoo, and that will help my hair come back, and help combat DHT. (a form of the male hormone that causes hair loss in hereditary hair loss, or hormonal hair loss) She tells me to go to the lab and get a few more blood tests done to check my levels again.

November 14, 2003
I go to my old derm, the one I saw back in ‘91 when I experienced my first and only other episode of AA. He tells me that what I have is Tellogen Effluvium, probably caused by a devastating event (I did almost drown on vacation back in September). This kind of hair loss is often seen post pregnancy. He said it will run its course and it will grow back. I ask if its AA and he says no. I ask if its hereditary hair loss, and he says I am too young for that. I ask if its cause of my thyroid being low, he said not unless it was extremely low. He gives me an RX for Zinc Sulfate and sends me on my way.

November 20, 2003
I am questioning my 3 diagnosis’. Each one contradicts the other. I have been taking all my meds plus a good multi vitamin. I am sending off a sample of my hair to a lab (not through my doctor) to find out if my hair has any signs of being affected by DHT (hereditary hairloss) or if it’s a healthy hair (could be AA, or Telogen Effluvium).


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from what I have seen of my own alopecia, I think areata appears to be circular in its state, and the diffuse one, all over. Having suffered both, I understand that you can suffer both simultaneously. So...don't discredit your doctors, but I think that sometimes in desperation, we ask and ask everybody - just looking for that magic cure. Believe me, hun, I've been there, and I am still there... :roll:

Let us know how you're getting on...

God Bless.


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I just want to say thank you for sharing your story! I am so fed up with this whole hair loss thing, but knowing that women are going thru the same frustrations as me helps me get thru it a lot easier, I wish I had come across this site 7 years ago.