My Temples are Gone


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I joined this discussion group today in an effort to try and connect with other people who are experiencing hair loss. I live in Munich, Germany, so we have different products here, but essentially things are the same, and hell what is FedEx for?

I have kind of thought my temples were receding for a while, but everytime I asked my family or friend they thought I was crazy until one day I saw a picture of myself from the side. It is crazy. How could I have been so dumb? The hairloss occurred VERY slowly over two years, so it kind of creeped up on me, rather than shedding all at once. Well, I am not sure what Norwood I am. I would say 1 or 2. But, it is VERY upsetting. I wake up in the morning thinging about it. I think it has got worse, but I am not sure how much is in my head.

I asked my doctor for a Rx for Propecia (actually Proscar divided into 4 pieces). She gave it to me no questions asked. I have been taking it for 2 weeks now and have noticed absolutely no side effects (thank God). If anything my sex drive has increased, but I think that is a side effect of a new girlfriend, not Propecia.

The waiting for it to kick in is terrible!!! Maybe I should take pictures to help measure my results more objectively.

So, my questions for you guys are the following.

-Do I have to use this Nozial 2% shampoo?

-Should I buy 5% Minoxidil to regrow the temples, or will Propecia do this on its own?

-Do I need to buy Rogaine Minoxidil 5% from Upjohn, or do you think a generic version from CVS or Walgreens will work the same?

I take an antibiotic for my acne (low dose). Will this affect my hair treatments in any way?

I am starting to lose hope.


Senior Member
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Just stick with the finasteride for a year. :) and if you like take some pics every three months. I don't think you should waste your money and time and get on minoxidil when finasteride might do it for you alone.